Hey Greg,

The boom system says to sell DAL right now. Any tips on how to best understand the boom system? Thanks.

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my question too

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Greg 2 important info 4 u 1. Donald Trump property tycoon Status is tie to stocks 2. Leave Las Vegas as soon as u can God will completely destroy the city of sin before his soon return to rule n reign for 1000yr. Checkout my youtbe "Singapore are you really a independent and a sovereign country" if info related to what's happening to the world right now is useful please share with your audience to wake them up philipghay77@gmail.com God Bless America

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Why are you rushing the Coming of Christ?! Let God, Father, decide! Nobody knows when Jesus will return, and the 1000 years reign on earth will start! Let's continue to live for GOD, and our Father will send Jesus when he thinks it's the time! We just be ready for the 2nd coming, and invest in the interim! :)

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Why DAL?

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Thanks Greg!

I started following you about when you recommended DIS, DAL, and MCD so have been waiting for those to come back for some time. Although, I have pulled some profits on WMT so will make a much-dserved contribution today!

One request, in case you do actually have time to read these comments...

Can you give us a little insight, when you recommend a trade, on what you expect the triggers/timing will be, or what your reasoning is for the trade?

Just a couple of sentences on your reasoning would really help to educate newbies like me, and maybe teach us to fish.

We love ya brother!

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That would be an excellent addition to have that information on why he picks what he does.

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Thanks Gregory.

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