Wishing you a safe trip Greg. Strange things are happening everywhere. Like you tell us to do watch your surroundings. I just read there is too much rainfall in the state of Fl and Louisiana . We will miss you very much. Take good care and much love.

Stack a lot of soup and crackers and water because you really may need it. Get out of the path of destruction and on dry land if possible. Stash enough funds to survive on and move if necessary. You haven’t seen anything yet. The s—t is already hitting the fan! It’s no longer gonna hit ,it’s hitting . Not trying to be negative but they’ve got more than one way to pop the RE bubble. As houses and entire cities come down people are having to survive in their hot vehicles until new sustainable housing that supposedly endure storms are built. I’ve never seen anything like this.

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I like guys and gals with a positive outlook.

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Janet “Screaming & Yellen “ does a mean Benny Hill imitation.

In reality, she’s just an Ashkenazi witch, who is steeped in paperhanging and counterfeiting.

She’s part of the revolving door between Goldman Sachs and the U.S Treasury. Can you spell conflict of interest? Yellen is the female fox watching the henhouse.

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Burn it down so we can rebuild With Out reserve monopoly. Murders Peds Liars Thieves Evil

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She’s ( yellow stain) is accountable to the central banks. And when she’s told to lie to the American people she does it with a straight face. Her and this administration orders are to lead the fools to their destruction. A economic disaster. All part of the central banks master plan.

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.... are you suggesting some kind of racketeering is taking place? Are the chips at the Casino made of clay or silver?

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Super important truth bomb video!

We are getting poisoned through such a diabolical agenda.

Such an incredible and powerful video filled with so much information, please pass it on to people. Everyone needs to know how dire our situation has become. Everything starts with awareness, so many people are completely in the dark.



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Welcome to Jerome's Magical Thunderpot Economy, where dollars are for cleaning up, and keeping commodity prices low for the industrial complex to build their spy satellites. All that sweet crude is going into hair care while the god of fortresses casts the magic spells for all the delusional psychological operations that keep paradise afloat.

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Buy gold and silver, gold and silver will sky rocket, silver is most under valued commodity in the planet, load up on gold and silver now cause they are on sale, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Yes I am a gold bug but I have been hearing this same shit now for over 10 years and gold and silver have not gone to the Moon....

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And King World News has been posting this crap now for over 10 years. Blah, blah, blah, blah....


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... it's a very small market - rigged for 170-years.

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Not going to happen

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The 4% that said the trust the fed are likely hasbara trolls. That means around 4% of the people in the community are hasbara spies and infiltrators.

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Where in New York? I love 2 invite you for lunch or dinner at one of my friends restaurant. Enjoy your time with family Gregory. Thank you!

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