Clear picture. They are holding everything up but the Dollar itself. As it falls taking the money buying everything it would need and our country will need in supplus. Preparing for when the dollar is gone. It will be bad once the the dollar hits 0. They will have to have food and supplies ready to give out. That's why the national guard is already actived. We are calling Milltary home. Once the dollar hits 0. They will need to Replace it with a dollar that is back by something with value already. That will be Gold, Silver, Platinum. I believe all metals. It will catapult the new dollar. If your dollars are in the current form are in a fdic account. We be covered by the FDIC insurance. Up to 250,000 and if you added more insurance the better. Remember banking is back insurance.

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Dump dollars buy silver/gold before they are worthless

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Anyone else get in on the WMT calls that expire end of day today? Holy (*&% I'm so excited for market open. Walmart up like $10 since open yesterday

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Any thoughts on GILD, folks? I might add to my position here.

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Thanks Greg, Good Morning LIONS, lets finish this week UP STRONG!!!

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