If you back a scared or wounded animal into a corner, it is going to defend itself. Many years ago I was involved in many protests and fights for our civil liberties. They used rubber bullets and bean bags to control the crowds. A rubber bullet hurts like hell when it hits you but does not result in fatalities. There is absolutely no reason why these "police forces" should be using live ammunition. It is our right to protest and it is our right to overthrow powers that want to harm us. They keep on pushing these agendas and blood will be spilled. There are patriots of freedom everywhere and militias keep growing in number.

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Yep they would literally have to fight me to get that shot into my arm. I'm a chick by the way :).

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God bless you, Melatron.

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Metatron, my typo above.

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The people were peacefully sitting there and they started using water cannons against them. Those bastards incited the violence. They want us to get violent so they can bring out the "Brown Shirts" and the "Storm Troopers" I wouldn't doubt that they had provocateurs to start throwing the rocks. I am going to our rally today in downtown Calgary. You can't stop the world you fucking pedophile satanists.

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There are more of us than than they let on. Raise hell!

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There sure is! The only way we can win this taking them to court. If everyone who walked in these marches put a notice of liability to these criminals it would be a start.

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"And we are not going to let it be taken away from us by a small group of radical left, Marxist maniacs."

Full passage:

"And to the devoted citizens all across our country, is so much greater than our opponents can even imagine. We are there. We have massive majorities and we’re much stronger than them, much stronger than them. We’re much stronger than they are, because unlike their agenda, our movement is not driven by the lust for control and domination of others. Our movement is driven by a love for America and an ironclad faith in the American people. I have that faith and you have that faith. We are not fighting for socialism, communism. We’re not fighting for servitude. We’re fighting for God, for country and we’re fighting for freedom. We know in our veins that our American inheritance was passed down to us by generations of patriots who gave everything they had, their sweat, their blood, and even their very lives to build America into the most powerful nation in the history of the world. And we are not going to let it be taken away from us by a small group of radical left, Marxist maniacs."

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By you complaining here it sounds to me like YOU got some issues. Hahahahahahahaaaa! 😃 🤣 How can you POSSIBLY be fighting for God when God is fighting against YOU? THE JUDGMENT OF GOD is upon America! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheeeeeeee! 👍 💯 😃 🤣

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Hello fellow Albertan :)

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Hey to you too! Yes, they were on horseback in riot gear all masked up. A big turnout for how cold it was. Hearing how Trudeau ran out of Edmonton with his 30 people crowd was a good one. Take care.

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𝟼𝟼𝟿 𝟸𝟻𝟾 𝟺𝟹𝟼𝟹📩

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The Cheka, NKVD, or Stasi would be far better comparisons because they were brutal secret police organizations of communist regimes. The Brown Shirts (Sturmabteilung or SA) had problems, and Hitler cleaned them up with The Night of The Long Knives. The Third Reich fought against communism. The enemy that has been destroying our freedoms with its agendas from the banking cabal is the current manifestation of communism, not National Socialism. You cannot fight an enemy that you cannot identify. That is why the enemy constantly promotes lies and confusion. Proper enemy identification is vital.

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God be with you and the other protestors, L Math. This is a MUST do, at this point. Please, if you would, post something after the protest so we know you're okay.

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Thank you Victoria. Just got home, it was amazing, great speakers. A few cops on horses with masks but they didn't do anything. Then we walked around major parts of the city. Very good. We are going to win this thing. We have Pastor Art in Calgary, it was a big hit in the states when he visited a few months ago. He was in Poland when the Solidarity movement took over and tore the government down. Anyways, thanks for your concern and do not give up hope. We have to fight them in the courts.

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Love Pastor Artur. Donated after his first arrest. Man of steal; man of God. Evil's ultimate formidable foe. Thank you for the update. WE WILL WIN. GOOD VS EVIL ALWAYS DOES.

Peace, Brother :)

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Glad you know him! Oh, yes I was walking beside him today. He has started a solidarity movement and has 21 demands for the government, so he had a big banner with guy holding it. We have also been trying to fire the judge that told him he couldn't speak. The worst thing you can do is tell that man he can't speak. We also had Chris Sky there today.

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LOVE LOVE LOVE Chris Sky. For a young man (comparitively) he's intellegent beyond his years and nearly prophetic. He appears on Alex Jones's channel but not often enough, IMO. Good company you're keeping. :) And, coincidentially, a day or two ago, I looked up Artur to see how he was doing because I hadn't heard/read anything on him for awhile. Even using duckduckgo.com there was NO recent news about him, at least where I'm located in New York. Goes to show you the media blackout that's been put in place. Will check again on those 21 demands. Would love to know and use same for here. Thanks L Math

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Nice to know you know these guys all the way from New York! Chris comes to Alberta a lot and of course Pastor Art lives here. If Alberta goes down, Canada goes down. We are going to fight!

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𝟼𝟼𝟿 𝟸𝟻𝟾 𝟺𝟹𝟼𝟹📩

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@Oscar you Dummy the sheep shagger. Baaaa! Baaaa! 🐏 🐏 🐑 🐑 How many sheep did you screw today?

Look at the Netherlands. In February 2022 the COVID-19 vaccine will be COMPULSORY FOR EVERYONE! Hahahahahahahaahaaaa! Oscar you should take your family and go to live there. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheeheheeeeee! 😄 😂 😃 🤣 🤣 🤣

Dutch police clash with anti-lockdown rioters - BBC News


It's funny watching your world come crashing down before my very eyes. I KNEW I would see this day...the day that you would DESTROY YOURSELVES! Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! 😍 😍 🤣

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I'm sure you'll go completely unscathed during the unraveling.

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THE JUDGMENT OF GOD is on YOU dummy, not me. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 😃

It's funny that you trump-voters are out there DYING LIKE FLIES from The Jab! Heheheheheheheeee! 👍 😃 THAT makes me HAPPY! 🥳 🥳 🤩 😝 😃

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Where do you learn that Trump supporters are "DYING LIKE FLIES from The Jab!"?

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To 'trumpHELL666' - Nevermind. Read further down this thread and you're def someone with whom a normal convo will never happen. I don't know what your issues are - specifically - but wow ........ issues you got up, down and sideways. May you find peace.

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When I check out the news it sems to me that YOU have issues up, down and sideways and you're trying to figure a way out of them, but you are NOT going to get out of them. THE JAB YOU WILL HAVE! Heheheheheheheheheheeeeee! 😃

You seem surprised that America's downfall is happening kind of....quickly huh? LOL

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Google it.

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What's sad is your not smart enough to know you are pond scum, well even lower than pond scum, you are what eats the poop of the pond scum. Turn off your computer and get a life. DUH!

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It's funny watching America perform GENOCIDE on you trump-voters with "The Jab"! Hahahahahhahahahahahaaaa! Even trump hates you and told you to get THE GENOCIDE JAB when he was at his Alabama rally. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa! 🤣 😈 🤩 😂 🤣

Watching you DUMB trump-voters DIE OFF is HILARIOUS! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 😈Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeee!!! 🤩 😂 🤣 🤣

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"...you're..." 😃

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The only way out of this global takeover is MASS NONCOMPLIANCE!

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You couldn't be more right and the solution couldn't be more simple. We dealing with an amalgamation of government and business. The latter only exist because of us. Mass non-compliance means NOT GIVING THEM OUR $$$.

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For context, I was born Dutch but was raised in Aruba then legally immigrated to the US with family becoming a US citizen about 10 years later. I have family in Holland still and am currently living in the free state of Florida. I love my Governor, Ron DeSantis.

I studied America history, before it was watered down. I took civics before it to was put aside. I can tell you the 3 branches of the US government and much more. I'm proud to be of America nationality in spite of the corrupt actors, BUSH SR & JR, CLINTON, OBAMA & OBVIOUSLY BIDEN. The nation needs a cleansing. There is no way around it. We need God fearing people in government & in our schools to reinstate a "God consciousness" that the Godless Leftist are determined to wipe out. No nation can last very long without a "God conscious" as we are learning today. America was born by a Christian people who wanted life, liberty & property to exist as opportunity for themselves that they did not have living under 2 tier Feudal systems of government. Their religion, Christianity, taught that we are free agents and government should be in the hands of the people to serve the people. Now those at the top want you to think giving up your individual sovereignty for Socialism, Marxism, Communism is better than the Republic has to offer. This is a lie.

I have tried to let my family know that these Covid vaccines are just an inroads to totalitarianism authority using medical tyranny. That the vaccines are actually part of a depopulation plan. That with each successive vaccine or jab the human immunity system will be taxed and eventually the bodies own healing process will be destroyed. My brother in Australia mocked my insight and tried to play my thoughts down. He is an atheist who always thought Australia was the way the world should go. I wonder what he thinks now. I wonder because I turned my back on my family because their thinking is not changeable. Those mother's who have children, thinking they were doing the right thing, it's hard for them to accept that they may have led their children to their death. So, I keep my opinions to myself. Since becoming a Christian almost 40 years ago I have learned that "a man is a prophet, except in his own family. Though my youngest sister came around 3 years ago. Praise God. But you can only lead a horse to water.

My cousin in Holland was at odds with me about my opinion on Covid, vaccines, lockdowns, etc. I wonder if she was at this protest in Rotterdam? I doubt it but I pray for her, for them all. God help us because the gods of this world are out to kill & destroy mankind. The vaccine is a bio-weapon & driven by greed & power to control the masses. Over the long term a genocide. They will continue to use fear to control. PCR tests to inflate infections and eventually concurrent vaccine kill shots will have done enough damage to the human bodies ability to effect immunity the genocidal process will become more obvious.

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Nice post, I typically avoid reading long posts but I relate to you so much

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Agree with you, totally. Everything you said is right on target, conclusions and all.

And, good to see you got this in "opportunity for themselves that they did not have living under 2 tier Feudal systems of government" because few people have realized this is what the globalists successful mission will look like to them.

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For anyone who wants Ivermectin this site has a lot of Pharmacies that sell it online, along with other useful info: https://covid19criticalcare.com/pharmacies/

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Finally, it’s down to lethal force. Neutralizing these psychopaths is the only way this is going to stop. Housecleaning bottom to top begins now.

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𝟼𝟼𝟿 𝟸𝟻𝟾 𝟺𝟹𝟼𝟹📩

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Anyone else noticing chemtrails in their area

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Yes, they chemtrailed the crap out of us here the other day. A beautiful day. Then rained like hell after 9pm. I notice usually rains after heavy chemtrailing. The trails were running cris cross. Btw, fjb

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Same here in central NYS. Criscross then it pours. We've had 4 consecutive washed out summers; very unusual/unlikey, IMO. Manipulting the weather to demoralize us AND also to lessen food production would be something totally in the realm of what these psychopaths would do. And, God only knows what else they've chemtrailed. These mad men have to be stopped BAMN.

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I'm also concerned on the contents of the spray

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I thought it quite unusual that for week after week this summer there was no rain showing on radar anywhere in the lower 48. That certainly was enough to warrant suspicion that the weather is being manipulated.

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I did not know this. VERY unusual. And I'll add ... It's mid-Nov and the rain's still coming, tho now intermixed with snow. AND ... the ground is so saturated that after each rain, the puddles in the fields, lawns and culverts take days to drain. DAYS!!! No one up here has seen it like this before.

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Yep, from one extreme to the other, and the enemy will blame it all on climate change/global warming instead of the things that they are doing to modify regional and local weather.

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Look into suspious0bservers truth.

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We are in a grand solar minimum. Research.

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What’s that?

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? what's what?

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You know, planes dumping harmful chemicals on us from altitude. Chemtrails show up as numerous white trails in the sky, too numerous to be just contrails from ordinary jet flights and often in grid patterns.

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Crap! And then what does one experience from this stuff?

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I believe we need more proof of what is going on with this if it is indeed happening. Chemtrails are supposedly responsible for things from harm to health and vegetation to changes in weather. Cloud seeding to produce rain is well known and has been used for a long time, but are other things going on up there that are nefarious?

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I am LOVING watching you trump-voters being backed into a corner and you don't even know it. Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! 🤣 🍿 🍺

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It's coming totally undone

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The Fed's Moral Hazard Monster Is About To Lay Waste To "Wealth"

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"They" want riots, to blame that for crashing economies and total chaos.

Riots are planed and probably "helped".

The book "Protocols of the learned elders of Zion", over 100 years old, describes exactly what had already happened and what will in the future and how. All through Central banks and their corrupting system, of course...

So rioting will not stop totalitarians, they expect it and will use it for their advantage but doing nothing is not an option. Simply to not comply, probably the best solution. If there would only be less brainless sheeple among people, than it would not be so hard to fight this war.

Tuff times ahead, definitely.

Best wishes to all good people from Crotia.

Stay strong and positive!

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Stack accordingly.

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"Stop making me hit you"

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"It's for your safety"

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When you have to take out a gun and shoot people, there is such a sense of desperation and fear on their part, they cannot deal with this any other way. Its crumbling and they know it.

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Because, its for your health and safety....

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