Mr Mannarino,when on your videos you say that you live and think about the market all,day you’re really not kidding. 👍👍👍. I really like you. Thank you sir.

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Humans... funny lot... and to think as they believe they are at the top of the food chain...

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Before central banks, wars were short because the countries waging them actually had to pay for them. They lasted a year or two at best. When central banks came along, they could print endless money to support a war effort and pass those costs back to "the people" over time. The Fed, was created on December 23, 1913, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. About 7 months later, WW1 stated and lasted 4 years. WW2 last 6. How did these wars last so long? The central bankers funded both sides of the war to keep the world armies fighting and debts rolling in. This continues even today. Its not about Ukraine or Russia....its about how much money the bankers (and corporations) can make from the war.

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Murders liars thieves peds self serving trash immoral rot lawless scum godless one Day

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Rock the feller is bankrupt - usa corporation defaulted, blackrack is losing investors and whining publicly about it, no one wants ukraine but the neo nazis, etc.

I think The Patriots are winning this one Greg.

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Wise man once say - 3 biggest profit makers in the world are drugs, war, and human trafficking.

....and not necessarily in that order.

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Yes, and all KILLER'S.

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Thanks Greg!

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War, is the health of the State-Smedly Butler

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I can't help but feel that they are trying to censor you Mr Gregory mannarino. Also I went 130 MPH last time I raced lol. 0 to 100 in a few seconds in 66 Chevelle super sport 500 horsepower engine custom built my friend's car me I did 130 in a rental car lol don't worry I had the insurance. My mom used to drive sports cars. She Bradley GT500 and a Corvette

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My teacher always told me that America never had to enter the war that they actually used propaganda and faked or caused one of their own vessels to sink. In order to go to war to get out of the Great depression suddenly people had jobs making guns and bullets in factories

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Weird you're most recent sub-stack post is un accessible switched to multi hop VPN got in this one couldn't get any of them to work not sure why unless the censorship train happens to be coming through

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Thanks Greg for all you do to help people. Take care Mike G.

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thank you Greg...........for information that we can trust

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Bankers love war because they get to loan money to both and yet remain publicly neutral, it's a win - win situation for them!

"The Dogs of War are an angry breed." Pink Floyd

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A must watch today on Mike Adams and John Perez!

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