James Woods


When you're sick, they'll force you to take their "vaccines."

When you're unemployed, they'll put you on the dole.

When you refuse to coddle insanity, they'll arrest you for "hate speech."

When you question their cheating, they'll sue or incarcerate you.

When you tell the truth, they'll censor you.

When you try to protect your homeland, they'll enable invaders and squatters.

When you try to defend your loved ones,

they'll fill the streets with criminals.

When you ask for Voter ID,

they'll harvest fake ballots and laugh in your face.

The only mistake the Founding Fathers made was making it the SECOND Amendment. It should have been the FIRST, because without it, the rest don't matter.

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Well I guess it's time to talk to your friends and family, arm yourself, spread the word, stop paying taxes and become a Patriot. Talk is cheap, get prepared action will be needed at some point. Stay the course. Ed K

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The False Flag Event will more than likely take down a Major Monument in our Nation.

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I'm thinking the GRID, that will paralyze America. Lets hope the political AH's see the hand writing on the wall. We're definitely at a crossroad.

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GOD is in Control and GOD Wins. GOD spoke thru one of HIS Prophets that a major Monument would come down.

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What prophet.? Most prophets were before Jesus.

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First, JESUS CHRIST was a Prophet too, do you understand. The Apostle John was a Prophet and there have been Prophets from the Old Testament to now and will continue in the Future where GOD is, in the Future. Kim Clement is died in I believe 2016 was a Prophet and one today my Wife and I listen to in particular is Julie Green on rumble.com. GOD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and GOD would not has not limited us to HIS Prophetic Word by a point in time.

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I'm thinking another Logistics 'accident'.

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@Gregory M I remember when Cramer was bashing the heck out of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Then he when in to say I week later how he bought another farm from the profits on Etherereum. These people lie duh

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Bitcoin is fool's gold.

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No doubt.

POS Chris Wray has been openly saying "something will happen."

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The fed interest target is 2%, it should be 0% with some deflation probably mixed in to keep it as 0 overall. Someone else can check my math, but here is 2% over time, imo, 2% is no good.

$100 start

$98 year 1

$90 year 5

$82 year 10

$68 year 20

$55 year 30

$36 year 50

$13 year 100

$5 year 150

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Nobody lends money for free, er maybe your parents. Otherwise you'll pay between 2% up to and including Credit Cards 28%. That's the point. Everybody wants to make money.!!!! Ed

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Major correction, it's not interest target it's inflation target.

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Yes, that is why most people are basically "evil"

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More Chinese crewed cargo ships "losing" power?

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That means they need a big distraction for all the monetary problems they have created!

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I'm sure its probably nothing but just a reference point my bank has given notification 2 weeks in advance they are closing on the 12th and re opening monday the 15th after some "upgrades" Find it interesting that MMRI crosses 300 around the same time ? False flag bank holiday?

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just for the record, I think Trump was doing much better than Obama on debt, until covid hit, then it spiked up to Obama levels.

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Bet against the debt. Become your own central bank. Own physical silver.

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