Jun 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Welcome back! I'm glad you are here again.

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Jun 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Welcome back

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Jun 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Dude you're a sight for sore eyes! Welcome back!

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Jun 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Let's go baby!!!!!!! We just got increased US industrial production data!

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Good morning, Greg. You and the people you play guitar 🎸 with should do an original piece for a theme song for the show. Have a great day.

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Missed your intelligent talks.

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Greyerz ain't no dummy... been talking about metal so long I'm blue in the face listening. End The Fed - and their legislatively supported debt instruments coordinated by the FED and forced-throgh a "reluctant" (sic) congress by bribery, extortion and threats. The MOST effective scam in history.

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For those who don't already know...

New highs in the market are irrelevant medium to long term if you're even able to participate at all.


Venezuela, during their currency collapse, had the best performing stock market in the world for years at the same time dead bodies (mainly starvation) & worthless currency littered the streets.... literally.

Market highs mean nothing when your currency is worthless and collpasing. Much like the US now.

Govs know this hence the new WW3 military draft and mandatory automatic conscription registration of all men 18-26 including women in most developed nations now. Some even pushing up to 65 years old.

This is the new world order. This is order out of chaos. This is all by design.

The collpase isn't going to happen or is coming. It's already here. People just haven't figured it out yet.

-Dillon Critique from; what's THE DILL? (Substack)


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Glad you plane made it,some are falling out of the sky

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hope you guys and gals are older then 18 to 26 must sign up for draft..bill signed into law Friday ...DON'T SIGN UP

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I believe Greg, if you can stomach it, buy the market.

ME, I'm out and will staying OUT.

I'm continuing to buy Au and Ag. !!!

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I believe Greg, if you can stomach it, buy the market.

ME, I'm out and will staying OUT.

I'm continuing to buy Au and Ag. !!!

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I believe Greg, if you can stomach it, buy the market.

ME, I'm out and will staying OUT.

I'm continuing to buy Au and Ag. !!!

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How can I get info on what you invest in?

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