Apr 24, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

So goods and services are catching up with the dollar true value

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Just like the crash callers, these fools who think prices are coming down.... Maybe for real estate...the largest bubble in history. EVERYTHING ELSE is going "TO THE MOON" as Ralph Cramden used to say.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Thanks for the piece, you sure did cut to the chase! You’re a great writer.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Totally agree with you Greg thank you

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Just saying I dont know much but.... If you want a good example of Americas future look at Venezuela closely the last 40 years, I am afraid its headed that way they do have great gold there too. I just dont think people get it Chinas central bank has a balance sheet, but they also have one or two balance sheets for bad assets, and it is all built on top of our house of cards. It is funny you go to Suifenhe (border Russia and China) or the interior provinces and if the Yuan was so strong why do people trade in 555 and Marlboro Cigarettes and Jonny Walker Black? I am just saying Chinese print impressive maps, fake pictures, and fake bonds and what currency too. Can they print a $100.00 US with security strips or say a Nigerian Naira well hell yes. Same program as Nazis in WWII on Britain and US currency. I honestly think people in America should learn to barter you buy and store Augason Farms 25-year shelf-life food things preppers talk about and learn to grow your own stuff. Develop a group of people you can trade with in a community today, so you sustain yourself as the world turns into Venezuela.

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For any old joe who knows nothing and you say: Look at the strength of the dollar since 1913. Do you really think things will get better?" What do you think they're going to say?

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Thanks for keeping us informed.

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Yup, thanks Greg. Hyperinflation is a monetary event. The debt (currency) has already been created and is working its way through the system. When all that currency (debt) hits all at once it's over.

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We are in real trouble. The FED may lose control if they have not already.

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As inflation and the FED cotinuously erode the value of the dollar, that Gold and Silver would be rising a lot fasrer then it is. The rigging is so out in the open that the powers to be would be humilitied and red faced for their crimminal ways. But money is the root of all EVIL so nothing changes. Ed K

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WAR = inflation 100% back tested

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"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world."

( Henry Kissinger)

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Soros in 2009: “A decline in value of the dollar is necessary…China will be the engine driving it forward… a managed decline of the dollar.“

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Sounds like a "crack-up" boom is coming.

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