You can stack precious metals, you can stack digits on a screen and you can stack memorabilia, but you can not eat them;

#1 Commodity of all time -- SPAM, yes, the in can mystery meat that can keep you alive. 20+ year shelf life, highly nutritious, and great value. When you are done chuckling at this idea, head to your nearest Costco and buy 365 cans of original SPAM, not low sodium (this has lower shelf life) and not flavored (chemical poison). Also pick up a camping stove with a years worth fuel. It ain't pretty, but you will be alive. Remember to prep all aspects of your life, not just your financial life as Mr. Greg advises.

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After you eat 365 cans of Spam you will kill yourself anyway.

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Spam is the answer, and you know that for sure.

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Unless you are a native Hawaiian Tony. But, they usually assume the ambient tropical temperature after they clog their coronary arteries with that lovely pig fat.

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You cannot eat paper currency either. Most people who talk down precious metals do not own them. Hence, their disdain for them.

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There is wonderful on YT how to put in big jar meat and veges and pickling type spices will keep for ages, I would sooner that. Some spam is horrid and fatty. Make your own everything if you are able to store it.

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I’d add peanut butter as well. No refrigeration and long shelf life.

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It unfortunately doesn’t have a long shelf life. Best to look it up.

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$800 silver is clickbait.

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Historically, Silver was usually 40 to 60 ratio to Gold (look it up yourself).

if you use those ratios; then Silver should be $41 to $63 (per oz) TODAY. and it's not

SILVER is 'way' undervalued (as Greg has been saying and so has so many other 'experts' '

in the market.

Apparently, a HUGE holder of Silver (the German government and Duetcuhe bank) is 'artificially' trying to keep silver down, to bolster their own mark. (they don't want Germans investing in Silver).

until they roll out their own DIGITAL CURRENCY (so their people cannot purchase Silver.)

so as gold continues to rise, I don't believe that $800 silver is out the realm of possibilities (not click bait)

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More like 15/1. 40 to one is very recent historically speaking.

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You could be right. Silver is extremely sluggish.I doubt it will hit $800.00 in my lifetime. If however, it does. The silver will make a very nice liner for my coffin. My children and grandchildren can all fight over the gold.

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It doesn't matter what you hold. Cash, Bullion, Shares, Real Estate, Ponzi Coin or anything else. If you can't buy food, you're dead. He who owns the food is rich. The rest of us hold nothing of value.

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What about platinum?

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Pt and Pd look too close to silver in appearance unfortunately.

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I think Greg usually recommends having large, really large amount of money in small and regional banks instead of owning platinum😉

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Mike Maloney made an interesting point about how this is the only time in world history where we’ve had the entire world on a fiat currency system.

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Is IRAN. ??? I doubt it.

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Neither Iran nor Syria are on the Rothschild fiat currency system. They use gold-backed Denari.

This would explain the push to have their sovereign governments overthrown as was Libya. “All wars are banker wars.” -Major General Smedley Butler USMC, winner of two CMHs in two separate campaigns.

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Where did you read Iran’s currency is backed by gold? It isn’t. They have over 30% inflation.

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Are they STILL two weeks away from a nuclear bomb? Been hearing that for 10 years already.

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A sincere question. A meltdown of debt market scenario: If a stock market crash comes people will loose huge amount of money, majority will not be out early enough to sell off and therefore avoid losses. Hence - when people have lost huge amount of money, let's say 50-70% of stock value or whatever - I have a theory that these four things will happen, either 1) people keep their stocks and hope for the market to come back again in time, to catch up the loss, so they sit tight on their stocks. 2) They sell off their stocks, but since they have lost so much, the feeling of going from being "rich to poor" (realitively speaking when loosing moneu) causing them to "freeze their assets" i.e they won't buy anything else but keep the money in the bank to keep their savings "safe" (people wanna feel safe in financial turbulent times) - hence the fear of loosing more make them avoid new financial enterprises. 3) the middle class Joe who lost his stock value actually has so little money now from the loss (and possible loss of income/job) so he will use they newly sold off stocks as consumption/savings. 4) The price of gold and silver will rise so much and fast during a crash so people will think it is a robbery to buy gold and avoid that - possibly waiting for the gold price to come down to normal again (which won't happen but Joe doesn't know and it hurts to pay $3-5-7000per ounce)

Conclusion - there will be no huge amount or cash "floating around" to other assets like gold or bitcoin because the MAJORITY OF THE VALUE IS GONE. This is if there is a HUGE stock market crash (more than 50%). Because if the value of S&P goes from 5600 to 2600 overnight. Those 3000 billion dollars (or whatever it is) are just gone overnight, they have vanished just like the southpark episode bankman says "aaaaaand they're gone", right?

Thought about that?

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Greg. Your Van Dyke (not goatee) is looking sharp. That type of beard was very popular in the 1950s. My dad wore one with a flat top haircut and waxed sides. Actually, I believe he used brylcreem on the “fenders.”

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The only way too learn is to listen! Thank you Greg for your advice and your generosity with your knowledge. As for me I’m taking your advice! Thanks again brother!!!!

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i vote NO SHAVE !!!

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Yeah, nobody shaves anything til gold hits $8,000

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🚨Stack silver Gather Gold🚨

🚨Silent depression 🚨

🚨Black Swan season🚨

🚨Pay off your debt🚨

🚨Buy a farm Own guns🚨


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Prep your soul as well.

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Greg I think you're so wrong on this one. Gold is a good safety hold. But unfortunately expect it to drop in price once the Fed realizes that protection of the US RESERVE currency is paramount. It's under threat and higher bond yields are inevitable. Gold and silver hence will not fair well in the long term.

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Greg, you think gold will 3.2x from here but silver will 27x? What is the rationale for this huge disparity of increase?

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Silver gets consumed in electronics and solar panels and gone for decades….at current prices it’s not worth recycling….and with the big gov push for green energy/solar….the numbers they are pushing….theres barely enough silver coming out of the ground now…and with the largest silver producer…Mexico going into talks of closing down open pit mining…..there’s going to be a massive shortfall of silver soon….

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Ok. Thanks for that information, you have convinced me silver is a better hold than gold. But do you really think if gold does 3x, silver would almost 30x? The disparity of increase just seems like way too much.

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Ag comes out of the ground ~7:1Au - current ratio 85:1 - if annual production = ~1-Billion Oz. w/$29-Billion Dollar Mrket Cap (w/60% Industrial - not recycled and not taking-up space in vaults as Au.) A ratio of 10:1 can't be right... more like 1:1 and the 'top' just gets started. You get too much at today's spot price... what a gift.

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I think you are Spot on Greg?

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Are the Central Bankers er bonkers going to do a pump and dump operation on metals???

I put my faith in Americans standing up to the Billionaire Genocide Club by demanding Glass-Steagall separation of commercial banking from investment banking to save money and pop depositors, the thrifty working class, the backbone of America, the George Bailey's who have had a Wonderful Life and wish the same for all children, not just Americans as F D R. did!

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The People are numb. They do not, perhaps cannot, think. I wonder when you think they’ll begin to think. Greg says they’ll beg; likely for a universal wage from Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam already has their begging planned. G

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Stacking as best as I can- retired. If and when au and ag go up- what then?

Do we trade it for fist and pay things off to be debt free ?

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