Fuck Joe Biden.. never in a million years will they win..

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I'm NOT TRIGGERED as I don't like Trump or Biden, but for someone who so-call claims to not care who wins either, you GM sure do push a Biden win pathetically and annoyingly a lot. How about sticking to what we know right now in the market and trade off that. Nov 3 election and its results are still 3 weeks out or maybe even more. And you rarely are in a trade more that just a few days anyway so why risk your cred on something that may or may not happen. Just saying for a friend, lol.

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Please clarify (on Youtube please)...If stocks rush higher, as you predict, what happens to gold and silver? And...when the inevitable drop occurs, does it take gold and silver with it?

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Of course I’m voting Joe! I respect basic human rights, I believe in science, I remember that this country was founded by European immigrants/ settlers who stole the land and recognize that that is what makes America Great and the land of opportunity, and I’m not a fascist dick head. Here’s to HOPE! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️ BIDEN, HARRIS 2020 for PROGRESS not RECESS!

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Please post liberal tears pics after the election.. 👍

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I got my list of stocks ready if : Biden win Trump win ready to pull the trigger

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Yes Sir, Ripping & Shredding today!!! Thanks Greg!!!

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Mr. M … I respectfully disagree … guess we'll know in about 21 days. :-) We've had one of the best markets ever (in only 3 years) under Trump, and yes I know … the market climbed from an abysmal low of about 6,600 to a high of 18,400 under B.O. But that was over 8 years, and truly only 4,000 above its previous high.

However, I still plan to faithfully follow your advice because the bottom line is … I have MADE MONEY following your trades! Thanks again.

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whoa..so far so good!!! Why do you think market will head so much higher under Trump? I bet big on renewables for Biden win ... case since last month. so far so good there too.

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What about if Trump wins ? In other words, I'm trying to see if I should wait for a drop in precious metals as cash will move from previous metals into stocks in case of one of them wins, and the opposite if the other (my 2 cents logic on that). Cheers to you from Paris.

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