I think we will know much more after the November "selections" , If they allow the "Left" to maintain power we can expect the continued roll out of the "end game" , if they Let the "Right" Win that will give the illusion the system still works (aka "Winning") And we may see some political theater to prolong the system . Either way at this point there will be no end to inflation. In the elite circles the "left " wants to kill everyone now while the "Right" masquerades in the illusion of giving you "freedom" while still having the same endgame just a slower death for the sheeple with trump as the ringleader.

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Thanks your post is on point imo. Too bad more of the masses can’t see through the political charade. The world is indeed a stage and the majority love to be entertained. It’s pathetic. These chess games the cabal plays and illusions and deceptions only take a bit of critical thinking to see clear through the BS.

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you got it

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Beware of false pro(fits)phets.

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Powell will be the pivot-er for Yiddish Circle jerk! Oye vey!

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But Greg, with all nations experiencing inflation, the Dollar would get wrecked if the Fed were to pivot. Capital would flee out of dollar based markets, which would hit the US with an unimaginable wave of Dollars (which they previously showered the world with)

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Greg they are firing missiles at the sun. WTF they are trying to fry us to reduce the population to under 2 million globally Please talk about it!

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I thought the goal was 500 million, roughly a 90% decrease. Then again, it will be hard to get precise results with so many variables.

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The Jew FREAKS are at it again.

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I disagree. Th Eu now showed us today that QE (bonds or not) doesn't work. I think the opposite....they are forced to not pivot and hike more.

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I really do hope the MAJORITY are seeing this going on, if not, well. they won't be around much longer, this eyeball deep crap we are heading into is in full tilt now. So STOP putting poison in your bodies and the bodies of your children. These Neo what evers are nothing but blood sucking PARASITES !!!! STOP feeding them !

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What will a pivot do for the stock market?

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Hi Greg,

I don´t agree with you this time. If they were to pivot at this stage, they would totally loose credability, at least the little they still have.

Best regards Goran

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Thank you Greg.

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Expect the Fed to Pivot? The Fed won't pivot currently they may pivot in April-June, 2023.

As far as after the election notion, it's not really clear how that would be pertinent because

as you probably know, the Party in the Executive Office normally "loses" seats in the Midterms. Very rare for any waiting until after the elections resulting in anything. Additionally, world markets and

domestic markets are attached to each other. If the markets go down in China, they will go down

here and conversely if they go down here, they will go down in China, etc. etc. So, de-globalization

is what the knuckle heads yearned for and fought for. Now, they have the very same de-globalization

happening with corporations scrambling to place their production centers out of China and across

other regional centers so supply chain stress and "inflation" as moving production plants/centers "ain't" cheap and so you have "inflation" in costs to produce the final products that you see on any shelf. So, whether you have the Blues or the Reds, facing the same sh__ factory across the board

isn't gong to matter in the final analysis.

Now if your economy goes bad, before, during or after the mid term elections, doesn't matter

because the old looney tunes "value ideas propaganda" won't work as people will be asking what

are you doing for me, my family and jobs, etc.? No answers, only tax breaks for the wealthy and

the corporations extending the de-globalization putt of inflation on the backs of the consumers

over time. It's hysterical but painfully true. Then, who will be worrying about trans,guns or whatever

as they will be focused on economics and what are you doing for them period. You folks ever

notice even with all this mantra about the fear of losing guns, no one has lost their guns even

in blue states? Back in the 1980's we had them saying these same moral issues, but at that time

it was the gays but also they were taking your guns away as well as the red baiting saying they're

all commies and they would take over. Never happened, all an illusion for consumption until

folks started questioning everything they were told was "true"!

Additionally, contrary to the central banker schtick, I think you can clearly see that food, energy,etc.

is all effected by the war in Ukraine and Putin knows this so he will try to ratchet up scarcity of energy

and food during the winter because he is such a nice and fuzzy kind of leader both with his own

soldiers sent to Ukraine without proper training, weapons, etc. so fresh meat for the meat grinder right through to the carnage he has caused in Ukraine in his quest for annihilation of Ukraine and Ukrainians as well as the starvation he has committed all other nations around the world. Now, if his "fleet" of weaponized navy cruisers with missiles and so control of the Black Sea is reduced dramatically, that means Ukraine will start shipping food, etc. out of Ukraine and oopsie two missile cruisers were damaged in the Black Sea by aerial and hardened water drone attacks just recently. Now, if they can't replace or repair those any time soon, they will then have to rely on their submarines which then become targets as they have to actually shoot their missiles from the sub thereby providing coordinates of that firing sub for drone responses thereto. So, hopefully, Russia is defeated in Ukraine and then the Europeans in conjunction with Ukraine will get war reparations from all the seized Russian Assets so they can rebuild and recoup any costs during this what can only be described as "Putins War". I can see a time when the Great Wall of Europe will commence on the Russian European Border with a 30 foot tall by 20 foot wide wall so that Russia can be adequately

"protected" from the mean Western Nations and any Russian future invasion will have to

go through the wall of Rebar and Cement. So much for the hammer and the sickle only to

be melted into rebar for the Great Western Wall so Russia can finally be protected from

"itself" and own suicide plans.

I have quite a different take on why Google and Meta/Facebook went down in the last several months. It's basically because Russia and the FSB don't have the money anymore to place disinformation adds on these platforms like they did in 2015-2018 during election periods due to the sanctions finally biting in on them- the Russian FSB. Now the Russians can only cling to the likes of Q Anon for disinformation in the west and even that may wane over time as folks start asking who in

fact is Q Anon and why it has "any" credentials or authority as a source of anything but a disinformation platform for Russian support both inside and outside the US. I think like in the

Christmas Story with the young boy getting his "Annie Oakley Decoder Ring" and then decoding

the message in his bathroom and the coded message is, "Drink More Ovalteen" Q Anon believers

will start seeing this same thing unfolding shortly as in today's world there are limitless international

sources of information outside of the main US Sources so not all of them are in their considered

cabal "conspiracy" medias.

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Great post thanks Greg. Any thoughts on the thesis that sometime in the next yr or 2, the fed will move it's inflation target from the current 2% to something higher like 3% or 4%?

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A pivot could be worse than the current course. If commodities like oil skyrocket that could devastate what's left of the economy.

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