Dear Greg-

Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. I'm keeping you and you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

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Sorry to hear about Ed passing. He was like my wife's grandfather, he went through WWII, went to

Italy and all that, then Normandy and all that, got shrapnel in his shoulder at Normandy but was like

Patton, adamant about winning against fascism- The Nazis so he could eventually go back home and

start his civilian life over as a fire chief in a small Oklahoma Town. They called him T Bone Allen, a good boxer and officer, who came home to a small Oklahoma town as fire chief only to have a fire

burn his whole living room wood floor in. As bad as that was, his best best friend took a photo of him

after the fire had been put out, with him sitting at the edge of the hole burnt by the fire with his wife

in the same position "drinking" a bottle of beer together. That's the kind of people they were even

under adversity and you know they never changed right up until they passed away. My Mother-In-

Law Jeannie was the same way would listen to your problems and just smile and pat you on the back

to say, "Hey tomorrow is another day so keep on trucking!" It's always sad to lose people-spirits like

that and they never leave your memories when they were there right next to you!

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Dear Greg,

My heart is with you dear brother. May he Rest In Peace. What a blessed life to have had such love.

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I am so so sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Wished I could help ease the pain.

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Hi Greg,

It's refreshing to see human emotion come to the surface and such love expressed in such a touching way. I really appreciate you!

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Global Bond yields are extremely low, so the central banks raise rates so bond yields can follow in tandum. When yields reach a specific target, central banks will pivot. While central banks allow bond yields to rise, they bring up the issue of this "liquidity crisis" which has been killing this market for months now. From this "liquidity crisis", central banks intervene periodically with the Plung Protection Team to trick the system into believing there is more liquditity than there is. By doing this, the equity market can find demand zones that prevent less significant downturns (a floor), while allowing bond yields to rise. In my honest opinion, the FED will not be more aggressive next meeting, but they will not pivot. They will keep raising rates at 75 bps through the middle - end of next year. By then bond yields will be high enough that they can begin melting up the market. Afterwards, it implodes. This is the first scenario.

The second scenario is that today's volatility in bond yields were extremely low compared to periods last month. This might indicate that institutions are just sitting back while everyone else runs for the door. If things were going to collapse, the Ten Year Yield would've shot over 4.15% and kept climbing. Now it's finding stability. If the Ten Year Yield remains stable or moves lower into next FOMC, the FED was bullsh****** today about reducing their balance sheet, cause it means that they are ramping up the REPO markets.

I guess we'll find out where the MMRI goes.

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God bless you, Greg. You and Ed both did good! Thank you for being a true frien to him......and to me.

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Hi Gregory, I absolutely love to listen to you each AM, to mainly see what's happening with Gold and Silver, which I have been accumulating for a long time. Sorry about your friend Ed, what a touching story about his heroism. Thank you for sharing that! He will always be with you, don't forget that! I would like to support you with a personal check. Could you safely give me an address to send to? I just don't like doing the electronic with my bank. I'd be happy to send $$$ by check. Thank you for all you do for us out here just trying to learn the truth! God Bless, stay strong, You Are Loved! Marguerite

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You are appreciated🎁🎁

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Sorry for your loss. Thank you for taking care of Ed and helping to make his life so special. I also want to thank you for sharing so much of your life and expertise and for making us feel a part of your family. You're awesome!

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So sorry for your and all of our loss. What a blessing that he made it to 99 and that you brought so much joy to him for his last birthday.

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Please don't feel bad about you emotional response. Tears are love, which have no place to go but your eyes and heart. There's nothing I can say that will help. Know my heart is hurting with yours. Much love to you as you heal. Be grateful for the love you had for him. I lost my mom 9/13. 🙏

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So sorry to hear about Ed, Greg. My condolences on the loss of someone so close and dear to you.

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My heartfelt condolences. Sending prayers your way.

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No need to Apologize for being HUMAN.

Maybe that’ll Spread through out the world, you know ,,, bring HUMAN ?

I live here in Vegas, I’d like to attend his funeral if possible.

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