Greg is spot on about everything that's going on, and his advice regarding commodities is right on the money. That is, $. The problem is that these market ETFs that he talks about are denominated in $. Buy gold, silver, crypto, yes! But anything denominated in $ is going to be rolled over into CBDCs at some point, and then they have the noose around your neck. Becoming your own central banker means getting away from $ and into real assets like tools, gardens, and a community where everyone is on the same page. If you're still hypnotized by $, they will lead you right into a prison cell.
exactly I never understood why people were so mesmerized by how much the metals were valued in fiat dollars . Its going to be how many ounces you have how many garden tools, seeds, food ect you saved in the end or you will have the full option to take part of the beast system . They always give you a choice and many take the easy path of destruction
They have a system built on fiat currency, and that is now under controlled demolition to usher in the CBDC system. We need our own asset based system. That means we need to stop participating in their fiat debt-based system. Get out, one step at a time. Trying to play their game only feeds the beast. Remember - the ones who jumped off the trains had a better chance of survival than the ones who stayed on and rolled into the camps. Prepare for yourself a soft landing - well, at least as soft as is possible.
This is going to reinflate the housing bubble again ! I hate this system ! I think i'm going to take a break and get away from this a while , the MMRI is probably going to be below 100 at the rate its dropping by days end what a shit show
I cant believe they are reviving this thing again , Greg was right ! My question is If they planned to keep milking this along , I dont get why they even bothered raising rates the public was still living it up maxing the cards they didnt even give it time to inflict any real pain .
Is it more likely than not that banksters like j-demon are solely, and only concerned about central banking wars as the only threat to their power? Put another way if Brics poses a legitimate alternative to the imf in say 10 years, is that a scenario he would be thinking about?
Greg is spot on about everything that's going on, and his advice regarding commodities is right on the money. That is, $. The problem is that these market ETFs that he talks about are denominated in $. Buy gold, silver, crypto, yes! But anything denominated in $ is going to be rolled over into CBDCs at some point, and then they have the noose around your neck. Becoming your own central banker means getting away from $ and into real assets like tools, gardens, and a community where everyone is on the same page. If you're still hypnotized by $, they will lead you right into a prison cell.
exactly I never understood why people were so mesmerized by how much the metals were valued in fiat dollars . Its going to be how many ounces you have how many garden tools, seeds, food ect you saved in the end or you will have the full option to take part of the beast system . They always give you a choice and many take the easy path of destruction
They have a system built on fiat currency, and that is now under controlled demolition to usher in the CBDC system. We need our own asset based system. That means we need to stop participating in their fiat debt-based system. Get out, one step at a time. Trying to play their game only feeds the beast. Remember - the ones who jumped off the trains had a better chance of survival than the ones who stayed on and rolled into the camps. Prepare for yourself a soft landing - well, at least as soft as is possible.
This is going to reinflate the housing bubble again ! I hate this system ! I think i'm going to take a break and get away from this a while , the MMRI is probably going to be below 100 at the rate its dropping by days end what a shit show
GM Greg, your healthy dose of sarcasm is better than a cup of coffee! Thank you for all the hard work that you do.
I cant believe they are reviving this thing again , Greg was right ! My question is If they planned to keep milking this along , I dont get why they even bothered raising rates the public was still living it up maxing the cards they didnt even give it time to inflict any real pain .
Thank you!
Get Ready to rumble!!
Is it more likely than not that banksters like j-demon are solely, and only concerned about central banking wars as the only threat to their power? Put another way if Brics poses a legitimate alternative to the imf in say 10 years, is that a scenario he would be thinking about?
No. They're all on the same team.