May 4, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

The war in Ukraine meet the people resisting the russian invasion:


at 20:35 she talks about Ukrainians just want “freedom of speech”


In THIS video, these trump-votin’ Ukrainian HYPOCRITE “christians” PROVE they talk a good game of righteousness, piety and “feedom of speech”, but are arresting someone for exercising HIS freedom of speech in Ukraine. HYPOCRITES! Hahahahahahahaaaaa! The man’s “crime”? Sending pro-Putin texts. Hahahahahahahahahaa! 😂 😂 🤣

Ukraine hunts down traitors helping Russia


It’s funny how you “christians” are always TALKING about your own righteousness and condemning others when YOU are the ones who are taking people’s rights away at every turn. Looks like you are getting yours now. You set a table of HELL for others, now God is making YOU eat from the table you set. You made a bed of HELL for others to lay in, now YOU are going to have to lie in that bed yourself. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! These LYING, HYPOCRITE trump-votin’ Ukrainian “christians” are getting what they DESERVE for their HYPOCRISY!…..THE JUDGMENT OF GOD! ⚔️ 🗡 You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

One minute you “christians” are crying about someone not giving you the right to free speech, the next minute you’re taking away someone else’s right to free specch. HYPOCRITES!

American trump-votin’ “christian” HYPOCRITES are the same as Ukranian trump-votin’ “christian” HYPOCRITES! I can’t count the times I’ve heard trump-voters desire to censor people by telling them to shut up, then in the next breath are complaining like pussies about someone else censoring them. HYPOCRITES! That’s why YOU are getting CENSORED and DESTROYED you trump-dummies….because you are HYPOCRITES!

THAT’S the reason God is DESTROYING Ukraine….because they are LYING, HYPOCRITE “christians”. Or are you trump-dummies going to sit here and tell me they are "blessed" by God? Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! 🤣 😀 Eeeeeeeeeeeheheheheeeee! 😂 😂 😂 🤩 😃

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Ukraine is a distraction. Real problem in USA is not even fed. Real problem is middlemen. Preferred vendor scam of America continues in full swing. Friends making friends preferred vendors.

Why the heck people go to Harvard ? Answer: to learn how to be a middleman

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Greg, you were right about the 50bp rate hike call. How the trumpHELL666 were you right? You don't have a crystal ball do you? If so...sell me one!

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It's funny how Putin "attacked" Kyiv, only to QUICKLY pull back his troops from the north and re-position them around the east and south of Ukraine where he really wanted them. He got Ukraine to panic and move their best assets to Kyiv to protect their capital city. Putin is not dumb enough to mount an attack against Kyiv right now. It would take his whole army to even have a possibility of being successful.

It's funny how the western powers took their sweet time approving weapons to Ukraine. They made damn sure Zelensky was ONLY in a position to agree to ANY terms they desired in exchange for weapons and cash. What did the west get in their backroom deals with Zelensky? Gas and oil rights? Ukraine's committment to join NATO? What? The sale of debt definitely, but what else? 🤔 🤔 🤔

It's funny watching Ukraine like a dummy get pushed and pulled in every direction the cabal wants them to go in. Ukraine IS DONE FOR! They will owe the banks $100 TRILLION DOLLARS before this war is over. Heeeehehehehehehehee! 🤣 🤣 🤣

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Unpayable debt. Unreachable credit and mortgage rates. The FED could F-up a wet dream Greg!

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Stupid is as stupid does the fed has no intrest in supporting the citizens in this country it is just another word game like our politicians speaking of americans leaving out the important part (citizens ) 🙄

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Fed logic is that if they raise interest rates, no one will buy anything and inflation will come down. I guess that no one has any disposable income

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Communist manifesto.

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Economy seems like accelerating. People used to have one dog and now they 3 4 5 dogs. 350 million Americans in USA and I would say 700 million dogs and cats are living a royal life. The dog shit is all over the place. Dog owners are passing by homeless old men while holding their pets. They pick up after the dog and then put the black bag anywhere they want. None wants to be holding the bag. There is no sign of economy slowing. Janet yelen is right . Economy remains strong

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Greg HAS YOUR NEWSLETTER BEEN HACKED? I've never needed to sign in before. This time, I had to create an account. Annoying.

I typed in my name, but it didn't appear on my post. This appeared: Jrrzivz. What, or who is this?

Now I feel like I'm being tracked.

How do I fix this, and why did it happen? Have you been hacked?

It was the following that I wanted to bring to you attention... Mow let's see if my actual name appears.

Beyond a Slush Fund, Biden $33 Billion Ukraine Package Includes $8.8 Billion to Establish State Dept Global Disinformation Bureau, and International Civil Asset Forfeiture - Headline


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My name did appear.

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Beyond a Slush Fund, Biden $33 Billion Ukraine Package Includes $8.8 Billion to Establish State Dept Global Disinformation Bureau, and International Civil Asset Forfeiture - Headline


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1 vote for President ... Run why don't you? :')

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Appropriate appropriate,appropriate, absoloutly,exactly right.

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Many Chicken Littles,one G.M.

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Kia Ora Greg. Listening from NZ love your work. Cheers

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Hi neighbour - enduring the insane leadership?

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Rockefeller "Textbook"

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DOW up near 1000 pnts? Just like that! I'm not looking forward to my future the years I have left on this earth. I can't stand how the COMEX continues to slam down the price of silver and there's no uprising by anyone. Forget our "elected representatives." The Republicans are too busy whining and explaining away why they continue to lose because "of Biden" or whomever.

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