I certainly feel there is voter fraud. Mail in Ballots being dumped in after Election Day is crazy.

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Of course it doesn’t matter we are all screwed anyway.

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True - with either one of Trump or Biden - we're screwed, long overdue screwed.

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Boo freaking hoo it’s not anyone to say it is or isnt. Y’all just spreading your propaganda via trump

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Boo freaking who isn’t too constructive.

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I’m not trying to be constructive you dink

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What makes you think I’m a dink? What’s the point of being anything other than constructive if not then it’s just insulting? If so, why be insulting?

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Hi Greg, there is always voter fraud. Most elections are too important to let the people decide. I am far away from grief. Said it before: Biden cannot win, ZERO chance, except election fraud. So I am not surprised. I am very relaxed. Because this theater is necessary this time so that enough people realize that they are being lied to and cheated. The election results that are published are currently relevant for the markets. But for the presidency they are irrelevant. Biden will never become president. Just wait and see. I am long on Dow, Dax, Silver, Silver Mines, Euro and SAP. So my focus is on being a Lion. Not to forget: Even if I cannot share your opinion at this point Thank you for your great work .

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You won the comment section on this post. God bless you.

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God bless you.

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No offense GM, but how the hell do you know there's no voter fraud? Watching MSNBC, CNN, or any other of the MSM outlets? I grew up in Philiy and I can tell you without a doubt this is business as usual in the city of brotherly love. Only this time, with the help of covid porn, mail in ballets and a leftist PA supreme court it's Fraud on steroids!!!

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Bitch bitch bitch shut up and wake the F up!!!!

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You're a joke and a BIG ass kisser and all you do is run your mouth and present no valid arguement!

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No offense Greg, but did you or did you NOT say that, "If this election is contested, and there is continued uncertainty, that the MARKET WOULD NOT LIKE IT." Well, not sure about you, but that call seems to be totally misguided. If this is not uncertainty, in everything, I don't know what is. Market loves it. Not only that, but since when is MAKING MONEY all there is??? It seems as long as you're making money with the same fraudulent system as they are, your morals and ethics don't really matter...just like theirs. Lions are indeed a "pride", but unless you have forgotten lion habitats 101, many times, LIONS kill and murder the young of OTHER LIONS. Just a healthy reminder. I appreciate what you do and I think in general you mean well. But I have to say, you contradict yourself often in what you say and what you do. Personally, I'm not sure I'd feel good about telling my children, "daddy made money today, but I let aside my morals and ethics." But maybe that's just me.

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First and foremost: Being a Lion means being honest, having integrity and looking out for people. It also means looking at data and making up your own mind.

Sorry Greg I 100% disagree about the possible cheating. Unlike what you said, I have an actual reason I think there was some cheating, unlike you not having a reason.

1. simple math. since ballots are closed in an envelope and nobody can see which is which, for the trendline to shoot up in 2 hour period with tens of thousands of ballots for Biden implies at least 90% of ballots that came in in Wisconsin and Michigan were for Biden within that two hour period which is not in alignment with the normal mixture of distribution of popular vote.

This reasoning is how a forensic data analyst would look at something.

A pile of ballots will usually be normally distributed similar to the popular vote

this is the first area of doubt.

2. Videos were posted of people covering up the windows and shutting out Republican observers during those periods and them being shut and locked out.

this is the second data point I am giving of doubt.

where is your data? oh yeah, you didn't give any.

It is interesting how somebody saying "V shaped recovery" will have you make a 10 min video complaining how wrong they are --- and I don't agree with V shaped recovery --- but who cares what he calls it? Why do you get so bent out of shape for small things but yet potential big things that have actual data you don't ?

That is small compared to voter fraud. We don't know if fraud happened. But I gave statistically ideas that raise questions and the intelligent thing to do is figure out things until everybody is satisfied it is fair. That is all anybody wants. If Biden gets elected, then it should be because people are stupid enough to elect him in a fair way.

This is America so we need to uphold integrity.

We need to go to Blockchain voting. We probably won't because that means politicians will actually have to have integrity and can't cheat their way in.

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Of course there is fraud and suppression. Been that way for longer than any of us have been alive. Both sides play dirty. Why would you suggest it's not a legitimate claim, instead of being constructive, and suggesting us to focus on the things that matter. I like you Greg, but it's kind of a blatantly naive statement to say there is no election fraud. Florida can run through 11 million votes like butter because they have been through the ringer. What's wrong with the people pushing every state toward a fair and honest election? Sorry if that hurts your bottom line, but I think it is a good cause, despite my personal political leanings.

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You got it Since just after wwII CIA worked to take control of all types of media to start the biggest indoctrination program in history. Programing has been running wild for years, and now here we are dealing with indoctrinated zombies sorry to say.

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Sorry Greg, your a good man, but you have this wrong. Trump rallies and the attendance was not a lie, and just where was Biden. I'm in Canada or am Canadian never been a Trump lover or Hater, and their is a clear case of fraud. Want proof let me know, because i have already seen it and it's very apparent.

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I have a different take. I believe there is election fraud and there has probably been election fraud on both sides for many years. You of all people should know that there is potential for fraud when this much money and power is on the line.

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ow Greg, not as smart as I thought... Nothing more blind than the man who refuses to see.

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I appreciate your work Gregory, but there is fraud on both ends. That's a surprising naïve statement from someone who knows how the system works. Voter roll purging, which even the media acknowledges, is a form of voter fraud, not to mention all the other sketchy ways. Do your research, and you'll find out there is plenty.

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Remember, he voted Bidet so he has his own bias. Take what people say with a gran of salt

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I don't care who wins nor do I care who GM voted for, but that statement contradicts everything he talks about.

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Agreed! Who cares... Let them play there game.. Let's beat them at there own game!!! it's more fun that way!!! :)

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There are so many cases of fraud being reported. One of which is in Arizona where they were handing out sharpies to all registered Republicans knowing full well it would not read the ballot. Then you have usps workers coming forward here one of the videos and there are others. https://youtu.be/fS6xOuhsiJw

And here's another before election day...


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Sheep! Bahhh!

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How about you present some facts to counter the real evidence I provided, otherwise you're as ignorant as your comment!

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Are you fucking kidding, Greg? There are affidavits and videos being gathered this very moment. Thousands of complaints filed. It takes time. Court filings are coming. The media is suppressing all this news. Yes, including FOX. Twitter has banned thousands of conservatives on twitter. Step away from your financial sites.... Georgia recount alone will take weeks.

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As long as my taxes don’t go up and the market booms I don’t care if a monkey is president, that being said to not see voter fraud is plain dumb.

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Crime pays

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