It's getting closer and closer to you. You can't avoid your judgement from God. It's coming for you. It's coming to a town near you! Hahahahahaahahahahaaa! Eeeeeeeeeeheheheheheeeeeeeeeee! 🤣 😂 😃

Austrian government orders lockdown for unvaccinated:


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Sick! Australia is f'd. I believe they have no gun rights there anymore. "Gov't fears the people there is liberty, people fear the Gov't there is tyranny."

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Please could you provide the Free download link again, doesn't seem to be working. Thank you

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Greg, first of all, thank you again for your generosity with the free download! Second, Michael Jaco - former Navy Seal and ex-CIA Contractor - gave you a MAJOR PLUG yesterday. Here's the link (Go to the 42:58 point in the presentation, where he puts you up on the screen): https://rumble.com/vp5g60-hyper-bubble-of-the-market-can-continue-to-inflate-while-rockets-of-metals-.html


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"The Game is Rigged"... I'd love to purchase it... Please share a link for it Greg. Love from South America

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Thank you Greg again for sharing very valuable information.

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FOR FREE? Greg that's very generous! Thank you 🙂

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Thanks Greg!

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