Greg I am a big fan! I dislike politics but trump will win big in November because he will end the fed and help bring in the new QFS backed by gold and XRP. (I know you must hold a lot of both) so when Biden loses what do you think will happen to the stock market? I have my views on that,what’s yours? Thank you for informing and waking up the masses to the elites sick plans!

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Thanks For your kind reply Greg...if you haven’t already buy silver and XRP crypto. The big news is coming very soon! The fed is finished! Search QFS XRP And Q god bless And good luck..

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Thanks Gregory, from a fellow Navy guy. Appreciate your videos each day and weekend

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I am seeing some incredible calls, for 2022 expiration. I forsee 300% to 600% profit. I would and am going very long on some things. Fear not anything but the short term coma.

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really? you feel good about that? it seems anything can happen within the next 18 months - more specifically another major stock market crash . i am hesitant to keep anything in long term and take profits and get out.

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Sassy, This is a very different kind of trade and is very long term and you put it away and forget about it for a year. So, take BA that the stock price was $391 about a year age and is now $167 after Max plane problems and now covid19 slowdown, and you know that this company will eventually make a comeback and possibly move even higher way down the road, so you would buy a WAY OTM 21Jan22 $350 call option for 8.50 and don't worry if it goes up or down through the rest of the year because this is a long term investment, and when BA stock gets back to $350 and it will if we get another war in the next year or so, this $850 investment would be worth $4,500 and that would be a gain of 529%, and if the stock went to $391 where it was less than a year ago it would be worth $6,500 and that would be a gain of 764%. You can pick a strong stock that is down on its luck that has a lower stock price say DAL that stock price was $62.48 but now is $27.27 and do a MOON SHOT CALL say a WAY OTM 21Jan22 $60 call for 1.54 and if the stock goes back to $60 in a year or so it would be worth $1000 for a gain of 650%. To do this as a PUT is more difficult and risky but works the same way just opposite, so pick a stock that has moved up way too high at the moment and buy a put way OTM for a not so expensive price and wait for say the election or war or what ever event maybe a bad product or law suits to effect the stock price and your return and a small investment would be 400% to 600% gains. These are very long term investments that you tuck away and give them time to work, and If you are correct in your price target over a long period of time they will pay off BIG!!!

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Thanks so much for the advice! i'll have to think about this.

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Yes Ma'am, Its a good long term investment that doesn't cost an arm or leg, and you don't have to sit an watch everyday and don't even worry about it for months or a year...lol.

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I totally agree (except I do not play puts). Like I said originally (I am seeing some incredible calls, for 2022 expiration. I forsee 300% to 600% profit. I would and am going very long on some things. Fear not anything but the short term coma.)

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Yes Sir, there are many stocks that have gotten beat down by this pandemic that will make a very strong comeback in a year or so, and especially the ones that get GOVERNMENT STIMULUS!!!

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if you don't mind, which ones are you looking at? airlines? casinos?

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Thanks S.P. for the insight. I am learning, sometimes the hard way.

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oh boy i hear ya! my "favorite" way to learn...

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David , that's a very good idea and I call that a MOON SHOT CALL, so take a small investment and place it out there long term, and If it pays off it will be HUGE, and If you loose then at least you tried. Day trades make small amounts, but long term trades pay BIG if they work out. Same thing works in the opposite direction, and I call it a LIGHTING STRIKE PUT. If you think there will be a crash, then take a small amount of money and short the market long term and if it happens you make big as well. I actually have both investments very long term as a long term investment.

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are you doing more puts now for long term? the crash is coming at some point. i am wondering how far out to place some puts and on what underlyings...(i.e. it seems anything virtual (zoom, online anything) increased in april and retail...but others crashed).

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I am not doing any puts. I am using GuruFocus for some ideas. I can PM you what I am doing there. It's $449. per year for the Premium membership. I can refer you and I'll get $50. Remember puts are potentially squeezed at both ends and in general are more dangerous than calls which are squeezed less on the long end. I don't play the short game except daily Nadex Gold Binaries.

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what does "squeezed" mean?

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That's a polite term for getting hammered.

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ah ok! but at "both ends"?

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I'm mostly long this market right now, and do have a few long term shorts right now so I'm covered on a downturn, but moving into the election when the time is right I will be more short than I am now, but then after what ever happens go back to being mostly long.

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or is "shorting" another term for a put?

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Yes you are correct.

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When you say "shorts" you mean more trades that are shorter term? like a one month option contract?

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No, short means to buy PUTS. Long means to buy CALLS. I have mostly long dated CALLS right now with a few long dated PUTS, and some CALLS I will cash in in a week or two if the profit looks good, and the other long term PUTS are there for protection to the down side should we get a correction or pullback. The term LONG means to buy the market because you think it will go up, and the term SHORT means to sell the market because you think it will go down.

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which long dated puts do you have?

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so "shorting the market" does not mean to sell your contracts or stock, but to buy a put? thanks!

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Thanks William for the insight. I am learning.

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The market has been going up for 4 years and suddenly now pricing in a Biden victory?

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Biden will lose

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I am only three months into following you, but I have made money on every trade except for one of them..... and that was my fault. Up 20% on the portion I have dedicated to your trades. Keep us on the right side of the market!

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which ones have you made money on?

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I have a spreadsheet on every single trade I have made n can into more Twitter if u direct message @otherjoe1

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Were you a trader BEFORE you started following Greg? I just can't seem to grasp it.. but I follow him because he's friggin awesome!! I learn a ton!

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My first job when I was 19 I worked at Merrill lynch and got my series 7 license. Left the business 18 years ago and have been a buy n hold guy up until 3 months ago. I can give u what I have learned if u dm me on Twitter. @otherjoe1

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We love you in NYC GM. Have a great weekend and thanks for your expert and knowledgeable advice.

Stay handsome.

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Biden isn't spending on advertising. I believe that he knows that he will lose and is just fundraising because he gets to keep the money in his war-chest when he retires. The plan is to declare election fraud and encourage more civil unrest.

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keep money in a war chest? never heard of that!

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spot on..

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When you say we hit all time highs and stocks are euphoric, it makes me confused as to what to do with calls that are still deeply in the red. if this is euphoric, these have no chance....

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Thanks for everything that you do for your followers. I am sharing your site with my friends.

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Thanks Greg, you are the best

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Thanks for all your work Gregory, it's very helpful! Have a great weekend!

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Thanks for all u do bro. I am relatively new to your scene , but I can see your passion and will to fight the good fight!

We all cant be on Wall Street(thank God!). So thank you for including all us wee ones who maybe aren't as experienced or knowledgeable as you.

Godspeed in your endeavours sir!

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Understand Thanks xxx

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Thank you Greg . Keep up the good work !

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