Trudeau says there WILL be consequences for the un-vaccinated! Hahahahahahahahaaaaa! It's OVER people! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaa! I'm LOVING IT! Gentiles, you are under THE JUDGMENT OF GOD! Hahahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


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Check out the property prices in Toronto . Everybody is a millionaire. This will only accelerate as imports from china get expensive. I am buying more. Keep cash cushion just in case a brief plunge happens for couple of years. This is holy grail .

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Hottest economy in the history of USA. I am at cocoa beach and all restaurants are full. Any reasonable house on Airbnb is booked. $150 a night is cheap. American consumer is strong as ever. Good restaurants are full. Stocks up bonds up crypto up dollar up real estate through the roof. Retirees everywhere with sugar babies. Airbnb , way worse than third world country are booked for $100 a night.

Hottest economy ever. Yes crypto will also go up. No logic but they will go up anyway. Chart looks good. Everybody is flushed with cash so why not crypto also

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