"Buffett prefers farmland and apartment buildings to bitcoin for a very simple reason: They produce something." Buffet won't be around long enough to be wrong lol

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Don’t count that old Jew out just yet. Look at Kissinger. Pushing 100 and as big as a baby white elephant. Pun intended.

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You ain't wrong! And the East India Trading Co. ;-)

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The Sassoon family. Still in the drug business since 1820!

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022

Greg. The people who hate Gold and Silver don’t own any. They missed the boat. We didn’t. I’ve been buying both since the 1970’s. I’m running out of space. Physical metal is very heavy! I have nothing against cryptos other than they tank to often. The FED opened a trading window in Zurich about 20 years ago. If they hadn’t been pumping the bond and stock market, it would have been gale over in 2008. If interest rates reach 10% I think I’ll open a CD. Great Bidenstein Greg. You are a man of many faces!

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I am jealous. I bought gold at $178 and sold at $760 on the fall back from 800 something. That happened in something less than 6 months and I sold my two gold Austrian 100 Coronas. At that time I bought a Triumph GT6 with HD clutch, racing cam and headers and a couple of sweet (although really high maintenance) Strombergs. I caught air under the front tires going from 1st to 2nd. The guy that built it sold because he needed the dough to complete his Formula 1.

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Never stop bringing in the humor Greg!

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Responding to the Biden fans. I happen to vehemently disagree with Gregory Mannerino. I do not think Joe Biden is a retard. I think he is a dementia ridden putz and the result of a stolen election. If you don't like the truth eff off. I hope all of the mental midgets that think Biden is so stellar wind up in prison just like his son is going to.

As for the dimwits that want free advice without learning anything, much like most of the dottards on the left, and then complain when they do not learn how to tie their shoes, blow their nose or wipe their own ass and do not have the mental capacity to discern the difference between "precious metals are good" and buy points have no business commenting. Let's see...

as Mr. Mannerino might put it "one more time people, precious metals, you know like gold, silver, palladium, UR, are units of wealth, not speculative instruments. Oh my God!!! Metals are down!!!!" No shjt. If you have not realized any gains you bought at the wrong time or have zero comprehension. Run down to some schmuck broker and pay him not to think for you.

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Not big on fan boys or other retards that think Biden is just wonderful. Anyone that stupid deserves to suck at life.

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There are only about 4 countries who haven't got imbeciles in charge, joke of the world o'biden, USA was built on lies with all their false wars, murdering babies and loving it. They will not escape judgement from God and the false money preachers support it, sounds like the synagogue where Jesus preached, he said satan was sitting there.

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Received the following email.

"Coinbase logo   View in browser  

Dear Coinbase Customer,

Crypto mining has created hundreds of high-paying jobs in New York and now the New York State Senate is looking to ban mining. If the state passes the pending crypto mining moratorium bill, these jobs will move to other states with fewer environmental regulations, and New York will stall an important emerging industry. We urge you to use your voice and ensure New York remains innovative in the crypto industry.

New York State Legislators are attempting to pass a bill (S.6486D) to ban crypto mining. This would place New York as the first state to issue such a ban. Moreover, this ban would result in the loss of thousands of well-paying jobs and ensure New York has little to no place in an emerging industry.

By banning crypto mining, New York will miss out on job and economic growth in the state and will also pave the way for other states to secure a stronghold on the industry and undermine our important role in the crypto economy. California is already working to establish themselves as the crypto capital by reshaping their state government to utilize blockchain technology. This ban will solidify their leadership in cryptocurrency.

New York cannot afford to miss the unique opportunity that mining offers to become a technology epicenter of excellence as the next generation of the internet approaches.

Please email your State Senator today to tell them to vote no on S.6486D."

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I killed it on the long QQQ puts today. :) Holding my QID & SPXS till we hit bottom.

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