May 1·edited May 1

Look at Dow and Vix.. just rejected off a 125 year trend line on Dow... if you think we go higher without a correction you are crazy. Also.. massive bear flag on SP. Bitcoin is crashing.. charts looking like late Feb 2020 to me (look at VIX) VIX should skyrocket tomorrow.. maybe the FOMC announcement today? But whatever event that will cause this thing to correct looks to happen this weekend or Monday...according to charts. Cycles are there, news fills them. Remember "Covid"? It was used as the cover for the overnight repo crash and loss of liquidity. After May, I think markets superinflate to new ATHs.. then crash over Jewish high holidays prior to the selection install

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Keep calm and lick silver

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why are people so worried about Being in the Markets

if you worry about what the Markets are going to do...............you should not be there.......

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Maybe people are stretched and it's their last hope for making money beside their day job(s). Just a thought...

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if People are relying on the Markets to make some money besides their Day Job.......the Markets are no place to be.............it is just way to Risky.......way to Risky.......

we all know that

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Indeed...was trying to come up with reasons "why" (best I could do :P)

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deletedMay 1
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very well Said my Friend

have a good day.......take care

and happy Trading.......lol

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Just because the direction may be down on indexes, does not mean you can't have some fun along the way. Swing trades over the years have given me better returns than my crazy buy and hold efforts.

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Indeed, like the last 5 or so days people can re-watch them and see what GM says.

It's high-risk, high-stakes right now. Lots of pent-up pressure in the markets. I'm cash overweight right now and seeing where things go after today... Everyone has their risk tolerance too...at the end of the day, don't risk money you'd have a difficult time parting with, only risk that which you are willing to lose.

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Hellow Gregory Manarino,

First my prayer for your sister I believe in miracles. Your family is my family. I will be thinking and praying for Gregory's sister.

Ps. I noticed my portfolio is down I'm not going to stress eventually they'll go up

I believe in you.

. Thank you

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Stack PHYSICAL gold and silver.

It's literally that easy.

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Yeah, I thought I had enough, but at this point, I'm just going to keep buying.

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I categorically AGREE with your assessment. Better to bail early rather than to be one minute too late. Once the crash starts, its WOULDA, SHOULDA, COULDA. But we all know that.

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I will be holding my gold and silver stacks😎 while watching the panic.

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Thanks Greg. Big fan and respect your opinions. I think for myself and based on my own circumstances but, as a matter of interest, what are you doing? Are you in or are you out? Enjoy the rest of your day! (Based uk)

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Greg I’m so very sorry about your sister. Will keep your family and her in prayer. God bless!

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Thanks Greg. That is a really hard question to answer, and one that is always goes like it depends. It depends where you are, are you retired? are you short on cash? are you already in a lot of cash? how long have you held the positions? what is your cost basis? but I do feel there is some really bad stuff going on, and nothing had made sense for a long time.

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This is the false move to shake everyone out.

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Dear Greg.....You are trying to enlighten.....Never and easy task.....If one Observes the Dixie back to 2011 or so, then, the 115 level is hyper-important. And 107 is the last swing high. So....one Imagines this is why the FedHead never looks worried. As long as the Dixie does not collapse, the Dollar is still the backstop for the Global System. If the Fed and its helpers keep the Super 7 Strong, a full on Equity Market crash can be "averted." At least that is how they ""thimk" at the Fed.....Keep a close eye on MSFT...as an Indicator to watch. With Charlie gone, What will Uncle Warren do with the failing AAPL??

Best Regards to you. Never give in.

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Make decisions based on your personal investment plan and financial situation NOT emotion. Call me crazy, I am staying!

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No one can predict the future. I would just say statistically the 2 years after the Presidential election are the worst. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of reality hit home after the election. Given the political situation in the country, I wouldn't doubt if there were tons of uncertainty if Trump wins, and he is leading in the polls. I think RFK Jr. is going to cement a potential Trump win with only 40% of the vote.

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Getting up in the morning involves risk WTF ..

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