Too many red flags for me to believe this game goes on much longer , Still saying they use "biden" to collapse this so they can install trump to sell the desperate masses cbdc . On top of that you have the boys at cern going to try and open portals on the 8th , "they" are going to possibly sacrifice the red heifers at the end of this month and you have the degal report saying by 2025 most of the population is somehow gone. ......

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sounds close

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No Fear ... !!!

They lose ...

We will all meet up at a much better place.

The closer ... the better ...


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Amen Brother

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Thanks dude.

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If silver is so great, why is there no real movement of value in dollars?

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I think theres something like 500oz in a missile so if they allowed silver to reach its true value I dont think our rulers would be able to do "nation building" exercises as easy......

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Manipulation. The joy of banksters everywhere.

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... it's priced-in - industrial metal - nobody says anything nobody gets in trouble. Why are we supposed to believe cell phones and solar panels (global) are going from 250-million/Yr. (2023) to 400-million in 2024... maybe those financing the 1.5 Billion new customers don't want us to know about it. Consider it a gift at $25 - half the high of 1980... then get your Fresca.

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I was interested to see what people would say. As for myself, its a store of value against an inflated currency. Lots of speculation on the mechanisms for the rise in cost of silver out there. As the currency inflates and the dollar loses strength, prices should go up. But who invests in silver to trade it out for an inflated currency? Not I. The states are making moves to accept silver and gold as money. Some do already. Silver is real money but, not an investment per se. For me, its a great savings mechanism. BTW, I love Fresca.

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When the coiled spring (170-years of price suppression/rigging) unwinds - "discovery/market rate" as Money - and not just a hedge against inflation - not only will the collapse be swift and severe - silver will be unobtainium. But it might not be a world you would like to live in when it goes 1:1 w/Au. There won't be any affordable Fresca.

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Yep. So party like there's no more Fresca tomorrow!

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Chicka-boom chicka-crackup-boom don't ya just love it!

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Goldman Sachs controls previous metals & all other commodities. They just use gov. reserves (oil) to leverage or tweak crude spot prices. That's why Trump broke through & leveraged it on our own behalf. Imagine the truth slipped through ... I must be a conspiracy theorist.

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Keep up the good work we need a guy like you on our side

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Check out Greg reeses video on the eclipse. very eye opening only 5 min long.

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People are going to be surprised when the they find out, rich dad pore dad is nuts to tell people to put all there money fiat into Bitfiat...buy gold and silver

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Yeah, the plug will be pulled on any crypto not named FEDCOIN when the time comes.

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that is for sure...aircoins

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Same with gold and silver.

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never happen again,and if they try F them

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They can not pay off the debt. It's a historical fact that this is what the elite does.

What other choices are there? Effem hard

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stack g/s

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They will vilify then try to confiscate.

Then it's PEW PEW time...

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Thats what they want. Everyone kills each other while they watch and get richer.

Starvation brings out the worst in people. Stupid dies first.

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nope ,BS

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Bitcoin is heavily taxed. Do not see ways around it. If you spend it for goods or services, its taxed. Anything you do with it is taxed. Sucks. Yeah everything is taxed. They will never allow you to get ahead.

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... taxes are a small price to pay to live in Slavelandia - the best plantation on Earth.

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As long as they got Fresca and hoho's, dey bees da massa

Pickin me a bale o political cottins....

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...won't be pickin' cotton cause the fields are all rotten.

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its not real anyway,just air coins

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Double taxed if used for purchases. Grid down means bitcoin gone. Capital gains etc.

You can make a buck if you can roar. Meow.

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