There is a term for what’s going on with a lot of folks today and in the past. Cognitive dissonance. Just complete denial of the truth or unwilling to accept the facts. It’s that simple. Keep shouting from rooftop like you are maybe some will here and snap out of it.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022
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Nice points but I think I need to go to another country to find a real man. Or maybe Texas. They certainly are not where I live.

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It appears the wave man has incurred a refraction.

Every woman’ does not have an iPhone. American Women… wrong again. There are many good, wholesome American women - who have not conformed to the psyops of the societal breakdown. We will fight for our children - for all children of the world. The AI may come - but I’ll be damned if the real Men & Women of America, and around the world - will fold. We will fight, as we are fighting, until our very last breath - whatever may come. As it is unfolding into pure satanic evil usurping the souls of our children - I, for one, can feel the HULK inside of me growing with every hit they send our way. I assure you, I am in no way a man, nor will I ever ‘become one,’ my strength unsurpassed in Christ.

Your crass assumptions and deductions bring me to conclude you an ultracrepidarian.

May you find your way to what is right, just, good, and in the will of God. May you STAND for humanity, rather than denounce all that is right and good in the world; stand for human dignity, and at the very least, for the children.

Humanity will prevail…- no matter what you or I say now; ‘It is Finished’.

Godspeed ✞🕊

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Good post Jenna and on point. Wave rider seems to be here just to be “ a devil’s advocate”. Although be aware of the Jesuits who are master infiltrators and have made their way into almost all churches/religions. They are occultist and are not here for their evil agendas. Like vaccination programs.

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Correction: ARE here for their evil agendas.

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Brava! Part of that war against us are those devices hanging on our proverbial teat or testicles and those who can't seem to find their TV's off button which allows that steady stream of 100% garbage into what otherwise be sounder minds and better conclusions and decision making where they count now more than ever in our collective history. Networking but, more so, organizing to get every Christian on the same page as to understanding fully who our ancient enemy is and their crimes and money schemes and secret societies and this little shithole called Israel, who orchestrated and did 9/11 through what was revealed under Reagan as the Oded Yinon Plan followed by the Talpiot Program -- Christians better get the word out fast. iPhones and such are all about Talpiot program -- total global surveillance 24/7. We have DeSantis, Trump, Abbott, Biden, Bushes and all the dual citizens, the political Zionists, running it all. The Evangelical movement is not Christian whatsoever. It is political Zionist that covertly feeds their beast and enslaves Christians as revealed in the documentary ""Til Kingdom Come," a horrific look at this racket. Christians and Jews are diametrically opposed across the boards. Money power is Jewish. The Great Reset is Jewish. "Vaccines" are Jewish with revelations that are beyond skin crawling. Christians don't even know how bad it's become. Talk about standing for humanity, it better include using getting cops on the side of the people, out of their Freemasonry allegiances but us getting armed to the teeth because they are coming. The UN's LGBT mulatto grunt army to include all "US" military and now 87,000 armed IRS agents of zombie moron statists -- I told all this to my elderly lady haircutter. Her family came out of Soviet Russia. She knows. Few Christians, if any, know because of who controls the churches, the pastors and what isn't allowed to be talked about.

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Yes and you failed to mention the elephant in the room…the Jesuit Zionist alliance along with modern freemasonry a known Jesuit creation. This evil alliance is a wide well organized cabal definitely not just Jews. Many Jesuits are Jewish converts while many are Catholics and others often Jesuit educated at places like Fordham University and Georgetown University the oldest Catholic and Jesuit institution of higher learning in the United States.

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Why is Elon Musk anything to anyone? Much less the tightly controlled Hill? The same power who created these massive planet killing bubbles own all media, all "reporters." It's idiotic to keep Musk as anything. He's out to kill you with NeuroLink, part of the WEF plot to amass greater power unto the Crown, Rothschild until the end of days.

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Interesting. My suspicions of him remain strong. When he speaks, his eye movements, his hesitations - as if he were AI - carefully calculating his words.

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Oh my gosh. Hadn't even gone there yet. You could be on to something.

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Thankyou Bill. Finally, someone states what is hidden in plain view all over the world news reporting outlets. Even his Tesla cars kill people by going rogue on their own or the lithium battery catches fire and is not able to be extinguished with H20. And new batteries for these cars are around 10k. Why aren't people seeing this either??

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Several reasons, I suppose. First in my opinion, is people watch TV. TV indoctrinates and manipulates minds mostly by vast omissions of all other-critical data allowing one to draw more optimum and reasoned conclusions by which to act as individuals, a family, neighborhood and community at large. The mainstream and even "alt" media are so tightly controlled a person, not able to or too lazy to access this critical other-data to any and all claims made by the people on the TV or editorial boards, will be led anywhere power wishes them to do and act. LGBT, my body my choice, BLM, ANTIFA, Trump, MAGA are all contrived wedge issues by Jewish money power who, by inflating this financial bubble, have not only plotted the complete and utter takeover of this entire realm, planet, sphere, globe, etc., but they are in the very first stages of their final move on humanity -- all from money backed by nothing and the confidence people have put into this unsound money for hundreds of years. We are NOT ALLOWED to know this history, the true history of two world wars, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Freemasonry much less the very ancient past not in terms of trivia only. The only answer is men, specifically, must make themselves strong, made to hold themselves upright as men to not only denounce for the last time Rothschild, Crown and their lackeys called politicians and literally hunt them down and kill them all with more violence than they are using against the disarmed populations of the world. We must also understand the need for sound money and use it. Sell its use to those within one's immediate reach and influence. We need to forever turn off their media and get out and start talking with neighbors, police, growers, car mechanics -- everyone -- about all this. Mankind must know all the history power has withheld from humanity that goes back thousands of years and the progression of this pathological power and how they got this power by what means but the idea it can also all be taken away from them. What a novel idea? Thanks for responding.

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Looks like we both went down the same rabbit hole. Take care.

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It's all about the demographics, but what you said (all true) is only a small part of the whole strategic demographic war, which is only one piece of the no-holds-barred stealth war against the world's people by the central bankers.

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Wave rider I agree with you about the human bubble it is total BS. But your misogynist rant is unnecessary. Men also have been told being soft and wimpy is trendy. The transgender agenda swing both ways. Elon Musk is nothing but a Jesuit pawn a creepy looking puppet who is is playing a role not a “genius” just being told what to say. He has poor speaking skills and we don’t need him to know that there is a population decline and fertility decline ( toxic environment and poor dietary choices, stress levels etc are some key factors) Aging populations the purposeful breakdown of the family unit and expense of raising children in many countries also factor into the issue. https://www.usccb.org/committees/pro-life-activities/myth-overpopulation-and-folks-who-brought-it-you

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Removed (Banned)Aug 19, 2022
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Musk is a genius? Lol! He's never built a damned thing in his life to demonstrate such. His very White, wealthy and Masonic family from So. Africa is where his money came from. Father is a raging eugenicist. And he's leading the TV watchers down a golden path to their own demise. How genius is it to be a habitual drug user, stammer and stutter not even able to articulate one single detail about these EV's he supposedly had anything to do with which he didn't? Has he ever spoken one word of sorrow or offered compensation for those his POS cars murdered because of huge defects and incapability to be self-driving in the real world? No. He is a creation of TV and Twitter and every other POS social media platform that sold you a turd, dysfunctional beyond the pale, drugged out, mediocre intelligence druggie. Get over yourself, pal.

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Yes, wouldn't it be wonderful to make it even easier for the government to continue to spew out unlimited digits to everyone. We could all be millionaires overnight. Don't even mention that houses would now cost a billion dollars. No no no, we would all have a share of the unlimited digits (dollars).

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Then let mankind rid itself of useless governments who are just crime organizations feeding off your labor in every manner possible giving absolutely NOTHING in return. This includes every corporations with few exceptions.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 19, 2022
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Sure if one is a self serving greed based person. You will never be at the level of the ruling class. What you call exploiting the system is laughable that’s pocket change to those in positions of power. Slave school taught you well.

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No. Abolish it all. Outlaw the Federal Reserve. Kick all dual citizens with Israel or any other territory out and not by government. By our own efforts through our own means. What has this system done for you really? Nothing except made you a groupie. It is Israel that is this system in case you haven't figured that out. Lock, stock and barrel.

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Greg, you are so on target, however, I 'm not sure if the general populations get it, they are just too primal to cope with reality

May God bless you for attempting to "knock" some sense into them. .

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Indeed your article and the realities it exposes are mind-boggling.

The public has been sold lie after lie after lie to the point where they cannot handle the truth anymore. It’s unfortunate that the truth has been so twisted that people are unable to understand how much they have been deceived by those in control.

I can remember the movie Network where the main character / journalist gets so fed up by trying to explain the illusion of what the news is selling them.

Its time to get fed up and not take this crap anymore because doing anything else is not living your truth and that’s living in fear. That’s no way to live

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Mortal life is a mortal trap

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While I understand your hypothesis, (and it is a lot easier to call out problems than proposed fixes) perhaps a few suggestions of potential action that should be taken following your analysis would make your post more impactful. The hyperbole (millions will die; worldwide meltdown; etc) distracts from your main point.

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The way I see this issue is that the world, planet earth, is but so big. The world resources, and oil based products specifically, are being consumed at a exponential rate which is so unbelievable as to be scary or otherwise looks fake when viewed on a chart going back to 1900. Therefore, the human population needs to be reduced. Just ask Mr. Gates and the Davos gang. Wars, China's one child, poverty, and anything else you can think of is geared toward saving the planet by reducing the number of humans who are on board. Most of the ruderick heard is propaganda like, globle warming, EV's, the Kung Fu plague, et.al., which are nothing but half ass attempts at delaying the inevitable.

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Very sad. I blame our fine education system for this and it's getting worse. Glad I'm almost dead.

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Thank you!

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Hey, thanks for sending it to us!

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Sad but most likely total truth.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Hi Gregory,

I've been a follower of yours since last year and I agree with you on most things. This article however strikes me as flawed for the following reasons:

1. 'The population boom has been funded by debt'

Sorry no, the population boom is a result of better medical care (not withstanding the last 2 years), particularly Maternity and Paediatrics. Which allowed the Boomer generation (the largest in history) to live throughout childhood.

Alongside a longer average lifespan worldwide, coupled with increasing food supplies all helped to increase the world population.

It was estimated that world population would peak around 9 billion and then decline over the course of this century. Due to increasing worldwide living standards, also it's uneconomical to have children, now.

2. The debt based economic model, was initially set up under force by Nickson in 1971 and then pegged to the price of Oil in 1974.

Oil is the life blood of the worldwide economy and was a good way to have the value of debt rise and fall based on economic demand. Unfortunately for the USA being the issuer of the reserve currency -the Triffin's Dilemma has meant that it needs to become a greater and greater importer of goods and services in order to export dollars to facilitate world growth.

3. This all changed in 2008 with QE. The current economic system is now a hybrid between complete fait & petro-dollar. However this is also changing with Countries finding ways to trade via other means than the Dollar.

4. The demographics of the world mean that there is a worldwide manpower shortage, due to the Boomer generation hitting peak retirement this year. Additionally generation X and millennials have not been having enough children to replace themselves. Which is a reason why you have increasing job vacancies, with lower labour participation rates. It's also a major reason why a debt based economic system can not function in the current world environment.

If we leave out the clear malevolent nature of the freaks running our institutions (in the west), a debt based system is only desirable in a period of never ending growth, population, GDP etc. The world (including China and India) is no longer growing we are shrinking and that was behind the collapsing economy in 2019. The insanity of the last two years has only accelerated and masked this truth from view.

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"...tens of millions of people in every continent around the world will die."

Judging by the VAERS report (openvaers.com), which must be multiplied by at least 40 (1-200 may be a more accurate multiplier), this is already our reality - or close to it.

Of course, it is the central bankers doing it - they are the ONLY entity on earth with enough (printed) money to carry out such expensive genocide operations.

Notice that it is the jabbed sleep-walking idiots that are dying - and the remorse some of the injured feel is waking up additional troops. There are billions of us. We can afford to lose 6+ billion killed and still come back to scrub them off the face of the planet. Cheers.

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The bubble of population is not founded on reality. The earth is vast people have been corralled into certain areas. There is an abundance of food and resources what is scarce is equity and balance between haves and have nots. These articles address this issue and make good points.



The second article is written by Austin Ruse president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, a New York based nongovernmental organization that monitors UN activity. Pointing out again that not all Catholics or Jews are evil psychopaths just the ones at the top, the ruling class.

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Right on General

Right on Ken Watts

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Sounds rather Malthusianesque in tone and message. The bottom line is if you really think about

it we could argue further beyond our current financial system, well if we didn't have technological innovation over centuries then in fact we wouldn't have the current fertilizers and or plants or animal feed to grow large enough crops and herds to feed the growing human population. We could then further argue if we didn't have medical break throughs diseases would have controlled the population. Yet we didn't , we had shots we all had them when we were young to rid human kind of just about every conceivable life threatening or debilitating diseases thereby allowing the population to grow rather than decline. Then we could argue if we hadn't had the infernal combustion engine, we would not have had the ability to travel as easily as well as transport large quantities of food and stuff thereby again reducing the population. The Standard of Living over hundreds of years going up also caused the human population to grow rapidly so maybe a lesser standard of living in any/all ways would have reduced the human population. In each case, we could logically argue that if we didn't have any of this, the human population would have never burgeoned, yet indeed all these things happened in betterment of man; not in denigration of man kind. So, if you are an arguing type of person, let's go back to the times when all they dealt with and for was gold and silver. We could effectively argue that the beginning of using gold, silver and other precious metals caused the population to grow beyond natural levels whatever that may mean in that sense and argument as gold and silver allowed ships to be built, cannons to be foundered, weapons, etc. as well as other innovations even though to a lesser extent. If we hadn't had gold and silver interjected on humanity, then all people could do at that point would be to farm or hunt and then barter for anything else thereby eliminating the use of gold and silver addition and so the obvious growth of commerce, trade and so population growth from that inertial addition of a "currency use of precious metals" would have made the human population drop significantly as well. One could even argue further that the invention or innovation of the rudimentary "wheel" caused human population to grow even at that most primitive point as it allowed man to travel and carry food and stuff around more easily thereby allowing humans better living standards and so the population to burgeon.

In this argument, you can see that in of and in itself is a fallacy as no man can stop innovation from

happening whether in production, energy, medical, food, etc. nor can we determine what challenges

we as a human race may face at any point or period in time. And as far as individuals and families

are concerned, your society and culture "creates" that which you want to have and desire to have.

So, if you are in a developed society, your own society and culture through your whole life imbues

you with the notions of what you should have and want to have and what and when you should have it. Yet, is what we want or desire internally, reality in any way shape or form in terms of human population, degradation of your surrounding environment inclusive of air, water, etc.? This has

always been the deafening hard question as to how one "controls" the individual or societal norms

and behavior as to what one wants and needs? This cannot be controlled and in business they

always speak about "pent up demand" for stuff, yet the only governor on that "pent up demand"

is having a finite amount of wealth to buy the stuff. And currently, that is starting to bite us right

in the butt and people don't like it. Yet, that is "reality" and whether we have tremendous energy

and/or other innovations in other areas that are beyond our current knowledge and understandings suddenly be availed that reduces our inclination to consume more and more and be able to do so, each level of that same innovation is met by long periods of time from one break through to the next ground breaking newest innovation point in time that challenges all man kind.

In all this contemplation, you have to know that each and every sound generation(s) and/or

individuals considered all these things, with some with little thought about this and others planning the future for the rest that didn't have the time or inclination to do so. Yet, we somehow managed

to move forward sometimes lurching forwards, or backwards and yes mostly side ways for the

most part. Yet indeed we were inclined not to just give up and drop our heads in fear or panic but

more so faced those challenges as they arose and in current terms arise. That "is"

the survival mode in each person and hopefully more so in our scientific, cultural, farming,

space, medicine and other fields of human challenges. Leaders always find ways to solve

problems while those not wanting to lead or not in leadership can only lament as to their and other's

decline or worse conditions or states as a consequence We were made to be shining stars for each of us to see and navigate through and with and that is what we all should be in our own best ways!

Keep the faith.... and always look up not down as above you there is infinity like no other

to make you understand how vital each and everything truly is in the whole mosaic that

surrounds us and we are immersed in during our life times. Great wonderment and future.

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You are telling the truth🔥 in the heart of men.

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