Millions will die not just because of resources, but because millions have been coddled by society. Society has become weak, to the point where the majority of people do not accept "natural survival" as a way of social acceptance. What i mean by "natural survival" is forceful ways to protect oneself against threats. Our "natural survival" instincts have been removed by a police state and the people willing to accept that everything in society will be fine, as long as we comply, and by doing so, we are protected by others... not so much by ourselves.
When the bubble bursts, millions will die, because humankind will not know how to respond....we have not trained ourselves to live outside the standards that society has created for us, and therefore there will be mass panic. Those that do train for survival will remain calm, live outside of the chaos, and dominate the planet when the time arrives.
It's going to be beautiful man,10,000,000 people in the Cascades,singing,dancing,huntin,fishin.Meditating singing around the campfire every night.I can't wait.
The psychopathic child traffickers/rapists/murderers could not wait for the bubble to burst so they are accelerating the death toll by injecting people with a deadly poison and using "The Virus" as an excuse to starve out the 3rd world. Millions are starving right now, the injected are getting sick and in the near future will be dying from a lack of an immune system and when this "Human bubble" bursts the millions dying will turn into billions.
But hey, you better get you and your children injected so you can go see the new Spiderman movie.
The word you were looking for in your 2015 article is "Cognitive Dissonance". You Freemasons and your ilk have let Greed corrupt, pervert and poison life on this Planet. Your "Great Work" is a Great Tragedy, and unless you have some survival bunker in the Nevada Desert, you and your "Brothers" are all along for the ride. International Bankers, Politicians, Law-Enforcement, Mainstream Media, Senior Military Officers, Freemasons, Government Officials, Clergy, Rosicrucians, CFR, IMF, BIS, Royals, CDC, WHO and etc. etc. etc., all tentacles of the Satanic NWO claiming "Lucifer" aka Enki, is a good-guy and emancipator of Human-kind...what a joke, what a Deception, what a pack of gullible, immortality craving lunatics you all are. Enki is the Deceiver, and humanity is their food, natural resource and Earth, their farm. Traitors to Humanity get the Rope and there is no escaping God's Judgement.
That was quite...interesting. I agree with everything 100%. BUT would you mind expanding on the WHY millions/billions of people must die.
<<<. Therefore, this global HUMAN BUBBLE will burst along with the DEBT BUBBLE simultaneously and tens of millions of people in every continent around the world will die.>>>
The natural/human resources are still here regardless of credit. Unless you are referring to the resource of "credit" itself.
And if you are referring to the resource of credit, then if borrowing decreases, then no big deal, people won't die naturally from a lack of it. Africans/Russians/Chinese don't have a lot of credit living in the outlying "country" areas and their populations are increasing, not decreasing, with a lack of credit.
In time though I can see the WESTERN nations' populations decreasing "NATURALLY" because they tend to rely on credit as a means to do....what you enumerated in your piece...survive/live and thrive. seem to be alluding to "unnatural" deaths as a result of a lowering/lack of credit. Why would someone desire these "unnatural" deaths? How would that help the banks?
Germany's population may increase because of the import of men from the middle east though. They will ban porn and force women to marry and have babies just like in Nigeria
total horse shit from the profit - or conman - have you seen the video that goes over all his lies from the beginning ? year after year lie lie lie - but hey it worked - he became rich and the gullible now think he is a profit because he cooked the books for years to keep his company afloat - however it was perfect timing because it became so big that they couldn't pull the rug out because it would have collapsed the whole market / therefor world - remember it it one of the top ten that has propelled the market to SUPER RETARDED valuations based on cooked books !!
the population was always going to continue to inflate until they were ready to pull the plug and massively deflate it - in other words now
From his yesterday's video, he mentioned farm owner borrow lots of money to buy more pigs to expand his business (imaging pigs are human population) but when he ran out of future money to feed them, all pigs will go hunger.
Great article Greg. Been saying this for years, that the Human population is not physically, mentally or spiritually strong. Obese and dumb down and this is going to end miserably. Grow Adaptogenic plants, these plants regulate the 12 systems in the body. I'm 57 and look and move like I am Much younger and these plants are amazing and there are many. This has all been deliberate in that I have been deep in this subject and you could say I am obsessed. But I see an obsession for a long time that the two headed snake is not our friend! My mom died too young thinking like the herd and she was brain washed and I would think it was TELL A VISION. Human body is a battery. Bio electrical and your food needs a charge to run. In the future all labels should have the charge on your food and water!
Pretty scary stuff it’s going to be pandemonium on the streets if this happens. People would definitely go into a state of desperation when they realize they can’t access their money from an atm and no food on the shelves. Scariest part about this is it’s going to be a kill or be killed type of situation. Only the strong will survive and those with survivalist instincts!
Where is the boom ? Every advanced country has rapidly declining population. Only the third world countries have increasing population because they are poor.
If the debt bubble burst, many more countries will be poor so the population will grow even more.
wrong - the population boom we are referring to is the growth from under 3 billion a few decades ago to over 8 Billion now - so just that Extra 5 Billion or so ( you know chump change ! )
What's the first thing poor, stupid, ignorant people do once their bellies are full? That's right, the horizontal hokey-pokey. Hence the Big Pharma Covid-19 mRNA Gene-Therapy Injections; Spike Protein's sterilize and cause organ failure and blood clotting. Designed to stop reproduction at a genetic level and prevent living to retirement and collecting your pension, IRA and Social Security. Qui Bono friends, qui bono.
I have never heard it put like this before. That sick feeling of doom I have had recently put into clear words. I would imagine many will suicide themselves, having the inability to cope. I know a few people that would do that. The mother of my very young granddaughter to name one.
In other words, the masters of human psychology capitalized on the notion of building a better life for ourselves and our children would in the end rob our children of life itself. And now that there are so many people that we can not reach the numbers necessary to reverse it, so we must go through it. We better have a plan...
Millions will die not just because of resources, but because millions have been coddled by society. Society has become weak, to the point where the majority of people do not accept "natural survival" as a way of social acceptance. What i mean by "natural survival" is forceful ways to protect oneself against threats. Our "natural survival" instincts have been removed by a police state and the people willing to accept that everything in society will be fine, as long as we comply, and by doing so, we are protected by others... not so much by ourselves.
When the bubble bursts, millions will die, because humankind will not know how to respond....we have not trained ourselves to live outside the standards that society has created for us, and therefore there will be mass panic. Those that do train for survival will remain calm, live outside of the chaos, and dominate the planet when the time arrives.
It's going to be beautiful man,10,000,000 people in the Cascades,singing,dancing,huntin,fishin.Meditating singing around the campfire every night.I can't wait.
Thank you, Greg..
Or we can be like Trump and Obama and buy a Caribbean island !
Great prophetic article Gregory,
The psychopathic child traffickers/rapists/murderers could not wait for the bubble to burst so they are accelerating the death toll by injecting people with a deadly poison and using "The Virus" as an excuse to starve out the 3rd world. Millions are starving right now, the injected are getting sick and in the near future will be dying from a lack of an immune system and when this "Human bubble" bursts the millions dying will turn into billions.
But hey, you better get you and your children injected so you can go see the new Spiderman movie.
Thank you Craig. We need each other. So many people are blind to this, it is unbeilevable!
The word you were looking for in your 2015 article is "Cognitive Dissonance". You Freemasons and your ilk have let Greed corrupt, pervert and poison life on this Planet. Your "Great Work" is a Great Tragedy, and unless you have some survival bunker in the Nevada Desert, you and your "Brothers" are all along for the ride. International Bankers, Politicians, Law-Enforcement, Mainstream Media, Senior Military Officers, Freemasons, Government Officials, Clergy, Rosicrucians, CFR, IMF, BIS, Royals, CDC, WHO and etc. etc. etc., all tentacles of the Satanic NWO claiming "Lucifer" aka Enki, is a good-guy and emancipator of Human-kind...what a joke, what a Deception, what a pack of gullible, immortality craving lunatics you all are. Enki is the Deceiver, and humanity is their food, natural resource and Earth, their farm. Traitors to Humanity get the Rope and there is no escaping God's Judgement.
Enki-du! YAY! Are Enlil and Anu coming along for the ride too?
If we are lucky, Enlil will arrange another cleanse; this time with Fire.
Except there are plentiful resources. The problem is that it is concentrated in a very few hands who want more.
That was quite...interesting. I agree with everything 100%. BUT would you mind expanding on the WHY millions/billions of people must die.
<<<. Therefore, this global HUMAN BUBBLE will burst along with the DEBT BUBBLE simultaneously and tens of millions of people in every continent around the world will die.>>>
Its a resource issue. Without borrowing from the future, this all ends.
The natural/human resources are still here regardless of credit. Unless you are referring to the resource of "credit" itself.
And if you are referring to the resource of credit, then if borrowing decreases, then no big deal, people won't die naturally from a lack of it. Africans/Russians/Chinese don't have a lot of credit living in the outlying "country" areas and their populations are increasing, not decreasing, with a lack of credit.
In time though I can see the WESTERN nations' populations decreasing "NATURALLY" because they tend to rely on credit as a means to do....what you enumerated in your piece...survive/live and thrive. seem to be alluding to "unnatural" deaths as a result of a lowering/lack of credit. Why would someone desire these "unnatural" deaths? How would that help the banks?
Germany's population may increase because of the import of men from the middle east though. They will ban porn and force women to marry and have babies just like in Nigeria
Then the Germans will be forced to have sex with women at gunpoint and they will be praying towards Mecca 7 times a day.
If the gun is pointed at men's head and the woman is trump voter 400 lbs from Alabama, how will it work ?
Manually. Artificial insemination.
Just like vaccine
Biggest risk is the population collapse. It's happening now.
total horse shit from the profit - or conman - have you seen the video that goes over all his lies from the beginning ? year after year lie lie lie - but hey it worked - he became rich and the gullible now think he is a profit because he cooked the books for years to keep his company afloat - however it was perfect timing because it became so big that they couldn't pull the rug out because it would have collapsed the whole market / therefor world - remember it it one of the top ten that has propelled the market to SUPER RETARDED valuations based on cooked books !!
the population was always going to continue to inflate until they were ready to pull the plug and massively deflate it - in other words now
From his yesterday's video, he mentioned farm owner borrow lots of money to buy more pigs to expand his business (imaging pigs are human population) but when he ran out of future money to feed them, all pigs will go hunger.
Let the pigs roam outside, they will feed themselves
not after they have been domesticated and used to just having their food brought out to them
All around the world, the "human bubble" took the "shots" as planned. Baaaahh, stupid sheep. It's inevitable now.
I agree with everything in your article except the number of deaths. The death total will be in the Billions, not Millions !
While you sit in your bunker in the forest holding gold and sipping wine next to a fireplace.
yes - they know millions won't solve anything - population needs to be UNDER 3 Billion max
Great article Greg. Been saying this for years, that the Human population is not physically, mentally or spiritually strong. Obese and dumb down and this is going to end miserably. Grow Adaptogenic plants, these plants regulate the 12 systems in the body. I'm 57 and look and move like I am Much younger and these plants are amazing and there are many. This has all been deliberate in that I have been deep in this subject and you could say I am obsessed. But I see an obsession for a long time that the two headed snake is not our friend! My mom died too young thinking like the herd and she was brain washed and I would think it was TELL A VISION. Human body is a battery. Bio electrical and your food needs a charge to run. In the future all labels should have the charge on your food and water!
Pretty scary stuff it’s going to be pandemonium on the streets if this happens. People would definitely go into a state of desperation when they realize they can’t access their money from an atm and no food on the shelves. Scariest part about this is it’s going to be a kill or be killed type of situation. Only the strong will survive and those with survivalist instincts!
Greg I'll say this, you are correct that people would be unable to fathom this. Whether its true or not, people are unwilling to even think about it.
That being said, it doesnt mean its happening. Is there some reason to believe the Earth cant produce enough food to sustain 9BN people?
I like your theory, but I think your off in timing by an order of magnitude. We have a ways to go yet before the bottom.
> population boom
Where is the boom ? Every advanced country has rapidly declining population. Only the third world countries have increasing population because they are poor.
If the debt bubble burst, many more countries will be poor so the population will grow even more.
wrong - the population boom we are referring to is the growth from under 3 billion a few decades ago to over 8 Billion now - so just that Extra 5 Billion or so ( you know chump change ! )
Lets get the facts straight from the data
More poverty = more babies
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Genocide...
If only there was a way for humans all around the world to voluntarily reduce their numbers...
What's the first thing poor, stupid, ignorant people do once their bellies are full? That's right, the horizontal hokey-pokey. Hence the Big Pharma Covid-19 mRNA Gene-Therapy Injections; Spike Protein's sterilize and cause organ failure and blood clotting. Designed to stop reproduction at a genetic level and prevent living to retirement and collecting your pension, IRA and Social Security. Qui Bono friends, qui bono.
yes - grow a brain and stop spitting puppies everywhere
I have never heard it put like this before. That sick feeling of doom I have had recently put into clear words. I would imagine many will suicide themselves, having the inability to cope. I know a few people that would do that. The mother of my very young granddaughter to name one.
In other words, the masters of human psychology capitalized on the notion of building a better life for ourselves and our children would in the end rob our children of life itself. And now that there are so many people that we can not reach the numbers necessary to reverse it, so we must go through it. We better have a plan...
The sheep will say, "Not in America!!!" It will be survival of the fittest not just the richest(?).