Either get VAXXED or lose your jobtrump voters!. Heheheheheheheheeeee! 😈 😈 😈


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Seems like Uranium is the place to be.

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I don't know. What i see is that Americans are loaded with cash and spending it all over. Dollar is up from what it was in 1992 , people of other countries are killing each other and holding on to the plane to come to USA , other countries are so far behind in AI and tech that I don't even see them in the rear view mirror. Most of the world is still on camel and crossing the desert to somewhere far to pray the Gods of some sort

Europeans and Asians are working their ass off to supply what we need for free and shaking in their boots very afraid lest Americans stop ordering. Life is fantastic but women are getting fatter and fatter in USA because of good life and a lot of food .. may be men are also getting fat but I never notice them . Hope the virus subsides so we can travel to Europe and Asia in style . I would have been doing better if it was not for the piece of crap called silver. No body is interested in silver . It's the king dollar that's kicks ass

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What you see are the sideeffects of inflation. Understand: Inflation isn't rising prices. Rising prices are one effect of inflation. Theses people you describe, spending their cash like wild will experience a hard landing. These people you DONT'T see in the restaurants and so on, are already suffering. Just wait and see: The Governments will say "Hey! You! The "rich". You have to pay for theses poor people. We will manage it. Give us all your money." That means, one morning, theses people you describe, will wake up look outside the window and there is SOCIALISM.

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Germans and french are socialist people. There are so many rich dudes in Germany. Go to Kiev Ukraine on weekend or Prague. They fill up all hotels and apartments banging chicks .. Laws if enacted , will be enacted with a lot of loop holes ... We need a good accountant who is smart and knows what to do .

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Rich will not pay for the poor imo because remember that politicians are rich and they want more not less money . Why will they enact such a law ? Nancy pelocy to Obama all are millionaires .

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Not only will they do it. They're already doing it. But there is a difference between a state with social responsibility and a welfare state. In the state with social responsibility, the weak are supported. In the welfare state, the lazy are rewarded.

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I have zero doubts in my mind that there will be many loop holes for us . Zero doubts

For now what I see is a lot of fat women eating a lot of food and gulping down on wine. So everything is good.

I am very positive on USA economy. There may be a 50% cash but it's not a big deal. Let's see last I checked iphone and Android both came from USA . Other countries are so far behind that that I don't see them in rear view mirror. So if the camel riders want to make that call then pay up ..

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