my vax only works if you take it... and if the first 3x didnt work then of course the 4th will, what are ya stupid gezz louise

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Sesame Street P.R. Campaign To Get Children To Take The Jab!


Can you say your A B C's? I can say them V A X.

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They are playing that on broadcast tv as well. I saw it the other day and couldn't believe my eyes. Sesame Street characters telling children to get jabbed. I don't think the Nazi's could have pulled off something like that!

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^^^ hit the nail

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COVID-19 PRC Test Will Give You Covid-19


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Zombie Apocalypse

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"It is frustrating."

"What is frustrating?"


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This Rabbi is not afraid on the evil psychopaths in government he is afraid of stupid people


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^^^ Great! Exactly what I am always sayin'.

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Hey Zio.....I see that Germany is having..."issues".You got an "exit plan"?

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Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. All three in final stage of preparation. None of it is really a solution. Problem is EU itself that surrounds me. Alternatives rare and far away. Check the map: https://op.europa.eu/de/publication-detail/-/publication/1f2e6377-2032-11ec-bd8e-01aa75ed71a1/language-en So plan A includes staying in the shithole. Have to safe some others before I'm ready to leave. With or without them.

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Understand this, if they took 10,000 patients with so called "Covid" removed fluids from each patients lungs Scientist could not isolate "Covid" does anyone understand this? They created this synthetic monster as a computer model, and of course are now injecting you with this synthetic virus calling it a vaccine ! Insanity? You bet..

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Stupid people.

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I feel so sorry for people put in the position of either taking the "jab" or losing their job. Let's go, Fauci...you little prick

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Joe Mama, I do also.

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Outsourcing your Immune System to Big Pharma.

Have fun with your Big Pharma-Subscription.

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WELCOME to trump's America! It's what you trump-voters wanted. It's what you trump-voters asked for so settle in and enjoy the food that's on the table that you have set for yourselves. trump appointed Fauci AND Jerome Powell and SOLD America to The Fed and the CDC for a few million dollars. And YOU elected trump so YOU elected Powell and Fauci to RULE OVER YOU!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheeeeeee! I AM LOVING IT! 😃 💉 🩸 🧬 🦠 💉 💉 💉

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 🤣 😃

It's time to "Pay thePiper" and the Piper's got his hand out looking for payment! Heheheheheee! 😃

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This little feller paid THE ULTIMATE PRICE for your hate.


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That's some serious TDS you got there satanist.. Fauci is now Brandons aka the demoncrats covid god.. for shame the lot of you worshiper of Moloch..

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You idiot, YOU are the one worshipping your god Baal, the sun god, on his "Venerable day of the sun" which is sun-day. Dummy.

Alaska? Oh, you're an Alaskan trump-voter are you? Good. It's already been prophesied that every one of you in Alaska will be hunted down and KILLED by the Russians when they get there. They will not spare even one of you. Eeeeeeeeeeeheheheheeee! I am LOVING THIS! 🤩 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Enjoy! 😃

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Oh my the little satanic boi is triggered.. I know your ilk and your fully injected and boosted.. so get back on your hands and knees, close your eyes and conjure moloch.. while the lethal injection works it's "magic"..

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"The jab" is for you trump-voters and your children so ENJOY! 🤣


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Looks like America got turned completely upside down in INSANITY when you least expected it huh? Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! It's OVER for America! 60% of you idiots got jabbed up and you are DONE FOR! Heeeeeeeeeeeheheheheeee! 😂 😂

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I told you....when you least expect it. Hahahahahahaa! 🤣 🤣 Looks like God took out 70 of you trump-votin' COCKROACHES in trump-state Kentucky. Hehehehehehee! He did a good work! 😍 🥳 👏 👍 🤗 🤣 🤣 🤣

70 trump voters taken OUT in a badass tornado! Eeeeeeeeehehehehee! 🤣 🤩 😃


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I would have to agree with some of the stuff you are saying.... Trumpster, was either dumb, or part of it..... lol......... I would say he did a lot a stuff, which was stupid, ... for the benefit of the cabal..... Trumpster was wishy washy at best.... a real TROJAN HORSE.... fooled a lot of people,

A real piece of work..... Mr. Showman.... suckered a lot of people ...

Mr. Vaxx................ lol

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<<<Trumpster, was either dumb, or part of it>>>

You're actually right on both counts. trump is dumb AND he's a part of it.

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Understand this, if they took 10,000 patients with so called "Covid" removed fluids from each patients lungs Scientist could not isolate "Covid" does anyone understand this? They created this synthetic monster as a computer model, and of course are now injecting you with this synthetic virus calling it a vaccine ! Insanity? You bet..

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Where there is RISK

There must be CHOICE.


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a complete set of idiots followed by another group of idiots finding even more idiots, why anyone believes anything these monsters say is beyond a normal mind to understand, insanity has become the norm for so many, thanks brother

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Like En Vogue said

"Never gonna get it, never gonna get it

Never gonna get it, never gonna get it

Never gonna get it, never gonna get it

Never gonna get it, w-whoa whoa whoa!"

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OOOO...you're so mean

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Retards......... CLueless............. Worthless............. same as CONGRESS

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I see 3 people. And the probably work for Pfizer

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