Best explanation of real money silver and fake paper/money silver to date.

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Don't sell, gold and silver will eventually break free from the rigging .

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Honestly, you would do well to realize that the "value" of precious metals is more than an up or down cycle. It's an investment and protection for the future, one that is constantly being manipulated by Banksters and Friends. Buy low, don't sell unless you can't "afford" it. The time may well come when you no longer have the right to acquire and hold them.

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Here is a video where she is saying that buying Bitcoin plays right into the hands of the Fed. Would love some thoughts on this.

I wonder what will become of gold/ silver in the CBDC plan? Underground asset?


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Nothing, it would still maintain it's value. And if they try and take it move some where they don'. If you can't just bury it. But don't forget to make a map. Ed

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Like the great Lynette Zhang says .. "If you don't hold it, you don't own it". This would apply to all cryptocurrencies.

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Except there is a big caveat to crypto-- it requires a large, reliable electrical grid and a large, reliable internet to exist at all. If the grid goes down (or is false flagged, or is clamped down by a totalitarian government), or the internet goes down (or is false flagged, or social credit clamped down by a totalitarian government) then crypto will be pretty much worthless even if you hold it. It needs the infrastructure to function. And the infrastructure is complex, fragile, and controlled by people who are not our friends.......

That's my biggest problem with crypto. As a speculative gamble right now, sure-- you could make a lot of money (or not). But in any number of scenarios where 'things get really bad' I would not personally want to rely on it as a store of wealth.

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I don't speculate in crypto because you don't own it. I don't consider a data stick an equivalent to gold and silver.

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.... in other words - don't buy cryptos until you have all the rice/beans you'll ever eat. Buy the dip on Silver - 170-years of price supression - currently half the price of it's all-time high ($50 from 1980) - gold/silver ratio 1:80 when it comes out of the ground 1:7 - solar panel industrial use up 30-40-percent year-to-year... the price is a bottom-basement gift "exchange-rate" for your worthless dirty paper. And that's the short list.

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This time they did the smackdown it in the middle of the night. As we have always said "Let them play their game, and we'll play ours".

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Yeah congress is planning on how to get more ear marks Greg is spot on

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

WE did not vote for this!! It was stolen!! Its what THEY wanted! Let's get that straight. This was their plan. Like you said, selection not election!!

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... another Righty vs. Lefty hypnotised by the R/L paradigm... it's not right vs. left it's the state vs. You.

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Greg I thought Fed President Goolsbee was a nickname you made up. That’s hilarious that his name is actually Goolsbee. He doesn’t need another name since “ghoul” is already in it

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Ghoulsby the Spook

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Maybe these are just nice people hanging out and drank a little too much?

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Sell in May and go away! Look out guys May is approaching quickly do we have another run up before may? Leave me a reply!

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I haven't bought any precious metals this year. Easy money doesn't exist in my world, never has and it never will. With the layoffs coming to millions of american families, it's almost plain to see. THEY WANT GULAGS 4 ALL!!!! 🤬

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Greg, why would anyone worry about price of Gold & Silver, it's insurance if something goes bad, it's like auto and homeowners insurance, no one collects or hope it goes up to profit from it, they have it IN CASE!!! to protect their financial well being

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... because Gregory has some virtue - price discovery is absolutely necessary in a "free market" system. All those years you paid state mandated car insureance and banker mandated mortgage insureance but never made a claim - so sad... you can feel all warm and fuzzy that you put a whole lot of your insurance man's kids through screwel though. Hrmph.

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As I said yesterday, the central bankers are going bonkers in their obsession to create more and more digital US dollars. Billions and Billions leading to Trillions in new debt. and the continuation towards HYPER-INFLATION starting to knock on the door to America's bankruptcy where it will turn into (THE ROAD TO PERDITION) and the greatest Depression in World History as the whole world will be sucked in.!!! Ed K

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.... we've been circling the hyperinflationary toilet bowl since Nixon bud - don't kid yourself.

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Doug, The debt when Nixon was.president was miniscule compared to today. Approaching 36 Trillion and counting. No comparison, $8 to $10 fot a beer. $14 to $17 for a mixed drink. In a good restaurant. A party of 6 $400 with tip. It's knocking on the door. And that"s not even NYC. Recalculate!!!! Ed

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Oceans of Easy Money makes me want to get a drink too,.. BURRRRP! but.Yer booze barometer model "study" isn't affected by hyper-inflative derivitive markets much - unlike SLV. Printing presses got hot with Greenspan's computer trading (rigging) - but not until AFTER our fuhrer Nixon de-pegged the dollar from Au... and only then did Volker "tamp-down inflation" (to slow counterfeiting oceans of easy money) raising interest rates to ~20%.. We took the Chevy to te levy but the levy was gone...and nearly every housewife went to work to pick the bones of the dying dollar's carcass... Snicker's Bars went from 5-cents to a Quarter and were half the size. And Sundays were never the same...

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I've been around over 80 years, and your probably right. The system will collapse before we get to Hyper-Inflation. The banksare close.!!!! Ed

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It will be fine. They'll give us oldtimers a sweet deal if we get in early on the CBDC rollout.... maybe let us skip the 20% transaction fee or some other coercive agreement.... Come on down!... wedgy or assfuck?

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Andy S says if the dollar is unwanted by the BRICS and such, they will come flooding back to our shores. Bingo HYPER-INFLATION!!!! AS of yesterday. We]ll see.

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You wanted us to comment on the important news about Ms Swift: I don’t really know about her since I’m culturally illiterate. I don’t watch modern TV though I do watch “The Andy Griffith Show,” “I Love Lucy,” and “The Rockford Files.”

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... truth in advertising is not just a lawsuit worry for Justine Bieber and the other thing.

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