Unbelievable.. corporations using cash to buy gold


Once 10 day moving average turns up, thats it. It's up from there

Imagine if all those cash flushed corporations start piling on gold bandwagon

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Thanks for the tip.

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The Vaxed have got 3-5 years to live max:


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This also means world would be populated by Africans and aFUCKanistan all the TURDistan people. They did not get vaccinated. Most of the whites will be dead. Israel will be devoid of all Jews. They are the most vaccinated people

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I think, that's exactly the plan.

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How would you live in a Germany where people ride on camels and and bmw factory turned into a mosque ?

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2022 is next year. I'll be keeping my eye on the French presidential election if there is one next year.

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The first round of the 2022 French presidential election will be held on 10 April 2022. Should no candidate win a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff will be held between the top two candidates on 24 April 2022.

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Hey Zio! You got the link to that wild Alex Jones video again? I keep bookmarking it, but the bookmark keeps disappearing off my comp. Hahahahahahahaa!

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That is the plan. But aren't the PTB white themselves? So why do they want to eradicate white people and let Africans and other Black people live?

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The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions: Contains Incitement to Hatred

... dont't think their vax will be as effective. killing all your clients doesn't sound like an sustainable business model.

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"Contains incitement to hatred"? Hahahahahaha! Germany has got you Germans locked up tight with censorship eh? Hahahahahahahaaa! That is a DOCTOR telling people what the Vaxx will do to them.

Depopulation 2025 - Dr Sean Brooks "Nothing can stop what’s coming"

Your own government is fighting against you buddy. They don't want you to hear ANY doctors telling you the truth about the vaxx....and they call it Hate. Hahahahahahahaaa!

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You DO realize Angela Merkel and whoever you have as a leader now are paid PUPPETS just like the leaders here in America are don't you?

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Merkel was installed to destroy Germany. But she is not the problem. [Stupid] people are.

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Sad to see such a wonderful country getting destroyed. I really liked Germany Everytime I visited there.

Yes so many Germans have gone from Nazi to libtards

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The American Liberal agenda is INFECTING nations worldwide. Good! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! A.O.C., Pelosi, Harris, Biden, Iilhan Omar or whatever her name is, Rashida Tlaib and Biden will DESTROY ALL YOUR COUNTRIES, not just America.

Buuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhahahahahahaaaa! 🤣

Enjoy your New American LIBERALISM! Hahahahahahaa! The whole world is going to crap. LOL. 🤣 🤣 🤣

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You DO realize Angela Merkel and whoever you have as a leader now are paid PUPPETS just like the leaders here in America are don't you?

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Wow! Thanks for sharing!

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You're welcome Brook. You didn't get "The Jab" did you?

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I did. If I die, I will come back as ghost and let you guys know if ghosts really exist ;)))

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Prepare with vitamin D and C. There's life in the old dog yet.

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You got "The Jab"?

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Yes Pfizer. Nothing happenedm I am doing fine. Will see after 4 years lol

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Hopefully everything will turn out O.K. for you WaveRider! 😃

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Goodgirl! 😃

Don't fall for their tricks.

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Now hospitals are discussing which patients to admit and treat first based on vaccination status if hospitals become overwhelmed...whatever that means.

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And they are expecting hospitals to be overwhelmed in two more weeks.

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Because people who got the jab are going to start dropping like flies. The MSM will blame it on the Delta variant.

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This is GREAT, check the posters in the background



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They are warning of a coming inflation surge? Like we didn't know that already. The more they print, the higher inflation will go. Economics 101.

Hahahahahahahaaaaa! Ha-Ha! Hahahahahaaa! 😂

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I am not even thinking about thinking about buying anything until dollar 10 dma rolls over

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Looks like WTI is going down to about 57 usd or 52 USD.

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Desperatly waiting for a false flag, hahaha.

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weak ... weaker ... HangSeng

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Please check your website, I not letting me access!

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I don't believe a word that comes from the investment banks on Wall Street. Do the opposite of what they're telling you to do.

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