Thanks Greg, and WE had a GREAT YEAR!!! I'm looking forward to a prosperous 2021 as well and I too opened 4 large cap quarterly paying dividend core stock positions in VZ(4.12% dividend), T(7.25% dividend), CVX(6.21% dividend), and XOM(8.37%). I chose these because they have a very good track record of keeping their shareholders happy with high dividend payout year after year, and all 4 companies stock should dramatically increase moving forward into 2021 as 5g is rolled out and crude oil (The Life Blood Of The Military Complex) gets propped back up to $100 per barrel as tensions rise again in THE MIDDLE EAST with the new Biden/Harris Administration. I don't care how much they try to push this GREEN NEW DEAL you cannot fly a Fighter Jet, deploy a Battleship, operate Tanks and Supply Convoys with a BATTERY!!! XOM is in debt very bad and will announce the end on January their forward guidance and their most recent debt situation, but XOM has always been faithful to pay year over year around 8% dividends every quarter in good times and bad. XOM has been under criticism lately from the analysist, but like Greg always says "BUY WHEN EVERYONE ELSE IS SELLING" and I feel like investing in 2 Energy Sector Stocks VZ and T will double in 2021 with the rollout of 5G, and investing in 2 Energy Sector Stocks XOM and CVX will double when OIL prices rise back to $100 per barrel. Thanks Greg for your GREAT ADVICE this year you have really helped give me the confidence to Trade this Market with success, and I will also be buying more stock positions in some various TECH stocks like AAPL, MSFT, FB, TWTR and a few more after the first of the year when they sell off their extreme highs and investors rotate out of TECH and create a good buying opportunity. Thanks Again Greg and THANK YOU LIONS for a WONDERFUL YEAR even though we are watching it fall apart around us, and with ALL US working together, "HEY, WE GOT THIS" bring it on 2021!!!

Your Fellow Lion,


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I like your stock picks. Definitely CVX for an oil position. Though CNBC experts are picking XOM in the last few days. AAPL is also a good pick. Look at the price of Apple products. Why would you not want to long AAPL. I chuckle a little inside when I see my family and relatives buy iphones and accessories. lol

Happy new year everyone! Be safe.

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Happy New Year, dear Gregory and fellow Lions 🦁.

Greg, I've been following you and your amazing work in the last few months, and I really appreciate everything you're doing for the traders community.

I've just finished reading your new book, and it has great insights and invaluable information. Well done!

As for your core positions - I understand the reasoning behind them, but I'm a technical trader, and the YEARLY charts (every candle is one year) of JPM and KO are a bit ominous.

JPM has formed a huge hanging man, and KO has formed a long-legged doji. Obviously, these formations will be irrelevant if these stocks continue higher, but they could suggest a potentially higher risk.

In any case - I wish you and everyone here a successful 2021 (in trading and elsewhere).

Keep up your amazing and much-appreciated work!!

All the best,


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Thank you Gregory. Your post is the first thing we listen to in the morning. You have even displaced the weather channel! What you are doing is fantastic. You are offering a possibility and assistance to anyone who WANTS to TAKE ADVANTAGE of it. Yes it is a game. LIFE is a game! And each one of us is responsible for what and how we create ours! Love and Light and blessings in 2021.

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Thank you for everything you do

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Dear Greg, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!! I wish you an excellent 202!! And YES! We are looking forward to win the markets in 2021..! We are here ready to trade, make some money and make a difference in society... GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! .. and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!

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Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year Greg! .. Let's all have a Blessed 2021!!

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Happy New Year everybody!!!

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Happy new year, G-Mann! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us.

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Thanks superman, happy new year!

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Happy New Year Greg! Thank you.

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All the very best Greg, reading your book :-) and learning as fast as I can.

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Thanks for all you do for us, Greg! Wishing you and your loved ones a great 2021!

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Greg your the best. Thank u for all you do. Stay handsome.

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Happy New Year!

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Happy and Blessed New Year to you and your family also Greg. Thank you for all you have and do for us.

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