Aug 23, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Anything they try to do is very temporary at this point. They have simply hammered DXY down today. Looks like Charles Schwab may the next Lehman moment here, You can see the volatility past few weeks. And in case your asking..that is not bullish.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

so if we have cash in a brokerage account there, we should get it out?

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We have gone from get your money out of the bank to get your money out of a brokerage...hope we are not there quite yet. It’s the only place to get 4-5% instead of letting your cash sit around.

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Yes, that's what I did--someone over at Wealthion suggested it, so we parked cash in money markets at Fidelity, Vanguard, and Schwab. I don't know where else to go. We're trying to spread it around. I watched videos on money markets at those three, but nobody did one on Merril Edge, so I didn't bother with them (plus they are connected to BoA and I don't like them). We have accounts at a credit union (but no interest on the cash parked there). I guess we can find another credit union too. This is just getting so crazy. Already sold half the stocks because I was getting scared (I'm new to investing and need to learn as much as possible asap).

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I think the same in that “the illusion will be maintained.”

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Love the Presidential 'SELECTION' Cycle term Greg!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

I concur

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Rich Men North of Richmond. Oliver Anthony has this country nailed with his hit song!

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He sure did nail it!

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and, this is day 2 of the BRICS mtg and I haven't seen one headline about it. It's supposed to be a big deal but I guess the media has it's role propping up the democrat/marxist takeover of the USA.

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I heard on the War Room yesterday that for the first time ever...I guess ever... 1 million barrels of oil was bought by our ally India not using the dollar which used to be the petrodollar but using Russian rubles instead. And so it begins...the long slide for us.

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Word ... not a peep

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I still dont think this is a normal selection cycle so all the old playbooks are thrown out the window . Biden is not going to be used another 4 years they need to crash this to usher in the savior to sell the masses the mark of the beast , most likely Trumpy . Johnny bravo admitted he was wrong that yeilds would continue to rise and says the charts predict a slight drop in the yeilds then it will continue shooting up looks like thats what is going to happen . Like lynette zang says why do people think they want to keep this going its the end of the road for this system the sheeple are happy slaves and they know there will be minimal resistance so in my opinion this all wraps up in 6-12 months

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Your on the correct path. Good thinking.

Could be Michael Obama. Or whatever his/her name is as installed leader pic? 🤷‍♂️

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"I still dont think this is a normal selection cycle so all the old playbooks are thrown out the window"

Totally agree!

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No. The cavalry isn’t even near its horses.

Agricultural shutdowns, remember?

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Greg, your the JP Morgan of this shit. Thank you for all you do for us daily and your wisdom. Your da best fam

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Likely scenario is US economy staying propped up untill poopy pants steals the election again then the collapse will be ushered in to destroy the people

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My thoughts are they are trying to hold it up until this next plandemic Eris happens dump the market and they have something to blame it on. Then we will go to the new CBDC or as they call it FEDNOW. Keep and eye on mid september.

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Greg, the Fed has to implement the CBDC’s now. Banks are collapsing. They have no time for a 15 month presidential election cycle… Tell the lions, it’s time….

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I am thinking the same no way they can drag the biden show another 4 years into this

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... There is an organic element to all this... They can only continue to play these unrealistic games for so long before reality catches up to it... We can only pray for those who are unprepared that this is not the big one.

Also, I disagree. If they want CBDC’s and total control sooner rather then later, ... historically speaking, ... full blown chaos, rioting, civil unrest, famine, and economic depression/hyper inflation, create the political crap chutes that allow insane crackpot dictatorships rise to power.

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We are headed to Mad Max.

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Dead banker, BEST banker...

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LOL! You are right!

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I am preparing for another roller coaster ride!

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