Yeah, Biden and Harris will boast about this and take victory laps even though it has nothing to do with their decision.

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any more than it was Biden/Harris’s decision to raise rates and keep them high longer than needed.

Should give Harris a bit more of a tailwind to victory.

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100% agree, Harris 2024!! I am hoping she can keep the borders open and pass a bill that will give free money for illegals to buy houses. It will be very good for my business!

I think another 40 Million illegals over the next 2-3 years will be perfect for America. It will raise all our house values too! So its a win win!

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Jim, when she wins, Republicans will have to come to their senses quickly and negotiate a reasonable Border and Immigration bill. It could even happen before Biden leaves office.

Trump will be in jail before Jan 20, 2025 and normalcy will return to the world.

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Nah, they are not jailing him, they are going full Hugo Chavez and killing him. He will not see the end of December especially if he wins in Nov.

Sad, actually, he is a father, husband and grandfather to a family, he has sealed his fate, he should have never stepped into politics.

The best part, I was all set to go out to vote for Trump as of last week after my realizations today, I do not even have to bother to vote, the DNC has me covered.

I just hope she can keep the borders wide open and get another 30-40 million immigrants here, I need houses to sell!

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You sir are simply an anti-American PIG!

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No that would be our politicians. If you stand up to them (JAN 6) they will throw you in prison with no charges and let you rot.

Are you standing up to them? By them I mean Dems and Reps, they are all the same.

How come no Reps are screaming about the J6 prisoners? Because they know they will be next.

Fall in line sport, Greg made is very clear, Trump is a clown and causes division in this country with his hateful rhetoric, it seems Trumps attack on Taylor Swift really triggered Greg. I had no idea he was a swifty.

I was ready to fight Greg over his statements 4 days ago, after self reflection, I realize the Government of this country is my enemy. There is no changing it they have it locked in.

So the best strategy is to do what many are doing on here, enrich myself playing the game as best as I can. Figure out the best way to make this mess profitable for me.

I am not staying in America I am taking the money and running.

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You are just bad as other two. You care nothing but ownself. You leave me speech less.

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Kammi, don't let these things bother you. This is all too common, they may be deceivers, or they may just be tortured, naive or misguided individuals, but Pug is right; its anti-american, and seems very bot-ish.

Regardless, words can't hurt you if you don't let them, and Karma has a way of coming back to people increased by orders of magnitude, be it negative or positive.

Best to focus on the positive. Cheers.

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oh my GOSH, HOW stupid

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Hey sweetgirl. 😃

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I think they are trying to fuel the fire, can you be the obtuse?

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To be expected this is only about the election and pulling the wool over people's eyes. How very, very sad.... we are in for one heck of a ride next year. Let's all hold on for this ride and and see what happens. We can only prepare the best we can. Without each other we are Toast...we really need to get ready to help one another when the time comes.

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No Bueno.... A weakness signal...

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I predicted to my Coin Dealer this month that it would be 50. Don’t care what others say, BUT…. It IS about Election. Most people DO NOT follow Financial Advisors. They’re Only Seeing Home Mortgage Rates as I did at an earlier stage in my life.

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Everyone I listened to this morning said .25. I disagreed. Listen to my Gut more than anything other than Advisors but use discernment

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$50? It's gonna go higher than that...

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ABSOLUTELY. I predict back down to 2.9-3.5 by end of 2025

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That sounds about right with a massive amount of inflation coming in from abroad (abandonment of the petrodollar).

All hell will break loose though once debt exceeds GDP, which has been projected for 2029/2030, maybe sooner.

At that point all remaining producers will exit the business leaving only de-facto state-run entities. Negative production value sets in, shortages ensue, then sustain. Food production will probably be a big problem, just basic economics.

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It’s a Bargaining Strategy for Most Americans

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Dumb move by FED!

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Great move by the FED for Gold and Silver and my Canadian gold and silver mining stocks...Yahoo

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Hey! I thought you left?

I am with you on the G&S and I also think is a good move because it will help ignite home sales, which will help my business.

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We are screwed

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

No not really. Its just bad news, and means dark and violent times ahead.

Every end is also a beginning. Only the helpless are really screwed.

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God Bless and Protect everyone here:)

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"Strong as hell!"

Keep your powder dry for the incoming crash.

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Harris gets her rate cut

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Honestly shocked. Hyperinflation coming sooner than I thought

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Agreed, I thought they'd at least kick the can out a few more years to 2030.

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Middle class people like me don't stand a chance in this rigged market and system. Be thankful you're not buried in the rubble or starving. The dollar is ruined why party like it's 1929? They can take our gold, silver and dollars. Thieves are waiting, natural disasters take everything. What's the point in trying to beat the system when we are all slaves. Just one of those days.

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Alan, no one stands a chance if they allow the downward spiral to continue, but like all societal cycles sufficient suffering must occur before people are emboldened to action.

You don't beat the system, you survive it any way you can.

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I am so blessed that we have you to guide us through this mess!


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Say good bye to gold guys because its going back up to the Stars where it was created

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Now the economy is going to blow up in our face -- and not only that but now we gots to worry about cell phones blowing up in our face too. Interesting times indeed. https://jpstillwater.blogspot.com/2024/09/fly-me-to-kazan-and-let-me-play-among.html

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Yeah, gonna be a bumpy ride for a while...at least I'm prepared to survive, but, getting close to retirement...that may not happen. as I planned.

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Im 39 and i've learned more from you Greg about money in the last 5 years than anyone else prior.

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