Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

You are such a great advocate and educator to us all. Thank you. I have followed you for a very long time and have taken your advice on becoming my own central bank.

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg, I am in the service and am unable to hold physical gold/silver currently. Are IAU and SLV good alternatives second to physical metal? God bless.

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You can gain exposure to commodities via an ETF, (exchange traded fund).

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Great info sir you are smacking gov. Sponsored propaganda news like the 3 stooges they all are bwhahahaha keep the faith g.m

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Yes. Absolutely correct Greg. Thank You. 🙏

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

So glad you are on substack- those of us minions that don’t have a channel can converse with you.

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You are an integral part of what we have built here. Thanks you for being a part of it. ; )

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

By 2034? Do we even have that long? Death to the fake US Stock markets. I hope everyone's 401K goes to ZERO.

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Its not really a matter of paper wealth, it is the coming of a new system.

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I think this whole thing is going down within the next 12 months.

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If not sooner!

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Truly Great job Greg great job on this.

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

My Dad is 95 borin in the Great Depression We just talked about this yesterday and CBDC yes a 95 year old is facinated is how this is gonna go.

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Jun 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Thank you for awesome Insights! AGAIN!

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Great blog, Greg. Now the neocons are sounding the alarm on IRAN's impending nuclear warhead capability - they are hellbent on starting a war with Iran either through Israel as the proxy or direct. What could go wrong?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Don't agree that it will continue to set new ATHS up through selection. Many crashes or large scale corrections happen into a selection cycle if the narrative is one of the "establishment" turning on the incumbent and the tribe that owns the world wanting to install a new puppet. A large correction in late summer/fall would anger entitled 401K holders and retirees and would have the "illusion" people voted and "selected" the alternative candidate. The establishment seems to be "turning on" Biden now and we know Trump needs to be installed back into power to fulfill revelation. Often times, crashes/corrections are "engineered" just before selections to get the populous to turn harder against the incumbent. Think fall 2008.. that is how they "installed" a community organizer no one heard of. It happened in 2000 with "dot com crash" In fact, selection years are often times when they engineer this to bring in "change" as people are angry they have lost ill gotten stock gains. Plus, we have GANN and Phi Mate cycles turning down July. We also have Bradley model topping early July. Importantly, both Dr Nenner's work and Martin Armstrong are showing an August panic in markets. So no.. we likely won't make it to selections. We could continue rally through July but that will be the end of that

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That's what I've been hearing also, that we'll have a big drop in the stock market as early as the next couple of weeks to as late as September/October. It seems like all the economic factors are converging and they won't be able to continue to prop up this market no matter what they do.

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A tell tale sign is that the "MSM establishment" is "turning on Biden" All part of the script. Biden is long gone.. the masked man is now their new scripted enemy. Thus, the Fed is crashing the markets before selection to upset people (these crashes will be worse than Great Depression crashes) They crash during selection cycles often when they want to bring about the illusion people are "voting" for the other candidate. Everyone knows Trump always bragged about "look how high your 401K has bloated out under me" even though candidate Trump called the stock market a big fat ugly bubble. Everyone remembers Trump for "melt up 401Ks" Trump can "campaign" on that again as this crash will start before October. People will be living it as the fake vote. So the narrative that Fed keeps markets propped during elections is untrue. Year 2000, year 2008 (GFC) were crashes

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They are actually planning this apparently. Fed giveth and Fed taketh.. and yes.. this will be an ongoing series of crashes..3 to be exact that go into next year. I force the bottom around May. But a depression 2025-2027 as most living costs continue to explode (rents, food, energy) A super inflationary depression.

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It sounds like we're all in for a really rough time, especially the people who have no idea about all this and think you're crazy when you try to inform them. One thing's for sure, everyone that's still around after we go through all this will be awake for sure then.

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Yes.. I expect unemployment to hit near Covid numbers and people will stop paying mortgages and cars.. will be too many to repo or foreclose at once. Basically like an unofficial jubilee. But no fear, the tribe is about to roll out AI next year and replace us all anyway! They can use the excuse is the depression when the point was that even the slaves are too expensive.. all about the profits. Of course if under 60 you won't be much of a consumer without your job! Fourth turning!! We have 10-15 years of depression ahead.. of course i argue workers have been in one since 2008 and just took on more debt to mask it (like the govt) or sent wifey to work.

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Sure sounds like were heading into HYPER-INFLATION. Your have a lots of HYPERS in your comment.


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Many thanks (from Scotland) for all the hard work over the ten years I've been following.

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I have thought that if TPTB want to install Biden, they would keep the markets elevated, and if they want to install Trump, they would crash the markets?

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Greg, My understanding of debt and the Fed.

Govt. spends what they do not have, and the FEDERAL RESERVE!! says 'we will approach the Financial

Community, and Financial Resources including Banks' who will fwd. the necessary needed, written in the form of bonds owed back to those institutions. The FED. prints the money. Hence the Govt debt is paid off by new debt; and so the cycle/collusion continues; until it does not!

Is this a reasonable assessment?

YOU help keep my sanity, KEEP WELL, PLEASE!!!

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America has been in a Recession since 2008 that was papered over by Quantitative Easing & Artificially low interest rates. A Hyperinflationary Depression that began in 2019-2020.

We are in the middle of a monetary transition. Where by Central Banks globally coordinate gold buying at record levels and hyperinflate their fiat currencies to death, to offer us peasants CBDC as the "Solution" to their pre-planned implosion.


FED raised rates on purpose to begin collpasing the system. To Hyperinflate the $, make way for CBDC and the rise of the East and fall of the West. Rate cuts are no longer a main policy procedure. May cut for the election. Rates will rise or hold where they are.


This is deflationary for stocks. However, 'dark money' maybe used to inflate the markets. Propping them up to new highs like Venezuela, even as people starve to death and go homeless in mass.

DATA: America has Already Collapsed: People Just Haven't Figured it Out Yet

In 1952 a cup of coffee cost $0.15.

In 2024, that cup cost about $6.00. That's a 3,900% price increase since 1952.

McDonalds prices from 2019 to 2024, on average across the board have increased 141% (5yrs). Americans can now hardly even afford McDonalds. It's so bad, the CEO himself had to address the already dead consumer.

Our currency has been devalued by 98% since 1913 as admitted by the Federal Reserve. We know its worse than that because that is a public number and the FED are liars and have a vested interest in lying.

In 1970, you could buy 250 oz of Gold for $10,000. In 2024, 250 oz cost well over $500,000.

Average wage in 1970 =$9,500. One man could afford a house, car, wife and several kids with one wage earner.

Average wage in 2024 =$43,000 and it's not enough to survive in most areas.

In 1950 the average house was $6,000. In 2024, average house cost $450,000.

Car in 1970 use to cost $3,500. 2024 a car cost $47,000.

It's already over for America. It just hasn't psychologically been figured out by the masses. But they are starting to get it as the collapse gets worse and their checks more meaningless."

Inflation Rate 141%?

If we take the McDonalds menu and assume a minimum inflation rate; based on the average price increase of products across the board. We come to an average price increase of 141% of all items across the board. Americans can't even afford McDonalds anymore as the CEO came out publicly and states the consumer is basically dead.

It's not the consumer that's dead, its the Dollar.

-Dillon Critique from; what's THE DILL? (substack)


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Greg. The entire Fisherman’s Wharf in SF is boarded up and gone! Alioto’s, Catagnola’s, Tarantino’s, and Scoma’s are all gone! The tour to Alcatraz is out of business. Good luck getting out there. The TransBay subway, train and bus terminal is deserted! I retired as a Fire Captain in the City. I worked there for over 20 years. I grew up in North Beach, which used to be mostly Italian. All the old paisan’are gone and its all cazone now! The City is ready to burn to the ground. Arson is off the charts. Its what we used refer to as “Jewish lightning.”

Nothing in San Francisco as I once knew it is there anymore. Not even the Great Depression of 1929 was this bad! Where are the reporters reporting on an over 35% vacancy of commercial real estate.

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