The outside distractions keep getting more numerous.

Balloons, trains, aliens, shootings, eggs, jabs, etc.

The end is near.

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something is going to happen for sure , they are pulling out all the stops !

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We only know the season NOT the day and time. It’s not season

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No big deal. It'll go up, but the FED will still buy. The 10yr yield is still in an uptrend on the weekly chart which means capital is flowing from the debt market to the stock market. 💵🤑💰🤑😁

10yr Yield Weekly Chart:


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No actually the money is being fluctuated around between the dollar metals oil and coming out of the debt market and the stock market

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The cops in Ohio are ARRESTING trump-voters who are reporting on the Ohio train catastrophe. YES! 🥳🎉💯😃😁😂🤣😆🥳😃🎉🥳😁

Eeeeeheheheheheeee 😁😂🤣😁🥳🤣😂😁


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I think the fed is trying to keep gold in a range that would make the dollar appear to be stable as a reserve currency. They need to create a lot of dollars to pay for all their obligations, but they don't want to do it all at once. Instead, they, the Fed, does it piecemeal and maybe is waiting for the debt ceiling to be raised if it hasn't been already.

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These trump-voters thought they were playing the game "Call of Duty", but it turned out that the Ukraine war they decided to engage in was actually quite real. Two of them got KILLED by the Russian meat grinder and are now burning in HELL 🔥🔥🔥💯👺👿👿👿.

Looks like they watched way too many Rambo movies and thought they couldn't be harmed by bullets. Looks like they got a rude awakening.

You live by the gun, you DIE by the gun.

Hahahahahahahaha 🥳🤣😂🤣😁😃🤣😁

Two trump-voters getting killed.....


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The 6 month is over 5% ain't that somethin

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waiting for the later afternoon "miracle" that always seems to happen

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Hi Greg, Love your work and have been following you for quite sometime now. John Titus from BestEvidence just published an article (https://bestevidence.substack.com/p/klown-and-the-gangs-apocalypse-derby) including a video (https://youtu.be/5m75wFQiQ4c). Don't quite understand the financial jargon and so would love to hear your take on the video and article by John.

Thanks and regards.

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The PPT will show themselves again soon

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Some are looking for a crash, some see a rally. Despite that, the greatest fear I have is a slow, agonizing drop of 1 - 2% month that goes on for years. Nothing exciting just a steady drip drip drip.

Endured it before and it was pretty horrible

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The banks only need to print long enough to own enough assets to pull the plug on their timetable. Stocks do not necessarily need to go higher to keep the illusion of stability active till the banks own enough assets. Banks will not print, to make stocks go higher. Only long enough to keep enough people believing till the end. And in the end, look to them for the answers.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

Remember that they want to scare everyone into cash so they can inflate them into poverty. Regardless of what they do gold, silver and Bitcoin remain attractive as insurance against currency collapse and global debt. There is also a ton of institutional cash sidelined that needs to find returns. The economy is hyperfinancialized and that distortion will only get worse as they continue moving towards MMT.

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Ok, I am a little confused here. MMRI/10 yy keeps rising yet the market is slowly creeping up.

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The "markets" are all fake.

How new are you?

Get into physical hard assets.

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I got that covered. I am here because I was forced out of healthcare, need to make $. I already know its all fake however so far 10 yy has been the best indicator of markets inching down. I am not looking for a crash, but rather a pullback after this January rally.

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For technical analysis; check out stocks channel, money maven, mike swanson of Wallstreetwindow.com ( for the longer term trend; he is bullish) also drstoxxtrading.com; i just subscribed to his etf service last week

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maybe they know a "miracle " will happen later in the day where some magic entity buys all the debt ??? Seems to be how it operates

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I am aware of that, thanks

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Will I wake up one morning and realize the

_ _ _ _. Has hit the fan? How stable is the illusion of stability?🤷‍♀️

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Manno, I don't know why but my messages get deleted instantly on both stack and you tube. I think my theories have been spot on, you know what's going on manno collect yourself, you know the past of history on fiscal agents and infrastructure collect yourself take a day a week however long collect and interpret. You've been hitting the nail on the head but you've been having your mind on us we can't function without a steady hand, let's go manno.

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Manno, I too believe that the fed will continue to maintain the illusion, and their doing so with ease. There is no need for the switch in the fiscal infrastructure, unless they can't get control of the Blockchain infrastructure. Yet have you read the Blockchain mining recipe? And also have you tried mining solo, though the chances of winning the lottery are similar to getting a block? Also crypto is REALLY just a LITERAL GAME. And that is already under the fed and the fight is other central banks getting control of it. Yet I say this switch will happen in due time but there is no need for the gold standard, to central banks; because of the hook. No one is educated enough to see that this is yet another act of leadership. But the switch is in politics now, I believe this leads up to a trump presidency and this is going to be maybe the switch in fiscal structure; lower dollars negative integrates. Yet the markets are going to love it, stack the silver, crypto is going to call for it, gold will always rien king. But trump will bring the new system in and get praised for it, while blinding the masses. I like trump we should have a capitalist in the big white house, yet the people are still blind to it. I don't know these are theories what does everyone think.

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