The banks need money to buy out one of its falling or failing comrades So there's soon to be "meat on the table, boys."

A variant idea: the dollar relative to the euro is about to skyrocket so the banks are preparing to go on an international shopping trip while the dollar peaks. The banks, GS, JPM, etc., need a new home after messing their current one up. Their bond buyers and holders will be left as chumps in typical bankster fashion. So they hollow out one bank as they gain control of another?

A dark thought: they are packing up and moving to Iceland as nukes are about to fall on the financial district figuratively or for real. If they are nuked they can't be expected to honor their bonds.

I can't stop: Banks like Bonnie and Clyde taking the money and run only from the inside while converting cash to gold on the fly.

OMG: The dollar peaks way high; a bank holiday is declared, ala President Roosevelt, gold and silver are scarfed up; the dollar is forcibly devalued perhaps with new money issued with Porky Pig's face on it saying " thats all folks"; the banks reopen.

I just scared myself. Wait, I got silver!

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nice work!

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big downward move in 10 yr yield to 2.92% - down 12 bps

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Hi Greg,

Why are banks selling corporate bonds to raise capital?

Can it have to with the collateral other banks demand for the REPO?

Why are they raising interest rates in a decelerating economy?

They don’t want to raise rates. They love buying real things with freshly printed money. They raise because they have to. It is political. But it gives them another game. They have everybody heavily indebted, so they have them by the balls. They can trigger any nation’s bankruptcy just by increasing interest rates. They learned from Greece how far they can go to accumulate the nation’s best properties (land, buildings, infrastructure, mines, strategic reserves). They can do this now to any country they desire.

as always I thank you for your efforts to keep us informed, I follow you 2x a day


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ALL EYES OFF THE BOJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Yen is a few footsteps away from WORTHLESS!

This is the first to go; well before Euro or Pound!

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To me, the corporate bank money-grubbing is all about the shareholders. The banks are probably being stretched by slow loan payments and the like, so this is their knee-jerk reaction. If smaller banks are not yet affected by this, they are anticipating the rough roads ahead. It is all about profit-taking.

Printing all the fast money by central bankers is about taking their profits (including the raising rates), which they will exact at the cost of those subject to the system. They are, in their minds, harvesting the field, and putting what is real away in their stores. As far as fiat money, the supply of that will vaporize, leaving everyone holding the bag in a capital lockdown. There will also be less goods to buy, resulting in (your guessed it) higher prices and less availability. People will beg the puppet governments for help. Then the central bankers will magically solve the problem with their next great plan.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

In my humble opinion what is happening here is that they are entering a second phase in the dumbing down of the population by making them accept the absurd. We all witnessed how easy it was with the general population by making them accept that vaccines don’t have to be efficient, freedom of expression is to not disagree, debt is wealth, soon 2+2=5 and so on. That chunk of the population is dealt with, and now, IMO they are targeting the smart ones, which is a more challenging task, it needs to be much more sophisticated. I feel that just like they made the middle class accept that debt is wealth they are now trying to break the spirits of the smart ones by tricking them into thinking that they should understand chaos. The general public pride themselves on gadgetry, we the smart ones pride ourselves in understanding the order of things. Since chaos has no order we may fall into the trap of thinking, as we are frustrated, that because we do not understand it we lost our mojo and accept the absurdity that there is no point in trying to understand things. That’s where the trick is, chaos cannot be understood, if you try to, you end up in an infinite loop of unanswerable questions waring your psyche out.

I think that our nuclear weapon here is to do what Greg alway does, laugh.

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