Check out Tousi TV if you really want to see the horrible condition the UK is in. You should hear them say how they need Trump over there. It s scarry because they re 5 years behind us, its very enlightening. And for the up date on California, where I was born and raised but left in 91…
There s so many families are losing their homes and cars and all they have some to litterally buy some time and food for their kids. Our families , the nuclear family is the new poor! But all the resources is going to these illegal criminals , ALL OUR RESOURCES !!! are going to these criminals!!! We must vote AGAINST THIS..PLEASE.
Cover the data, then cover the revisions. I think it's important. Most people don't see the truth even when it's right under their nose these days, but we should still try to show them.
I follow this saying " Keep it simple stupid."....and the simple TRUTH is on election day, we are voting for FREEDOM VS COMMUNISM...freedom is for America, if you love this country you will vote on the side of the constitution. The other side is a Maoist and a Marxist who will finish off America and us with it what s already been put in place by the deep state. Rather than voting against our beautiful America, just move the hell out. Leave us freedom , gun loving and Bible hugging people alone !! We will vote on the side best for our America, even if you dont like him, hes on the side of GOD.
It's helpful to me to see the fake data. It strengthens my resolve not to comply. I appreciate you sharing it, especially knowing how irksome it is.
Could not have said it better.
Me too...but its really astounding how much of it is there. That part makes me just ignore it all together.
I hear you!
Check out Tousi TV if you really want to see the horrible condition the UK is in. You should hear them say how they need Trump over there. It s scarry because they re 5 years behind us, its very enlightening. And for the up date on California, where I was born and raised but left in 91…
Check out Dan@IAllegedly ( cant spell!) on Utube.
shocking to hear about what is coming next .
Yes keep showing us the discrepancies and the revisions so we can see how massive they are
Yeah it’s clearly fake, but the data still moves the market so I think it’s worth covering
The market is fake. How do these jerks sleep at night.?
At least we can profit from this manipulated nonsense. Inflation eats away at everyone regardless
There s so many families are losing their homes and cars and all they have some to litterally buy some time and food for their kids. Our families , the nuclear family is the new poor! But all the resources is going to these illegal criminals , ALL OUR RESOURCES !!! are going to these criminals!!! We must vote AGAINST THIS..PLEASE.
I can see fake boobs a mile away but they are entertaining
hahha duuuuude
Yes cover it I can handle the lies
I agree... Keep us informed because the market does use this crap
You should cover the data to point out how fake and contrived and rigged that it is...
No use covering it most of the time unless something really stands out
Did you ever join by chance?
If so, find Julian Assange's page, and read and read, or
go straight towards the bottom and read upwards. Check it all out.
Ghost Ezra that's Ezra A. Cohen....
TRB stuff? I can't vouch for any of that...I just don't know.
How do you know which lian Assange is the real one on Telegram? Thank you!
I have been going with the Julian Assange page with the most up to date information.
The one with 9.3K subcribers has lots of info. There's also one with 14K subscibers.
Also, Nesara Gesara, and Rattle Trap 1776....
Gitmo TV.
John McAfee
Eward Snowden
There are several of the John F. Kennedy JR.
Cover the data, then cover the revisions. I think it's important. Most people don't see the truth even when it's right under their nose these days, but we should still try to show them.
I follow this saying " Keep it simple stupid."....and the simple TRUTH is on election day, we are voting for FREEDOM VS COMMUNISM...freedom is for America, if you love this country you will vote on the side of the constitution. The other side is a Maoist and a Marxist who will finish off America and us with it what s already been put in place by the deep state. Rather than voting against our beautiful America, just move the hell out. Leave us freedom , gun loving and Bible hugging people alone !! We will vote on the side best for our America, even if you dont like him, hes on the side of GOD.
Yes cover the data so at least we know how much we are being lied to as well as the manupulation. Thank you Greg
Yes.....cover the data, then give the REAL data.
Fake, sort of, more like lies and deception. Our government is a criminal organization.
Yes continue to cover the data.
It should be covered because it still impacts the markets. (Slowly, more and more people are becoming aware that government statistics are total BS.)