Praying for him a hedge of protection. I hope they see this as true leadership.

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much respect to this man and to you Greg

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Sadly, into next year, this is going to cost most of us our livelihoods- possibly even other assets we own- by standing strong and not complying with poison death shots. be ready..

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Praying for protection for freedom loving Americans

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When they come to jab you involuntarily, it’s time for the lead to fly.

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The NARRATIVE must be maintained. GET THE SHOTS!!! Even though its been proved in other countries that there are other therapies that are cheaper and more effective BIG PHARMA must have its monopoly on the treatments, which if you haven't noticed already, DO NOT WORK!!! We are living in evil times. They, GLOBALISTS, want us dead. We are the useless eaters. Just read Klaus,The NAZI, Schultz book, the GREAT RESET or how to Kill billions and make billions!!!. There will be a back lash and Klaus will not like it. Prepare and stay aware.

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I knew as soon as I saw that video that man was going to work on Monday and getting fired that's too bad but he spoke the truth good for him For telling the truth. Tell him to open his own clinic with all the other doctors that are getting fired for not taking the jab and for speaking the truth tell him to contact America's front line doctors

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God Bless Dr. Harding

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Good luck & best wishes to the Good Doc. This is why I sought a religious exemption, rather than a medical. I figured any MD granting the exemption would later be medically disbarred :(

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Lets get him into the stock and crypto market then, we need to help our lion brother!

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people have died trying to spread the truth about all this madness

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Stay out of hospital if possible

Good doctors will be gone soon

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It takes a strong person to do what Dr. Harding did. God bless him and protect him. Pass on

Much respect and best wishes from us all.

When one door closes another door opens for good people.

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Only the VERY brave can speak out against ‘their’ narrative.

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true evil

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Stay out of hospital if possible

Good doctors will be gone soon

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Let us know if we can email the hospital to show our support. Sadly, the honest doctors pay a price. Eventually, the truth will come out and he can take legal action. Sending prayers and best wishes to him.

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Stay out of hospital if possible

Good doctors will be gone soon

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Love that! Only if Greg/Dr H green lights it. Don't want to insert ourselves and make things worse.

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Gregory I hope it is okay to share this job board here. Keep sounding the alarm about what is happening and coming. Stocking to the rafters my friend God Bless you and Dr. Harding. Don't take the vax people it is a killing device!!

https://novaxmandate.org/ Please share with Dr. Harding we need to help employ people.

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Strong men make good times , good times make weak men , weak men make hard times and Hard times make Strong men , its time for the Strong men to stand Up !!!

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The lashings begin ....

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I said it all along, Republicans continue on this pinatta Dr. Fauci even though he

was Trumps guy during the Trump Administration. They then have Rand Paul attack

Fauci and all I say to anyone, Rand Paul on the Committee he's on can call on "any"

PHD's in virology and so can any Republican Representative so where are these PHD

virologists from Republicans? You'll never see them or hear about them because there

using straw horses for political josting points instead of providing "facts" on coronavirus

and what can you do outside of invermectin and other off grid remedies. If Conservatives

wanted resolution to the issue of Covid as they continually argue then they would put

their PHD's up on the stand to be cross examined and asked for their remedies but you

"never" see this so people walk around in this confusion with really no answers just inuendos

and caricatures of the evil Dr. Fauci and evil Hillary Clinton though no longer in power or

directing squat but they need these foils to roil their bases and get them all churning and

wanting to "do something" when in fact republican or democratic resolution has traditionally

been bring in your PHD's in the topic, in this case virology to testify under the heat of the

media and Congressional Committees to again confirm or deny anything being a correct

course of action in terms of any pandemic or any other issue before the US Government.

Are you seeing this in real time happening. No, just caricatures, fakery, josting and political

sophistry/hot air getting their base all fired up and going no where positive in any logical

or sensical response to the issues of the day. I'm quite sure that if you or anyone believes

this person or that person providing testimony is full of baloney, you would then cross examine

then provide other viable and PHD in virology to testify and then get "cross examined as well".

Is that happening? No, just actual physicians not PHD's in virology being used as useful

idiots to push a projected belief they wish to perpetuate in the their base just like the

fraud elections that to this day have never been proven or upheld by any courts in the

United States due to lack of evidence and even providing any substantial evidence. Do

they continue this fallacy in their base? Each and every day with the second utterance

Commie Democrats yet refuse to understand Trump's own ties to the Russian Mob, Putin

and the former KGB now FSB having groomed Trump since the 1980's to become their

own Manchurian Candidate to divide and conquer the US through this Red Good, Blue

Bad dichotomy nonsense. That's why every time I say red, white and blue, stars and stripes

your "gangs" are all full of sh__! Go google Donald Trumps ties to Russian Mob and where

his first wife Invanka came from; like Eastern Europe just some more KGB/ FSB places to

get contacts via Russia's former satellites and of course people, who "got to know" the

Donald real well. US General Michael Flynn, the same thing, making contacts and being

paid by foreign countries and that was "acceptable" for the Trump Administration until

the press caught up with it then it wasn't acceptable and Flynn was dumped rapidly as

National Security Advisor. This is the same Michael Flynn that was a Gala for Russian

Television prior to Trump winning the 2016 election with Jill Stein sitting at the very same

table with Flynnski and yes no other than Vladmir Putin. So, Stein splits off votes as a

Greenie from Clinton and who wins? No other than Trump! That's as sad as this stuff

gets folks. Whether you want to hear it or not, facts don't lie. I'm sure some more facts

will be coming forth on Donald Trump et al shortly as actual factual data will be data

dumped on his "interesting" side shows. But, anyone who wishes to formerly advise

counter Fauci information and takes on covid or covid variants and so remedies and

recommendations bring forth your own highly ranked PHD virologist as no one wishes

to have misleading information pouring forth and out of any source or sources unless

it is from substantiated experts in the field of virology. That's just common sense and

common base policy for all Americans to consider rather than rumors and innuendos

for political points.

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Did you know Trump turned Jewish about 4 months after getting into office? Even CNN kept it secret, so you know it's all a show, but it also shows where his allegiance lies. Bitchute has the video. Trump is nothing more than a vaccine pusher with the agenda to divide the country, which he succeeded. I hope he never comes back!

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Look what has happened ed to Israel 95% vaxed #2holocaust

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