Thanks for all of your hard work. Appreciate your updates and valuable insight.

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Would love to see you and Jim Willie get together and do a video presentation. Try to make it happen Greg. It’s all hands on deck at this point.

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... or Bill Holter - Greg Hunter - Bix Wier - Steve Quayle - Clif High - Alex Jones... esp the Golden Jackass.

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I appreciate you, I just hate to donate through those apps.

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Debtors are not a viable class of people. They are just debt slaves that will go along to save their own stupid asses Useless idiots who will drag us all down. Heck , they may even be the ones who come for your stuff.

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Same old same old. The economy no longer is of any concern other than the more it collapses the happier Fed is. Since 2003, the Fed has been in an obvious war against the generations in workforce. Then by 2009 it became much quicker. Then by 2020 it is roughly over for any laborer in real terms.. they just haven’t quite realized it or know what to do. Wage Incomes fail to keep up even at a small fraction to inflation. When a household or single buffer can’t absorb the currency debasement (called inflation) they go into debt. We now have numbers that 55% of singles earning north of 100k are 60-90 days behind in two bills or more and 40% over 150k. These are singles. Fed has hates real economy since 2003. It’s an afterthought at best. Currency debasement is priority that is called “inflation” and masked as “high” asset prices that soon won’t spend

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GOLD anybody knows what happened to Dropped from $17-$.25 talking about the stock market manipulation!,,!

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The ignorant masses only care about being fed and entertained.

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Too stupid to know we're in the middle of a robbery. Everyone - even the marxists are witnessing the 1972-style hyper-inflationary recession - no one can deny it. Anyone who shops for groceries will agree with you. We aren't in the middle of a recession - we are in the middle of a robbery. Make them admit we're witnessing multi-generational benefits of multi-generational dysfunction... we're back in 1972 except Chuck Berry isn't on the radio singing My Ding-A-Ling. Ignorant masses indeed. "Government is in reality established by the few, and these few assume the consent of all the rest without any such consent being actually given." [Lysander Spooner]

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Yes, indeed. 1972 was the year I graduated from high school. I still have to say the 1970s were far better than today's worthless society.

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... sad but true - and you Boomers only have yourselves to blame - here's the proof. https://youtu.be/oBxlsi5SYkg - and you're all still playing with your own ding-a-lings.

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That was funny!

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Don’t know if your familiar with Jim Willie, but he like you Greg are preaching about the reality of our current apocalyptic economic situation. Like you Greg, Jim knows his stuff, especially regarding the treasury bond situation. I encourage you and your followers to take a listen here.

Jim Willie Interview (6.2.24)


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