Powell told us in advance they were going to run it hot !!!

Now we must figure out ways to get through the fire.

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We all have to figure out individually how to manage corporate price gouging and how to end up yielding positive outcomes through this.

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The squeeze is on. People are looking for emergency debt relief and are eliminating debt . People are trying to raise cash and trying to make lemonade with these lemons. That’s what I’m hearing through the grapevine. People are waking up and making their moves!

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According to Nielsen, Oscar viewer numbers have slumped to below ten million, a historic all-time low. In 2014, the corresponding figure was still well over 40 million.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022


Oscar = dumb ass movies + words like fuk and shit + threats + slap on live television + emotionally unstable people crying for no reason. I think a whole lot of sheeple cried watching Will Smith crying then went back to empty refrigerator and worried about the future

This is what sheeple enjoys these days and therefore FED is out there to destroy them by inflation.

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they deserve no better.

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According to the Russian Central Bank, "In order to ensure a balance of supply and demand in the domestic precious metals market, the Bank of Russia will buy gold from credit institutions at a fixed price from March 28, 2022. The price from March 28 to June 30, 2022 inclusive will be 5,000 rubles per 1 gram. The established price level allows to ensure a stable supply of gold and the uninterrupted functioning of the gold mining industry in the current year. After this period, the purchase price of gold can be adjusted taking into account the emerging balance of supply and demand in the domestic market."

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So that’s 140,000 rubles per Troy oz. $140.35 per ounce? That doesn’t sound right. There are 28.35 gms. in an oz. 1000 rubles = $1.00 Please check my math and the story. I haven’t had my coffee. Thanks.

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I think 100 rubles not 1000 equal $1

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I checked the conversion charts. It was 1000 not 100. With the falling price of the ruble it might eventually be ten thousand.

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Very Informative look into the false narrative of the COVID-19 nonentity.


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Goldman has cut semi and it means they are accumulating. Is there anything honest in USA now. Everything is a scam. All of it.

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Yes Greg, the Fed is the curve so, in their own eyes, they are infallible. Pope Powell issues his “motu propio” and the presstitutes run with it. Also, “Putin announces?” In all the military objectives of historical record, which leader of any sovereign nation, has announced his future moves?

The only scenario I can think of is in a fake war, where all military strategies have been worked out ahead of time and fed to the propagandists. Since RT and Sputnik have been banned by the western platforms, how do we know what Mr. Putin even had for breakfast this morning? Reliable reporting from Ukraine indicates virtually no offensive moves by Russia. When will they ever catch on? Most people don’t care about Ukraine, let alone find it on a map!

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Thank you professor! :D

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Supposedly today the Russians began accepting for there Gas/Oil exports

Russian Rubles only. In the last week or so the ruble has gone from 180 rubles

per dollar to 80 rubles per dollar or so.

Institutions are being forced to buy Rubles which is driving the value of the ruble.

What are your insights? Is this a Bear opportunity in the next week or month or quarter.

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what this about nazi's in ukraine?!?

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A "New Phase"? Russia is just getting starting around the world.

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Thank You. Incredibly helpful to listen daily. Especially in these crazy times. Keeps me even and balanced and confident.

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hollywood +MSM = propaganda machine = massive lies and deception (think Joseph Goebbels)

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The Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index fell from 14 to 8.7 points in March.

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