Maybe just trying to wash out levered retail longs before pumping the bubble further?

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That's why I have said all along all American US Citizens there ain't no red or blue

but US people only! Need to unite.... and then demand change from our Government/

Senate, Congress, President and Judiciary. If they refuse we send them packing again

and again no matter which "color" they want to say they are. Our US Government should

be facilitating positive change both infrastructure wise and pandemic benefits to the average

people. We also need to build our own US produced things so that if the international supply

chain goes kaput we have means we can produce with for the American People come hell or

high water. To any Retired Veterans, I've said again and again, military "knows" logistics and

how to move things quickly and get things done better get the "hell" out of retirement and

start stepping up with everyone. Our boat can't be oared on just "one side" by "one side".

We all have to get the dam oars and start "rowing together" as an American People and Nation.

Again, if you are retired ceo's in manufacturing get you booty off the couch because we need

your expertise always and often. It's time that we help each other come hell or high water because you dam well know no one outside the US is going to help any of us. They will spit

us and mash us any time they can and laugh while they're doing it.

As far as my memory is concerned, our Nations flag is "red", white and "blue" not just blue

or red and that's because it reflects the "whole dam nation" no matter "who you are", where

you came from, etc. Anytime, anyone whether on the blue side or red side says the other

side is the "enemy" you should know they are the "enemy" themselves as they do "not" want

us united and determined to succeed as a US Citizen/ People nor as a Nation.

Finally, I would just like to end with a youtube video I saw of an interview with US Marine

Corp Jim Mattis who was the Former Secretary of Defense. Whether you like General Mattis

or not or his policies he had to carry out in the Middle East as "orders" the end of his interview

was all about service to this Nation, civic duty to the Nation and his unending belief in our

American People as well as our United States Constitution. That's it folks! That's the heavy

lifting coming to both red and blue folks whether you like it or not! We either come together

and get things done or we slowly fade into black darkness and mayhem.

I pray you vote with your hearts, feet and action to unite, work together and get these

pressing issues moving and challenging all circles of power in Washington, DC to either

be facilitators or get the hell out of the American Peoples way!

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I am sleeping. I want to believe. I am sleeping. I want to believe. I am sleeping. I want to believe. I am sleeping. I want to believe. I am sleeping. I want to believe. I am sleeping. I want to believe. ...

>>> Only believe the numbers you falsified yourself.

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