Greg. Watch this to the end. You will be astounded by who the violinist is! The enemy of my enemy is my friend!


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I couldn't find the link for English.lol

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North Korea shoots missile over Japan question is why now? That's because they're a Russian

stooge pigeon so shooting off a missile over Japan is like the Asian Russian Response Cycle. Soon,

Japan and South Korea will start shooting down North Korean Missiles over the straights leaving

North Korea's Dictator to just pound the table and threaten more of the same nuclear war just

like the European version Dictator Putin because they didn't get their cookies and milk when they

wanted it. Whaaay! Whaaay! Ukraine will win back all their territory to the Russian Border. They

will also have Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Systems in place and Europe will get through the winter

without Russian natural gas leaving Putin in worse and worse shape. Now, when Putin could provide

oil largesse across all his hierarchy his rich would stand by him with his callous Hitleresque marches

to the sea of domination. But now that oil largesse has dried up to the point where he's having his

own oligarchs thrown out of tall buildings or having accidents so he doesn't have to give them their

"cut" of the diminishing pie. His own Russian Military "stole" the money for the Russian Uniforms

for the "mobilized regular Russians" to wear to the point they have to bring their own bullet proof

shielding, uniforms, duffle bags, etc. etc. and so what type of corruption do you call this bag of

bs! Even before this last "Russian Mobilizations to End All Mobilizations" Russian Soldiers Helmets

could be punched by a fist and be crushed in. Their bombs and missiles dropped and left in the ground as they are duds so what type of corruption is that? He eats caviar, has large swathes of

accounts internationally but can't provide any good weapons systems and basic military items for

his troops??? His own troops were promised higher salaries aren't getting paid, left with no food

or basic military supplies in the fields in Ukraine and told to "fight and die" for the "Motherland!" In

a place they know they have no legitimate reason to be as their propaganda arm pumps up showing people cheering for Putin in Moscow the last wraaah wraah Session in Moscow even though the people weren't cheering. Mother's, Fathers and families and friends of recruits and folks in the field already are screaming and crying over the death and possible deaths of the people they love left as cannon fodder in the fields of Ukraine and you talk about corruption in the West?? BS! There are certain things any of us need to stand up against, fascism is one of them whether domestically or internationally like in the case of Bolsonaro in Brazil. Anytime, anyone wants to take away anyone

else's rights here or abroad is following that play book when in fact a democracy via a republic

concedes "no one's rights" and protects and defends those rights of all their Citizens come hell or

high water. Anyone, who tries to sell you and tell you there is only one religion and the religion

should be involved in our Government does "not" believe in the US Constitution in any way shape

or form as there is a distinct separation of church and state for obvious reasons those that established

this nations Constitution were "persecuted" for their beliefs in religion in Europe so they left to the US

and then bore that terrible reality out by never prescribing to any one religion in this Nation for

those obvious terrifying reasons from past European experiences. The same holds true for all

rights, liberties and freedoms. If we do not stand for the other's rights and therefore protections

then effectively we also have no rights and protections thereto as all rights of all citizens are in-

herently tied to the other citizen's rights and vice versa. Anytime, you let that erode and be

eviscerated, you end up with fascism and no freedom and liberty. Many people I know personally

don't even know what is written in their own Constitution and amazingly enough all the talking

representatives and Senators in our Congress probably have "never read" the US Constitution

nor it's meaning leaving us with a large black hole to deal with in terms of educating the American

People not just of their rights but also their "duty" to the Nation under the US Constitution.

For those that yearn for the rogue states like Russia to lead the World, I can only say you are

deluding yourselves as they see other nations people such as Ukranians as that to be killed

and exterminated and their stuff and nation taken for booty in the most perverse way known

to any human kind over history. Mass graves of innocent Ukranians dumped all along the

Russian Urkranian Invasion Routes and now fleeing routes shows you what that type of "future

is all about!" One which no thinking and rational man or woman should or would want but more

so to understand how terrible and in total aversion to our own free and constitutional government

and nation is to this crucible of darkness and madness. Pray we never follow that darkness down.

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(Ukraine will win back all their territory to the Russian Border)

Please pull your head out of your ass and stop watching CNN and all of the fake news and think for your self if you can...

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