They will only be held to account when it's too late.

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Very excellent Gregory. Your expressing righteous anger. I think it was Thomas Aquinas said something like "to not express anger in an unjust world makes you immoral"

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Here is the Babylon Bee's satirical and humorous take on the Ukranian arms deal that Greg has been talking about.


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Silver, gold - we've been waiting for the two to be fairly priced and no longer manipulated for decades, at least. It's way past time to admit that the prices of gold and silver will be controlled into infinity. They are tremendously undervalued. They will continue to be tremendously undervalued. Even as a hedge against our terrible economy, they will likely not pay off. The "powers that be" have gold and silver completely under their control. The End.

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Thank you Greg 😎 I bought some yesterday. Sounds like stocks will get more expensive with inflation.

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Should've bought yesterday, taking off today ...

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