2% exactly. I'll take it. Good work Greg. Amazing actually if we take into account all that we closed. I also took profit on 1 visa call (have 2 more). Since i got no word on here re V, I reopened another call at a lessor price. It's down slightly but I figure we are still holding visa, so that was a good move.

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rising tide floats all boats until...........

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Thanks Greg closed my INTC position with 3.8% profit.

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I am confused. I am just testing this out, so only bought 2 options on INTC. Made 7.9%, but wasn't a large actual amount of money. I thought with options, when exercised, one could buy the stock at the lower price and make a much larger profit, or do you have to wait for the date that the option comes due for that to happen? Is there a higher overall profit by buying on margin, and just need to buy same cash amount?

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Brand new here. This was my first options trade made 3.3%. Thanks Greg you rock!

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