The virus is us. And they want to deal with the virus. Therefore we have vaccines.

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My wife and I both got our second Covid 19 Pfizer shot and in less than three months later someone that has always been healthy I had to rush to a hospital in a small town 40 miles from where we lived. Test there showed she had bleeding on the brain and she would have to be emergency air lifted to a hospital in Tucson, Arizona for emergency brain surgery. We are seniors on Social Security and she has no insurance at age 63. We will now have a ton of medical bills including $55,000.00 for the 43-mile helicopter trip to Tucson. I wonder was this was caused by the two Pfizer vaccine shots she took for Covid 19.

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Thank you for your personal story. That should demonstrate to everyone how one brief lapse in critical thinking can have a monumentally tragic outcome.

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Glad I made it all the way through that video without YouTube killing it. There have been videos that I have tried to watch, and YouTube took them down right while I was watching them. I'm a little disappointed that the doc treated covid as a real virus (it's a hoax), but overall, he was truly great!

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You have to smarter than the ones trying to kill you. Get a video downloader and download them BEFORE you even watch them. That's what I do.

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Look up Pfizer whistle blower Melissa McAtee

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Look up Michael Yeadon, too.

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There is scientific evidence now, that pregnant women that have been vaccinated , their bodies are automatically terminating their own phoetus. There is also evidence from Swedish scientists now, that these vaccines go straight to the nucleus of our cells and stop the DNA from reparing itself. In other words, it is very very slowly killing the cells because our own DNA is unable to repair damage caused to them on a daily basis. The scientists say that cells can sffer upto 70,000 lesions on a daily basis (microscopic lesions)

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The more they push, the simpler things get. Do you know what happened with Ceausescu, the Romanian dictator and his looney wife? They were shot on Christmas day and we all watched it on tv. It was not by the will of the angry people on the streets but just goes to show you the fate of those who have too much fate in their own godly powers. The evil in people is surfacing and is out of control. Perhaps we do need a reset. Evil will keep divide groups until we're all gone. The societies are collapsing under their own weight, all the tyrants are loose and are out in the open with crazy ideas.

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Just go everywhere without mask, don't take vaccine and hug infected people, shake hands and laugh. Make videos of hugging covid patients. Post it on YouTube. If you are gone, you are gone. If not, post the video showing you are still walking. That will categorically prove that virus is real or a hoax.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa! 😂

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No vaccine, virus is a hoax, 'THEY' are doing it, buy silver, if silver goes down buy more, fat people who do not want to work at all, are suffering, USA is dying ... sounds just about right. If you think all the time that you are a lion then you will become a lion. I rather be human the super predator.

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a virus floating around latching onto a cell and invading/hijacking a cell has never been proven ever. it has never been witnessed EVER. its just a perception. covid19 is now more then the 100yr solar cylcle and quantum leaps in electrification and viral exosomes. again some of this persons perception is not backed by facts or science so just be careful. doctors are not biochemists or virologists.

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i agree with most of what he says though very smart dr.

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Thanks so much for supporting our theory with proffesional guest you are the man Gregory Mannarino

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Hahaha that's gonna leave a mark! I just posted your video on my newsletter to spread it more for you. We have to win this fight. Love you brother. Power to the people!

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A mask is effective for transmitting fear and demonstrating compliance. The stickydo is the variant. Scariant. Vitamin D3. Does doc know this is depop?

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Thank you. Another honest and compassionate doctor to add to the list with Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Northrup, Dr. Malone, Dr. Mercola, and America’s Frontline Doctors.

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Thank you!

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Compilation Of Athletes, Reporters & Patients Collapsing, Passing Out & Fainting,

Vaccine To Blame?

- not for underage people -


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