It's not about winning the war.. It's about printing more and more money until the system implodes and crashes down on itself and the government will step in to "help".. He who controls the purse strings controls the world!

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“The future’s uncertain and the end is always near”

Jim Morrison

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One the brink?

To be on the brink implies something big is about to happen... We are way passed the brink. The car flew over the cliff for The West on Sept 11th 2001. People really need to start accepting that.

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Lockheed just inked a 17B$ deal to provide a new missile defense system. Yep . The military industrial complex is cashing in.

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Well something s gotta give! .and no matter what , it s all apart of God plan , and He still in control,

it s not a level playing field with satin. God created him. Love God, and you ll be well taking care of.

Because man has gone off the rails, this is worse than the cold war! By far! Lets be kind to one anther.

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Bullies never fight each other. They get get some other punks to do the fighting for them.

Who is the Bully the USA or Israel.

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I refuse to believe we cannot win this war.

This war like every war is between the people and the parasitic elites.

Too many trust them and are slaughtered in the furnace of war.

Billionaire warmongers and tyrannical dictators alike profit from the blood of thousands of innocent people.

The people are made to pay for their own slaughter through taxes and inflation.

We all need to be more Gandhi.

They will have a much harder job to slaughter us all if everyone refuses to fight.

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will be watching

thanks Greg

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