Time to shit can all these politicians and elect a new slate with 4 year term limits.

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No term limits! If they are not doing the job of the people that put them there they should be fired immediately. No more perks for crooked politicians does not matter what flavor they represent.

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I agree. In Switzerland they have referendum and recall. Incumbents can be canned in no time. In the US we are stuck with the same bevy of pathological liars and sociopaths for 50 years.

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good luck convincing to vote their job should have a built in end date.

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Electing another man to re venue you has it ever worked in the past! Of course not! Just another criminal who works for a corporation to rape you for another then another then another then another four years! How many times do you have to be bent over to learn?!

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They shouldn’t even have jobs to begin with

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Most evil group on the face of the planet!! The older they are the more disgusting they get. They are the embodiment of entitlement fever gone wild!!!

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Yep, as they age their evilness boils to the surface and manifests itself in their appearance. All the plastic surgery in the world can't hide it.

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No one ever revolts so they probably figure why not? Founders are rolling in their graves we are way beyond "voting" at this point as if your "vote" even counted anyway . Blueprint for success is in the declaration of independence but the majority are either too asleep or think trump will save them .

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They wrote the constitution for themselves not you if you haven't figured it out by now!

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

correct they re-wrote it in 1871 , thats why I said the declaration of independence is the blue print not a corrupted document . They are not the same thing

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Those rats shouldn't get paid at all. It looks like they work on commission from the MIC and other special interest groups

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Let's just get rid of them.

Problem(s) solved..

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I bet they would never miss balancing the budget if their pay was on the line.

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pay is not relevant to them. It's the side money that counts.

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Absolutely NOT fair to collect a paycheck during a fiscal shutdown ... because these politicians have so much control over that process, unlike a striking or laid=-off auto or hospital worker.

But then, I think it's grossly unfair for members of Congress to enjoy super-premium health care benefits or be able to retire after serving two years when no one in the private sector, save for top executive of wealthy corporations, have these privileges. The "For me, but not for thee" mentality is corrosive and manifestly fraudulent.

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Federal workers are always made whole in the end, but, no, it isn't fair. They are also sending money to Ukraine during the shutdown and not paying people here in the US. But as long as the fat, apathetic Americans do nothing about it, it will continue.

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I call bs. Never made whole.

Lumping 4-6 weeks pay after shutdown bumps them to pay more taxes, add 4-6 weeks insurance premiums, retirement contributions etc etc & that check is FAR from whole.

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Insurance premiums and retirement contributions in a much bigger check, the same as if you had received pay all along. I call BS on you.

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No it's taxed at a higher rate.....duh. move on

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Has nothing to do with the insurance premiums or retirement contributions taken out. Duh. God, you know nothing. You move on. Don't work for the government if you can't take it.

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That’s the problem the government has more employees than private sector

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Government work = death wish.

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They have it really, really good. They get a free vacation out of a shutdown. None of their leave is used. You should see the salaries they give themselves, and OPM goes along with it. Grade inflation is rampant at some agencies. I have no sympathy for any of them, but I do think Congress should not get paid.

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You are full of it. They are made whole, whaaaaa!!!. We need to eliminate half the federal workforce. Deal with it. You get much better benefits and pay than most in the private sector. I don't think Congress should get paid though.

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Not a Federal Employee but know for a fact last shutdown the dollars are NOT the same.

Have a pleasant day.

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Whatever. I know them as well. You now nothing; it's quite clear. Have a wonderful day yourself.

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The system is rigged from top to bottom.

It’s designed for ‘them’ to win and us to lose.

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I am far more concerned that the US Taxpayer - all of us - are supporting Ukraine businesses and pensions while our own citizens will not be paid during the shutdown. Shut off the cash flow to Ukraine!

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Rhetorical question. Was it fair they could escape the bioweapon shot mandates and the rest of the poor people who needed their jobs couldn't?

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No politician should be getting paid if the government shuts down. No Payment to Congress. They get elected to do a job. No job done, no payment.

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I don’t believe they should get paid when they over spend the annual budget !! Why should my kids and future generations be hobbled with this enormous debt !!!

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Don't worry. The debt will not be paid and there won't be many people in those future generations. Note: does not apply to Asia.

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Not surprising. I just wish government shutdowns actually saved us money, instead we just give back pay everyone anyways even though they didnt do any work.

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The gov workers accrue their pay and get a lump sum when the gov reopens. The whole shutdown is a farse. I wish they would do us all a favor and stay closed forever!

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