Apr 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

"Economy", since 2000, refers to the stock market.. not the slaves in the workforce. In 2000, the phrase "standard of living" was replaced by media with "economy" a more nebulous concept.. which we know refers to asset prices, not the average household. Huge bifurcation: labor economy versus financialized economy (Wall Street) And the Fed hates main street

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You are absolutely correct! Here's a phone conversation between me and my democrat sister:

Me: Yeh, I'm worried about how much my rent is going up and groceries are costing. What if gasoline goes to $8. a gallon? Sister: You worry too much, the economy is great! We made a ton of money in the stock market this year."

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Yep.. that has kept the masses placated for 24 years until they get a crash. This time, it won't be a crash, it will be purchasing power going to garbage. Stocks won't save anyone. And the majority dont have large amounts of stock to make money.. 80% of the population really. So when they cant afford food... will get ugly. They have kept two generations asleep with the "wealth effect" Problem is, the "wealth" is being debased faster than the gains

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And last year we had $6.50 gallon gas (and I am not on the coasts) in an area where median income is 42K. People kept on buying.. it cost more to feed their SUV than their kid. I'm convinced many would choose to feed they rSUV over their kid.

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Apr 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Strong for corporate Amerika, the pharma and military industries.

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Apr 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Gaslighting at it's finest

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Apr 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

As expected from the evildoers.

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Our way of life is irrevocably changing at breakneck speed. No going back to the good ol’ days. Blessings to all on this channel.

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Apr 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

NO......absolutely NOT

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A strong economy is one that is not run by Jews where people actually produce tangible goods.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

I do not think talk of an economy matters when you have a central bank for a government.

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⬆️ This ⬆️

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This is a bit off topic, but it is very frightening... this may be the first step into the CBDC programmable, expiring currency (ration system)


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As it looks to me robots will do manufacturing, AI will do clerical so nothing is left for humans. Now do you see why we had the COVID bioweapon attack? What can the controllers do with 8 billion useless eaters (their term)? I am not smart enough to answer that question. I wish Gregory would give his solution to this problem for the controllers.

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Let's not forget the Climate Change scam. Follow the policies to their natural conclusion and you will find the Carbon to be removed is Humans.

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So true.. people dont realize all organic chemistry is life.. carbon is the atom of life. So reducing the "carbon" is depopulation and the murder of all life. Its a death cult. Satanism just rebranded itself as climate change. Carbon Zero is Zero life.

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^^^ very true

A model of the relationship between energy and human population


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Ah, but only non-rich, humans, of course. Haven't read about any Bilderbergers offing themselves, not yet, anyway.

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What do we expect? We are paying A MINIMUM WAGE OF $15.00 an hour? As a college student, I had to work on mechanical equipment for I made $15/ hour. Substitute teachers are earning $15/ hour. And they have a minimum of a 4 year degree! What the heck have we done to ourselves? I like the Trump plan to devalue the dollar and bring back sanity to economics. I am not going to pay $20 for fast food hamburgers or $40 for a restaurant burger. Enough is enough. This country needs to take over the government, seeking change including all monitory positions because they have no idea what Macro Economics is. And, Uncle Joe will drain the strategic reserve dry to win an election? I see rationing coming. With 3 wars looming this is the worst idea I have ever heard. Drill baby drill.

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The inflation cant be stopped.. and it will run for years (I'd say decades but I dont think this country survives much past 2028 personally) Fed nor this puppet govt care to even have good optics for selection. They used to at least try in a selection year to quell inflation and gas prices.. no longer. We are in the final stage of the coup takeover and takedown. They no longer care about optics. I believe its about draining our resources and people, making civilians ill with chemtrails, poisoned food water and vaccines, weak and poor until the border invaders are amassed to attack us from within under China/Russia directives. This country is in for a good old fashioned Bolshevik slaughter on our soil. Perhaps the Deagel numbers realized. It is terrifying. This isn't meant to go on too much longer here..

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Deagel. I remember in 2016 when that repot went viral and nobody could figure out how they arrived at 100 million US population for 2025. Then they took the chart down. Yes, even our conservative pastor drops hints that we should prepare ourselves, reminding us that death is just the beginning of our eternal life. I like to call it crossing over.

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I have followed Deagel since 2012.. they had the reports out even then. Keep in mind, in 2018, they got the number to just 65M Ameri"cons" left. I know 2020 was the final year of it online because it went operational and it had it to 98M left.. keep in mind we have 100M "migrants" in here since the report started. I figure we have about a 430-450M population, 1/4 being illegal and being funded by the printing press. I do think we hit the 65M number will happen.. those dying will be the lucky ones I believe in this country. There are many fates worse than death.. not certain what type of life someone would have after such an event and all that death.The bodies would be decaying in the streets.. and there would be zero functioning society or systems.. just bands of Bolshevik troops seizing stuff and people

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.... hubris -- arrogant asses knew they wouldn't survive the coming revolution - so to maintain power and save face they justified jabs and sprayed us like cockroaches - so liberal and loving... viva la revolution.

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Exactly. The sky is giant crime scene daily! No one looks up because they are addicted to their cell phone appendage. The RAID on steroids is being Dorsey’s on us until we get cancer and neuro degenerative disease. Spray RAID poison on a big, it starts getting fuzzy, flailing, running in circles then eventually shrivels up

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.... nobody remembers the barbecuing of 81 Branch Davidians by the ATF... 31-years-ago today... but we all know the highest paid baseball player lives in Japan . It's a war for our minds - war is a business and the business of government is war... war against you.

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Remember the Georgia Guidestones? The main message, Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. If you don't know, they were destroyed in 2022, after having been opened to the public in 1980. The point is that 'they' have been working on the depopulation agenda for a very long time.

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Indeed.. but I would maybe say they have been planning it for a long time and now we can see its gone fully operational. They remove evidence of the plans once it goes fully operational Deagel removed in 2021 (2025 forecast part) and Guidestones blown up in 2022. They must announce what they will do in advance.. and those pointing it out are conspiracy theorists. Yep.. there is a conspiracy (a group of people planning evil). CIA gaslighted the term to make it sound like its not real. Conspiracies are real..

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I cannot disagree

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Don’t worry we can all just work for the military

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Off topic but I thought you might like this: https://www.wnd.com/2023/05/u-s-may-freeze-bank-withdrawals-currency-fear-rises-expert-warns/

Wonder if it is the first step toward the CBDC..

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FIRST STEP...? the horse is out of the gate - around the track and crossing the finish line.

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I take an occasional spin through Layoffs.fyi ... all sorts of layoffs happening across all sectors of the economy. Another good site is thelayoff.com - they both tell a different story.

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Yeah, and 81 million voted for the walking dead president too.

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The question to ask is; Whose economy are we talking about? I have studied economics and what is happening today does not follow the basic principles. The rich are getting richer. The FED controls the debt. The dollar is being weaponized; the money is inflated and losing purchasing power and the Middle Class and businesses that are not important to the survival of the Military are slowly being bankrupted! PEOPLE WHO ARE SAYING THE ECONOMY IS GOOD ARE USING PROPAGANDA.

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But life will continue to be good for the top 25% of Americans and for the corporate media that will continue to feed corporate propaganda to the mindless masses who blindly refuse to believe their own eyes.

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True.. but I believe enow limited to top 10% IMHO. The top 11-20% is starting to get nervous.. as their wages arent keeping up and living costs are ravaging their ability to save/invest. Where my main residence is, the 70 year olds with 5M portfolios are being told to go back to work by their advisors past few months.. its terrifying. But its the sign of a quickly dying currency in a quickly dying country. It is incredible how many in the top 10% are now down below 20% jus since Covid even with great jobs and solid investments. It just takes more and more to keep that top position

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...b-b-but I'M NOT DEAD YET!!... you will be sonny.

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