That can't be right Greg..trump-voters keep telling me Jesus is going to SAVE AMERICA! That's what their christian "prophets" are telling them and they believe it. 🤣🤣🤣

Haaaaaahahahahahaaaaa! 🤣😂😁😃🤣

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I actually have seen a number of comments online from Christians saying there was nothing to worry about because Jesus is coming.

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They have not read Revelation chapter 13. Christians that say that are under the delusion that nothing uncomfortable can happen to western churches. They are listening to false doctrine. Look up my newsletter on substack. Michael Maveal

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Yep, you're right.

I was going to respond to her with the book of Revelation--, but you got to it first. 😂

I'll respond to her anyway. 😃

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Me too. It's all over the internet wherever I go. It's like they never read the Book of Revelation before. How did the Book of Revelation turn out for the gentile nations? Not too good.

Eeeeeeeheheheheheeee 🤣😁

America is "The Whore of Babylon" in the Book of Revelation.

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🤣🤣😂🤣😂 Book of Genesis wasn’t fun either but best story nothing was here

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They will need a Republican to sell WW3 to the masses. Americans love sports and war. Make America Great Again by murdering for democracy and traditional values. It's all about the middle east war against the Shia countries. Russia and China are protecting Syria, Iraq and Iran. So they are bad as well.

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Yep democrat is the distraction party while its the "r" party that always stabs you in the back passing all the legislation under the guise of "freedom" or "democracy" or "health crisis"

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You are correct. What ever happened to the fiscal conservatives. History teaches the Romans gave the peasants free bread to fill the colosseums for the sports events and the persecutions of the Christians. Free bread for the poor. Interesting. "let them eat cake?"

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Sadly, you are 100% right.

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Spot on. It's like the Canadian smoke over New York: No way out, no hope, and no defense.

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Trudeau getting payback 🤣😂🙏

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Amen. Right on. In general most Americans are absolutely out to lunch in total oblivion. Ignorant, lazy and will follow the regime’s lead right over the edge of the cliff and be locked away to be exterminated! Total insanity and stupidity.

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It's not like a newspaper lands on everyones porch every 5am to inform them of the truth

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🤣😂 piling up on pouch nobody reading it

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Hey Greg, I want to see Coco. Put him on in the morning when he's not being walked. 🦮

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How’s that SPY put working out for you?

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He likes fighting the trend. It is due to pull back but from what level? He should go long or just sit it out for awhile because he shouldn't have to wait but a few months and then short the hell out of it. My plan is to play the sectors that are running but keep an eye on the exit because everything is going down. Then I will buy market short ETFs or trade the VIX with UVXY. I don't know options.

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Screw the banks, their fiat and cbdc. Wealth is produced not printed or borrowed. Keep producing real wealth.

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Yeah these false money preachers are telling them the lies because they want them through the door for their money & they haven't realised that, while their 'profits' drive out of the lot in their rolls royces. Jesus has already told us that we will be going through persecution for 3.5 years before He comes back - there were 650 false prophets in elijah's day & he killed them with the Lords help & we were warned that there will be more in this age. I see them everywhere.

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Bloggers against gold could be ignorant or mouth pieces for the debt based system. Mega banks want your assets to rest in them so they can off set their derivative exposures, good luck with that ploy. My personal bank is small, does mostly ag lending and small business lending in a State that didn't close for covid psyche war and I think most importantly is not publicly traded. If you noticed I believe that the recent banks that failed were all preceded by massive hits to their stock price almost as if they were gamed to fail.

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Greg - any thoughts on how the Fedcoin CBDC accounts will effect stock accounts. If they go to digital currency, outlaw cash, and combine all accounts into one digital account with a digital wallet, how will it affect stock accounts?

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I am sleeping like a baby cause I am mortgage free debt free and I am 50% cash and 50% gold and silver mining stocks...


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Forgot to mention I like sleeping with men, sexually….

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🤣🤣 always catch BooBoo

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Get a life there you sick in the head loser WaveRider...

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WaveRider stop making fun of me because I’m gay…

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I am a fat woman with big boobs and a big ass and I live in France you idiot....LOL

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I’m joking, reality is I’m a fat hairy gay man…

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Thanks for the warning

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There are plenty of channels with good information on precious metals Greg

I think I found you in 2018 but I have been stacking and watching YT about metals since 2014

Love you man!

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Thanks Greg; you are sbsolutely right!

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Both work for the Central Banker Cabal.

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