May 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Bad ass you are g.m keep up the good fight sir

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May 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Awwwwh look how cute you look..awwh . You re so smart. I wish these kids would take a page from your play book and get the hell out there and make something of themselves , Thank you for your service sir!! I love that car, its really bitchen!! Im old , I can say that..LOL

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May 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Thx for sharing!

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Wow! Just wow! I like Tuesday.

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Those K and N conical filters are great. Really improves airflow. Beautiful car Greg!

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Would like to talk to you about a paradigm changing liquid motor fuel….

Hydrorescue 1000 at g mail dot com

Put the gmail address in the right format to contact me.

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I did that with my 97 f-150 for more power. Boy, it got me a bunch of power alright but my milage took a dump and my gas consumption went way up. Needless to say, I'm back to slow poke, low hp mode.

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My baby is a White Camaro RT 2023 convertible, she is pretty!

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I love the explanations

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