Apr 7, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

"Don't Worry About A Recession." I agree......WORRY about a Great Depression on Steroids !!!!!!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

he must change his mind from one day to the next. this was an article from yesterday:

Jamie Dimon warns banking crisis has raised odds of recession. this was yesterday.


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I saw that article. In my opinion, the CEO of any bank has to ease peoples fears so they continue to borrow. "Easing fears" means lying to them again, IMO.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Yep !!!

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That’s why he makes the big bucks

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

I've been in the financial services industry for over 30 years. Rule of Thumb - "NEVER believe what top bank executives, the Fed Reserve, Central Bankers (criminal cartel !!) & Wall Street "Experts" say. They ALWAYS front run their narrative. They always use "sleight-of-hand" tactics so beware !! Remember, if they say look to your left--actually look to your right. ALWAYS do the OPPOSITE of what they are saying/recommending !! They CANNOT be trusted--PERIOD !!!

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🤣😂 an inside man letting us know that Greg 🎯

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This will more than validate what you just wrote. Written by Whitney Webb

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Thank you Jerry Boyette for your comment. That is exactly what they do!

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Yea ........I "trust" JP Morgan.......NOT !!!! What a load of BS from Dimon !!!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg, A note of a 'great' that passed. You are probably aware that Craig Breedlove passed on April 4, 2023. Even the Beach Boys wrote a song about him and his J-47 powered land record car.

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Wow. I did not know this. Thanks for the heads up.

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Don’t worry about a recession, we will just have a currency collapse instead!

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Only “losers” in the current system are praying every night that it all comes tumbling down. How about you do something productive like invest in yourself and learn how to “win” instead of blaming a system for your failures. I’d be willing to bet less than 10% of the regular posters here have a bachelors degree. I know Gregory doesn’t….

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How about because the system is FUBAR, and it's wrong to blame individuals for societal problems that are beyond their control? The WWII generation were all like "just get a degree, any degree, and you'll get a good job that pays well enough that you'll attract the girl of your dreams and be able to support your family in comfort....and live happily ever after." Yeah, right. That hasn't worked in at least 50 years. Get real.

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Yep spot on when you do the calculations of inflation of their funny money average income was 3,500 is the 1950's , for a common man to live the same lifestyle of a 1950's family they would need to make over 250,000 today . Thats really all you need say or see the old days of "get a degree" "work hard" are over the wages are purposely suppressed along with increasing taxes making it near impossible for anyone to make it not in the club.

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You’re definitely one of the losers I was talking about. I have a real degree, make six figures, and I’m thriving. If you aren’t then you only have yourself to blame. Maybe spend less time in online complaining and more time investing in yourself? Just a thought…

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Also, outside of mortgage, I have zero debt. The American dream is still alive and achievable if you work for it. It’s a lot easier to bitch and moan about “the man” keeping you down…

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Dollar value 13 cents your 100 grand 13 thousand value 🤣😂dream on ain’t no man keeping you up

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Yeah House Wife’s is a long lost dream

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023

of course you can fake it till you make it and live the american dream of debt and get the million dollar house and 100k truck and live in debt so you can impress your friends :P

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Bob Dillon made a song called Like A Rolling Stone sounds about right for this illusion of wealth people should practice living on the streets get some hands on experience

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"people should practice living on the streets" did you just admit to being homeless LMAO

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Bob Dillon? You are a mongoloid

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Fed call him and said How about a little help here

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Aaaaaaah YEa, can you leave that TPI report on my desk lmao. I would have to say we are in some serious trouble. We are going to see Depression that is beyond this world has ever scene. Talk about making history. The younger generations have no clue whats to come and the older zombie generations that are just clueless will probably die or become the walking dead of this planet.

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Israel let it slip what the world already knows that it has nuclear weapons now why are they on the welfare roll of the USA

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Good question! I’m thinking, give me a sec...thinking it’s not kosher to discuss here.

But on that subject, it looks like 🇮🇱 got the memo early on about SVB. Yellen had no issue turning her head to this one, 1B.

Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, set up a situation room that has been operating around the clock to help firms transfer their money from SVB — before it was seized — to accounts in Israel. Over the past few days, teams at LeumiTech, the high-tech banking arm of Bank Leumi, have been able to help their Israeli clients transfer about $1 billion to Israel, the bank said.


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Everyone is afraid CBDC riddle me this how are they going to bribe people when they know that the CBDC can be shut off before they use it

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That’s brutal. Mo Dollars merchanting... Unironically, “The couriers did not respond to our inquiries.”

I’d like to buy a vowel. No really, that’s a good question. So not gold. Hmm, how about with the diplomatic charm of a dictator?

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Or a beautiful woman don’t take much to find a man weakness hopefully someone who can be blackmailed

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True! Good answer, good answer. Thankfully we’re the one of the few green haired rainbow countries so we can still count on traditional family values in other countries without someone’s gender getting in the way of the business of good old fashioned blackmail.

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GOD given right GOD bless America 🇺🇸

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Double sent getting old

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Tell me about it! No don’t 😂 I already get it

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Bribe other countries? Maybe gold. What do you think?

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There is gold all over the world wouldn’t work check out Africa poor as hell plenty of gold

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Oh no, not Africa ... ok I believe you.

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Roger Moore started in a movie called Gold on YouTube free about the elite and controlling gold prices they write everything down so they can say that we told you must be a pact with GOD

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Check out gold mafia in Africa

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wowowowowowowow. This is nuts!! I love your comments Christina. Glad you are here.

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Glad you’re here too!

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Thanks MagickMica! I figured out where this comment of yours is located to reply, I mistakenly replied to the end of the chat before lol

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I understand the caution just saying $3 billion a year to them they don’t need the money beating Arabs is all they do for the money

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Agreed, it’s way past time to wean Israel or just yank em off. Since 1946, seventy seven years of this schmegegge!

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Nothing is more important than land you can’t eat gold or silver

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Gotta be a deeper reason for letting it go on case in point Help the Arab people most of the time they’re praying to their god not thinking about waring with the USA but there is no Arabs in the White House and there it is

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I’d venture a guess that you’re well aware that this particular administration is remarkably non-Arab.


But that there’s no end in sight for this, it should be a shared burden or no burden at all. Like pass the baton every few years or something. It’s not like we are the only country with non-Arabs in influential positions.

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I agree with you no one race should rule but I believe it would be the same no matter which race was on top

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Bingo they just sitting on most of the oil that the west wants to pay for it in fiat air money it’s like kissing your brother with no reward

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Dimona was one of the reasons JFK was taken out.

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That’s is why I don’t want RFK jr to run for president

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i take that as... dont worry about the coming recession.(cause there will be none) WORRY about the coming SUPER depression! duh.

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They are all demonic creatures and the tools of their trade are Lies, Deceit, Cheating & Trickery. They use the TV to hypnotize the masses and to spread their Lies, Deceit, Cheating & Trickery. Their goal is the One-World-Beast-Government where the "Chosen Few" are gods and we are their animal livestock.

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I tend to not listen to leaders of criminal cartels

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We're Not Gonna Take It.. Anymore!


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Who voted for Sleepy Biden @ Greg?


Mistake o the Century . . .

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Fight! Fight! Fight!

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We'll fight! You'll see!

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i am posting this from here:

the land of the total idiots:


(FUCK youtube!)

>>> Fight! Fight! Fight!

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not to forget (last man standing)

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ztat4 (fuck youtube!)

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Still had to steal election

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This is like the rest of the world doing phagocytosis on the toxic US empire. Encapsulate it and set it aside in its own bubble where it can't cause any more harm. That's a happy thought.


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Greg, GOD BLESS YOU. =) I'm laughing so hard now cause you have a nice assortment of people that post on here. =)

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You know it!

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