Why is it so far-fetched to believe that what the Central Banks are doing to the debt market and equity markets, are them just trying to get everyone running for the exit sign, right before the real show starts? They are going to kill jobs to fight inflation. They are going to tank this market to get everyone out of it or sell short. Their entire goal has been to kill the retail trader and the average joe forever. Why is it hard to believe that they are going to extreme measures to convince the world it is over, and then go out with a final bang, all those 401k's back up, dividends increased ten fold, the last great wealth transfer...and everybody decided to leave early, except for them.

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Easy pickens!

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"The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury." -George Washington

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First and last act:Gypsy Man

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Damn, they're openly talking about it now. Will normies ever wake up?

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Greg, you have been so right on this unfolding catastrophe that even when you are occasionally wrong you ended up being right. Cryptos are a big gamble for me. Nothing backs them up and you are basically hoarding USD’s for a rainy day. Hard assets (commodities) such as physical gold and silver have always been the most logical option. The Central Banksters stack them like there’s no tomorrow. That tour Jacob Rothschild gave Queenie a few years ago said it all! The gold from WWI & WWII had the B of E Rothschild stamp on every bar. Even the Fort Knox and 911 gold was on display. These commodities are going to explode when the liquidity freeze occurs. It’s curious that the USD collectors have quietly disappeared from your channel. They were self-delusionists. Chumps who are still in the restaurants and movie theaters with their cardboard cutout friends telling each other “Greg is wrong because this can’t be happening!” That’s the rationalist’s view. 2 + 2 = 5. We, on the other hand, will experience the silver explosion followed by the gold moon shot. In times of uncertainty, tangible gold and silver are certain!

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