Thanks for all the notifications & information. You changed the way I look at this world. I was oblivious to it. (The market & US dollar, etc). You're the man Greg!!
There will always be people who will complain. You could give them a miracle like a family members cancer suddenly disappearing, and they would complain. Don't take any of their clamflapping to heart Greg. They simply don't know how to say thank you.
To all the thankless, jealous, puke chunks out there.
I am glad you are disregarding complaints! They can simply unsubscribe - the rest of us. Want to read everything you send when you send it.
Complaints are like opinions & a$$holes: Everyone has them!
Took the words right outta my mouth. 👍
And they all stink!
Never look a gift horse in the a$$.
Governments are like assholes too . . . .
Thanks for all the notifications & information. You changed the way I look at this world. I was oblivious to it. (The market & US dollar, etc). You're the man Greg!!
Let the Trolls and Sheep continue to walk like ZOMBIES and be blinded by junk food and junks news hence the Zombification of Society.
Don’t worry about them Greg. Say what you want to say. Have a great day!
There will always be people who will complain. You could give them a miracle like a family members cancer suddenly disappearing, and they would complain. Don't take any of their clamflapping to heart Greg. They simply don't know how to say thank you.
To all the thankless, jealous, puke chunks out there.
Thanks a million Greg. 👍
I'll read and listen to everything you can put out. You're a SUPERSTAR Greg! Jim in Kentucky
Love it Gregory. Keep that desk closed permanently. It is rude to be critical of a gift.
It’s what people do. I have people call and complain at work because we mailed them a sale flyer. I tell them….. then throw it out! Click!! 😂😂
Thanks for the valued information!
Hahahahahahahahahaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Old song: You can't please everybody so you've got to please yourself. Thanks for all you do.
People are amazing whiners and incredibly stupid. Hang in there, your real lions love you!!!
Complaints are easy any idiot can do, wait did I just complained about idiots 😂😂😂😂😂✋
You being you and demonstrating ÿour character and honesty is why we are here.
get rid of the beard.
Is that another complaint?
If you don't like beards, Sweetie, then don't grow one.
Boo. Why? Real men aren't afraid to rock facial hair.